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CEO's Blind Bride

CEO's Blind Bride



You never know when you fall in love, sometimes you hardly even know how it happens. Because love comes without permission. Even with all the hatred for women, the dark past Jason Williams had, his desire never to be involved with love, he still couldn’t help it when he met Emily Edward. Being the all and mighty playboy, the man who doesn’t give a shit about women; all he wanted was to get under each women skirts and he mostly does because of his handsome looks, still Bryan Larson couldn’t get over it when he met Emily Edward. Jason Williams and Bryan Larson fell in love with a blind beautiful abandoned lady whose life had become miserable after her father rejected her and her mother married another man. It became a war of love between two CEOs for one beautiful blind girl with a tragic past. What happens when the blind lady finds out, that her mother married Jason Williams Dad and Jason Williams is Bryan Larson’s step brother? The real twist is yet to come...


“You can’t possibly do this to us Edward, she’s your daughter for crying out loud,” Jane screamed, following her husband inside the bedroom, she was holding the divorce papers in her hand as she walked hastily behind him.

“That thing is not my daughter Jane, she’s not my daughter, I’ve endured for too long, who’s gonna inherit all these, uhn! Tell me Jane,” Edward yelled back at her, his eyes were almost popping out from their sockets.

It showed how angry he was.

Their little drama had been going on for years now, Edward had finally giving up and brought up the divorce papers to his wife whom he no longer wanted. He had been keeping his cool just because he loved Jane, but it seemed the love he had for her had quietly elude him.

All he wanted now was the divorce and nothing more.

“How dare you call our daughter a thing Ed, she has your blood flowing in her veins, why don’t you accept her for who she is; she didn’t create herself Ed. Don’t do this!” Tears had gathered around Jane eyes as she spout her laments with all her heart.

For once in her life, she somehow regretted that she gave birth to Emily. Everything that was happening presently was because of her daughter, Emily.

“There’s absolutely nothing i can do Jane, a blind girl cannot inherit my wealth, and you’re not going to give birth any longer just as the doctor says, I’ve made my choice. Take it Jane, take it!!” Edward yelled again, he dragged his tie lose, flinging his briefcase on the large kingsized bed that was in the room.

Edward Edmund was a politician in Atlanta, he was a very rich one at that; and he was also a businessman with many companies. Edward wasn’t just a normal politician, he was a greedy one and would do anything to get remain in his position or get to a position. He was at the time preparing to contest for the governorship election which was coming up the following year.

Edward and Jane had been married for years but never got a child and when their breakthrough came, God gave them a child that would never see the light of the world. Even though her child was born blind, Jane loved her that way, but Edward was disappointed, not only because the child was blind, but because it was a female child.

Nevertheless, the latter was the primary reason for his disappointment. Edward never liked Emily since the day she was born because of her permanent blindness, being very rich; he had taken her to all sort of specialist hospital all around the United States and even outside the country but there was no cure to Emily’s blindness.

This disheartened Edward and increased his hatred for the child he never liked. However, because of his love for Jane, he had to accept the child; he had no choice. When Edward popularity had fame grew in the political world, his dislike for Emily broke its boundaries, he couldn’t boast of a child in front of his friends; all of his colleagues and fellow politicians had a beautiful son or daughter who accompanied them to meetings and seminars but Edward was ashamed of his daughter, he regretted ever having her as his child.

He finalized his decision of divorcing Jane when the doctor report provided that she couldn’t produce children anymore. He had to find an heir to his wealth. He needed to remarry a younger woman.

“There’s something you can do Ed, where do you expect us to go for God’s sake Ed. Why are you doing this,” Jane collapsed on the floor, bursting into tears, she couldn’t hold it any longer; she wasn’t expecting Edward to go such extreme because of he wanted to get rid of Emily.

It came as a surprise, even though he had been saying it, Jane thought he didn’t have the guts to do such a cruel act, since Emily was his child too. But here she was begging the same man she underestimated.

“I don’t care about your tears anymore Jane, sign the papers and let get done with this. You’d have some of my property and money so you’ve nothing to loose. You and your blind child would live happily ever after,” Edward concluded, and went into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him.

His mind was made up, still; he didn’t want to see Jane tears. They had been married for over twenty years, it was hard for him too but this was the only choice he had.

There were too many reasons he had to divorce her, too many. “We won’t be happy Ed, we need you, I personally need you. I love you Ed, from the bottom of my heart. You don’t have to do this to me.” Jane screamed in the room, as she continued sobbing; her heart was shattered, just in the blink of an eye, everything would be gone; including her happiness.

No matter what she got from the divorce, she was going to live in pain all her life. There was no reply from the bathroom, Jane could hear the sound of water coming out of the shower, he didn’t even care about her.

She cried tirelessly on the cold concrete, some of her tears had stained the divorce paper, there was absolutely nothing she could do now, from the look of things; Edward had made up his mind already; he wasn’t going to listen to her no matter how long she begged.

“God, why did you give me such a child, why do i have to be the one to take all the pain,” Jane cried, muttering the words amidst her tears.

Tears trickled down Emily’s face as she laid outside the door of her parents bedroom, hearing her mum cry made her cry also. Knowing that everything was happening because of her brought so much pain to her heart, she covered her mouth as she wept quietly.

“What the hell are you doing here Em,” Jane yelled with tears all over her face.... Emily gasped....

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