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Mystery of the locket

Mystery of the locket

Mysterious Tribrid


Being alone in this white and black world made Laty weary of those around him. Abandoned when he was still a baby, he has nothing of his biological parents aside from the locket he was found with. And that makes it all the more special to him. Bullied for his petite size, Laty thinks the world is against him until a new boy joins the orphanage. A boy with pretty, mesmerizing eyes that saved him from the bullies who want to take the only priceless property he has; His locket. As sudden as the pretty boy came into his life, he left without a trace after a careless incident that nearly caused his life. Laty is convinced Mate is still alive, and hopes one day to reunite with the only boy who makes his heart beat. Three years later, Laty is finally out of the orphanage, and struggling for survival in the harsh, unfamiliar world. His memory of his crush is still fresh in his mind, but his hope of one day meeting him have dwindled a lot. He's not too sure about his hope anymore. A chance meeting isn't how he envisioned their reunion to be. Not only that, but it had to happen in the worst humiliating way! NOTE: This is a paranormal fantasy, but its supernatural parts don't appear until the later chapters. Stick on, and you won't regret it! Tighten your seatbelt, the ride might be slow at first, but don't trust our slow movement. The fast beyond speed limit is loading......

Chapter 1 A pair of beautiful eyes

“Pass the ball to me!” One of the boys I share the room with shouts to the other. His face showed his happiness.

“Catch it!” Another threw the ball towards him, and he caught it without missing a step.

“I told you to pass the ball, but you threw it!” He shouts.

The tone he made use of might make it sound like he's angry, but in truth, he's not.

He instead beats his chest. “You can see how good I am at catching a ball.”

I sat at the extreme as I watched them. My knees tucked in. My hands, gripping the locket, I'm always with.

Today makes it thirteen years I've been here. Thirteen years of staying to myself. Thirteen years of nothing but pain, sadness, and darkness. Nothing moves.

Others have made friends. Some lucky ones have been adopted into families, but the same can't be said for me. No one wants me as a friend, to talk more of a son.

It doesn't help matters, I have eyes, unlike others. Most times, they always talk about how strange my eyes are. Unlike others, I have dark violet eyes that can be mistaken for purple.

Eyes that make all who see me avoid me.

Most times, I wish I were born blind. Then would I have had peace of mind?

No one will in any way make fun of my eyes and their strange, unusual colour.


“You sucker!” One of the boys from the same room as I pushed me to the wall. A dark look on his face as he glared down at me.

“What did I do?” I stood straighter.

A bad move on my part.

All these years of being bullied by others should have taught me it's better to endure things, and not talk back at all. But I don't seem to listen, and that always has me ending up in the clinic.

I know all that happens when I talk back, but I can't seem to hold myself back from doing so.

It's more like another soul is controlling the things I do.

“You dare talk back!” Pushing me to the floor, he kicked me on my stomach. His hard laced shoe caused me more pain than I've known.

“Stop it!” I curl on the floor. My hands clutched to my empty stomach.

“He's still talking.” The others sneered at me. “Teach him a lesson, Gal. Show him not to talk back!”

Their chants seem to fuel him on. It made him hit me more.

The pain became much until I can't take it anymore.

“Please stop.” I silently begged him. Blood dripping from my mouth. “Please stop.”

I don't think I can take more of the beating. My fragile body is in its yielding state. I don't think I'll survive it this time.

“What? What did you say?” He kicked me on my legs.

A whimper escaped from my mouth. My legs aching like no man's business.

It's obvious now, that I'm about to die. The only thing that's keeping me from doing so is another kick. Should he kick me in the stomach, I don't think I'll survive it at all.

One sad thing about dying is this. Should I die now, no one will notice my absence at all.

No one will feel it.

Those in charge will be glad to have finally gotten rid of me. Rid of a kid that have being nothing more than a burden to them.

So far, I'm the oldest kid here (Oldest not in age, but in the length of time I've stayed). Those that were in the same room with me when we were found have all been adopted, but the same can't be said for me.

How happy the people of the orphanage will be when they learn of my dismissal. They'll be super-duper happy to have the place free of me.

“You still have the strength in you to talk?” He laughed. “ I'll make sure you don't have the strength to do so.” He made to kick me, but his friend stopped him.

“ Leave him be. He has had enough. Kicking him might result in killing him. Don't do that.”

“ I think I like the sound of that. I won't in any way mind killing him.” He laughed maniacally as he went in for another kick.

“Stop, you'll harm him.”

Feeling relieved when I heard the other's words, I clutched tightly to my locket as I sought guidance with it.

This might sound stupid, but I feel safe whenever I touch the locket. It's as if a power somewhere is trying to soothe my pains.

“Okay.” He squats in front of me. “I'll leave you be, but I'll take this with me.” Without further warning, he ripped the locket from my palm.

“Give it back!” I rose in anger. I wasn't at all mindful of the pains am currently feeling. All I want right now is to get my Locket from him.

“Oh My.” He placed a hand on his chest in mock shock. “He rose from the floor all for this?” He gave my locket a look.

“Give it back.” I slowly walked toward him as his friends snickered at me.

“Take it back.” He kicked me on my Stomach. The force caused me to fall to the floor, and even at that, I kept on Crawling toward them.

“That's right, odd eyes. Crawl to Papa,” He burst into Laughter. “This is where you truly belong, far beneath me.” He kicked me again. This time perfectly, knocking the pain from me.

I closed my eyes from the pain. It's officially about to happen. My death is inevitable.

They've taken the only source of comfort I have.

“Give that back to him.” I heard an unfamiliar voice say, but I have no strength in me to look up to the one talking.

“ And why should we do that? “ My bully laughed. “ Who are you to tell us what to do and what not to do? “

“ You'll soon get to know who I am.”

“ And who are you?” The others laughed.

“ Your worst nightmare.”

Thereafter, I heard nothing but grunts and the breaking of bones.

My heart went out to the boy who tried to rescue me. I'm sorry you got caught in the fire.

“Hey, are you alright?” I heard the familiar voice of the boy who was attempting to defend me.

Just hearing his voice made me look up despite the pain. My strange Violet eyes locked with the most beautiful pair of eyes I've ever seen.

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