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Bound To You: Arranged marriage

Bound To You: Arranged marriage

Her highness


She's sassy, he's arrogant and domineering.. When a business man marries a popular influencer Can a forced marriage even turn to love? She's at 21 while he's 31, they were both forced to marry despite their unending hatred for each other As they say hatred is just a thin line from love.. right? Read this story concerning friendships,love, family and betrayals Read this intriguing story

Chapter 1 Ch 1-Arranged marriage


"Are you freaking serious mom"

"Yes i am sweetie, you'll love him"

"Love him? Are you fucking telling me that am going to love a man i've never met and you've already planned our marriage with his parents"

"Language Rina!"

"I don't mean any disrespect but what the fuck!"


"I can't help it... It's just.. who does an arranged marriage these days, like we're in the 21st century mom,21st century!"

"This will help our business sweetheart, our company is about to go bankrupt and we need his company's help, it can help us rise back to fame and the only way we can achieve that is by you marrying him"

"Who is he anyway mom?"

"He's Arnold Tyler, owner of the T&A company... I heard his very handsome and rich"

"What?? I don't care if he's rich or handsome.. I don't agree to this marriage"

She storms off to her room

I can't believe this.

Who does arranged marriage these days, people fall in love and get married

But why does my marriage has to be different.

I'm still in the university and i have a boyfriend!

I still want to live my youthful life without a husband.. but it seems that won't be possible.

Mom won't just stop controlling my life.. she was hardly there when i was growing up and now she makes decision in my life!

And I'm getting married to thee ARNOLD TYLER, the owner of the biggest company in the city, is this a nightmare?

I heard he was a man in his 30s

Why did he have to agree to this marriage?

Am just gonna sleep and i pray all these is just a nightmare..

The next morning.

"Rina dress up and wear something stunning, we're going out" Says Natalie

"Where are we going to?" Rina asked

"Your in-laws place"Natalie said

"What?!" Rina asked

"You have to see your future in-laws and your husband, go upstairs and wear one of your finest dresses and it's an order" Natalie said

"I..but.." Rina hesitated

"I said go now Rina and no arguing" Natalie shouted.

Rina walks downstairs wearing a black short flare gown and her hair curled and tied at the back with black heels and purse

"Honey, you look so beautiful" Natalie said

"Thanks for noticing it today" Rina said rolling her eyes

"You don't talk like that to your mother" Natalie said

"Yeah yeah whatever,can we go now?"Rina said as she walks over to the car garage

"She's just too rude"Natalie said taking her car keys along

Our car stopped in front of a huge mansion even bigger than our mansion. We got down from the car and two people came forward to welcome us into the mansion

We got to the living room and we saw two old people sitting on the couch waiting for us.. but they weren't that old.

"That's your mother and father-in-law" my mom whispered to me

We all exchanged pleasantries and sat down to talk

"Oh dear, you're so beautiful" my mother-in-law Mrs Tyler said

"Thank you Mrs Tyler"

"No please call me mother, we'll be family soon, my son is so lucky to have found a wife like you"she said

He better be worth me.

"Now let's proceed to the business issue at hand and how we can be of help to you" Mr Tyler said

Mr Tyler didn't say a word after we sat down, he has just being quietly watching us..

They started talking about business and i soon became bored so i excused myself

"Can i make use of the toilet?"

"Oh yes sure, Mrs Flora will show you the way" Mrs Tyler said

I followed a thin middle-aged woman and she showed me the way to the toilet

"Miss, am sorry.. there's no water in there for now" She said

"Then take me to where has water"

"There's no water in all the toilets for now except.." she said

"Except where?"

Goodness what sort of house has no water, don't they have a borehole?

"Our young master's bedroom" she hesitated

Young master? Will it be right for me to use his toilet? Who cares anyway, I'll just quickly use the toilet and come out.

"Take me there" I ordered

"But miss.." She hesitated

"I will just quickly use it and come out, so please take me there"

She hesitated a bit before agreeing and she showed me the way to the so called young master bedroom.

I entered the room and gosh it looked like a typical room for a grown up man.

I entered the toilet and quickly made use of it,i heard noises outside the room so i washed my hands and came out

A man entered the room as i stepped out, he's back was turned to me and i must say he was quite tall and was so muscular.

He turned to me and i was about to slip, I held his hand and he ended up falling on top of me on the bed.

I saw his face clearly now and i gasped.

Who is this handsome creature in front of me?

When i got to the living room,I saw my parents discussing with a lady and when they saw me, my mom waved a hand signalling for me to come over there.

I hesitately walked there

"Look Mrs macquel,this is my son Arnold,meet your future mother-in-law Mrs macquel" my father said with an expressionless face

The reality hadn't still dawned on me that my parents arranged my marriage with a total stranger!

I didn't give my consent to this and yet there even went ahead to invite them here.

Who gave them the right to arrange my marriage!

"Oh dear nice to meet you, indeed you're so handsome like i heard" Mrs macquel said extending a handshake to me which i accepted

I left them there and went up to my room.

I saw Mrs Flora standing in front of my room fretting.. She seemed scared immediately she saw me

"Why are you standing in from of my room?"

"I..um..she.." She stuttered

"I said why are you standing here" I raised my voice a little

"Because the young miss is inside, she said she wants to make use of the toilet in your room" She said

"What? Who's this young miss? And how could you let a total stranger enter inside my room and use my toilet, you know i hate anyone invading my privacy"

"I'm... I'm sorry sir, I told her but she said she'll quickly make use of it and come out" She said nervously

Who the fuck is the person who entered my room without my permission?

I went inside my room and closed the door, I heard footsteps coming from my bathroom, I cleared my throat a bit because i was ready to give this person a serious scolding.

I turned around and as she was about to slip, she held my hand and dragged me along with her and we both fell on the bed..

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