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Helena's Fate: Wife To The Imperial Prince

Helena's Fate: Wife To The Imperial Prince



The last thing Helena would ever think of is to get home after her stressful day in college to be informed by her parents that she's getting married to the handsome Billionaire Prince of the imperial family in her country, who just returned to the country. How? When? Why? … were all the questions that dived hard in Helena's mind. She wasn't even from a wealthy family, a nobody in fact. Prince Nicholas, a handsome, wealthy Heir to his father's throne and every single girl's dream was the man Helena was getting married to whose heart and love belongs to someone else was quite a frustrating one for Helena. She never, for once, thought of finding herself in such a crazy situation, she always dreamt of marrying the man she falls in love with. Facing hardship, Helena tried to get Prince Nicholas's love and favor which seems impossible, meanwhile the younger brother of Prince Nicholas, Richard, has fallen in love with her and was always there for her. How will she deal with all these problems, and things began to get more chaotic when the aunt of Prince Nicholas and her son returns to the country and plot ways to get the position of the throne? Will Helena hold on and have to stay with her cold and unloving husband, whom she hopes one day he will see her in the limelight as his true love? Will she have to stay because of her parents, or will she follow whatever comes to her heart? This is a whole drama to take on… Everything depends on her, as her fate lies in the palms of her hands. WARNING: This book will contain mature content, Emotional disruption, heart-wrenching scenes and so many others.

Chapter 1 [01]

Anywhere Helena went to, she always captured people's attention because of her striking beauty even though she didn't dress all classy and gorgeous, but she always had admirers.

Her long Raven hair fell to her back almost reaching her bum and enchanting emerald eyes that could put one under a spell.

Clinging her fingers round the handle of the carriage, Helena squinted her gaze at the piece of paper in her left hand as she stared at the list of items, her mum had told her to buy in the medium shopping mall not too far from their house.

Helena being the free-spirited girl and uhm! Well, always find herself in one trouble and another, she decided to go to big shopping mall located further in town.

She hummed, darting her eyes quickly on the shelves in the grocery store as she pushed her carriage slowly.

She was so happy today, well, always happy, she picked a can of corn from one of the shelves when she heard a loud voice.

“I can't give it to you, old man,” A beautiful girl said firmly, and Helena stopped what she was doing and turned her gaze over her shoulder to see what was going on.

“Please! My daughter, pl-please, give me this noodle pack with you, I beg you,” An old man said while Helena's gaze softened staring at the old man then she darted her eyes back to the pissed young lady who was rolling her eyes at the old man.

“Don't you understand what I'm saying?” The lady fired at the old man, who sulked sadly with pleading eyes.

'Humph! So rude!' Helena frowned, staring at the young lady in black shorts and a dark blue t-shirt with flower prints.

“Please!” The old man begged again, this time clamping his palm together.

Helena pouted, staring from the young arrogant lady to the old, pitiful man.

“I can't give to you, I picked it first, if you continue disturbing me, I'll call the securities on you! You wretched old man,” The young lady fired at him, and Helena's mouth hung open as she frowned and got annoyed with the young lady's attitude towards the old man.

“Hey!” Helena fired at her, marching towards the young lady who was now staring at her, including the old man.

“Don't you have respect at all? How dare you talk to an elder like that?” Helena scolded while the young lady sneered and scoffed at her and gave a slight chuckle.

“Huh! What's your business brat? I don't remember this old man disturbing you like a pest, so, you have no right to interfere,” The young lady fired at her while Helena frowned at her and decided to ignore her while the old man was beginning to walk away.

“Pa!” Helena called to the old man, who turned his gaze at and smiled sadly, showing the wrinkles aligned aside his mouth and on his forehead.

“Is it that noodles you want?” Helena asked, pointing her finger to the noodle pack in the hands of the young lady, who gave her a slight smirk.

“Yes, dear, but it's fine if she would rather not release it,” The old man said.

“No need Pa, I picked one earlier, let me give it to you,” Helena informed, and the old man smiled brightly as his dark eyes shone with delight.

“Thank you, my dear, you are so kind,” The old man chuckled, smiling happily at her as he collected the noodles pack from her.

“You must really like this noodle for you to be asking for it badly,” Helena uttered, smiling at the old man.

“Yes, my dear, I've always wanted to eat this Good noodles brand, it's been long I've seen it on store,” The old man told her while Helena nodded sheepishly.

'Oh God! Mum is going to kill me at home!' She thought while smiling at the old man.

“Okay, pa,” Helena notified the old man and set to turn around and start pushing her carriage containing some items already.

“My dear, wait!” The old man called, stopping Helena in her tracks as she turned around to face the old man again.

“Please, I will need your help again,” The old man stuttered, lowering his gaze to the floor.

“Okay,” Helena replied, tight-lipped.

“Please, can you pay for it for me, I-I don't have any money on me,” The old man said and Helena's face dropped, she heard an irritating peal of laughter behind her as she turned her gaze to the person to see it was the young lady from earlier?

“I told you that old man is wretched, you can help him if you like,” The young lady smirked while Helena stared blankly at her and sighed.

“Okay, pa, I will pay for it,” Helena told the old man, who began to smile happily.

“Thank you so much, dear! Thank you for your kindness and generosity, you will surely get the reward,” The old man said and Helena nodded in anticipation, laughing back to the old man as she began to push her carriage.

After picking the last item on the list, Helena pushed her carriage to the counter while the old man followed behind her.

'I should have gone to where mum had sent me, I wouldn't have encountered all this,' She thought in her mind as the sales girl on the counter began to sum off her total money.

She secretly stared at the old man who was glancing around and was putting on an old jacket with slight patches, his shoes were worn out, and she sighed.

'Being a charity giver isn't bad at times,' Helena thought.

“Your money is £450,” The cute sales girl with dark brown Bob hair informed Helena as she jolted out of her thoughts.

“Okay,” Helena answer, bringing out some note of euros from her pink cross bag and gave it to the sales girl.

The sales girl gave her change of £50 and packed her items for her.

“Pa, here have it,” Helena said, giving the old man the packed noodle in a white polythene nylon.

“Thank you, dear,” The old man appreciated again, and they walked out of the shopping mall.

“Do you have transport fare to go home?” Helena asked the old man before she had realized what she has said.

“Don't bother my dear, you've done a lot for me today, I'll just trek home,” The old man beamed at her and began walking, but Helena still felt it was wrong, especially the way he was walking side to side like he doesn't have balance.

'If you want to do your charity, do it to the fullest,' Her mind told her.

“No, pa.” She refused and ran up to the old man.

“Pa, have this,” She smiled, squeezing the change of £50 into the old man's palm as he stared at her astounded and amused.

“Your heart is just as beautiful as you are,” The old man appreciated and acknowledged her.

“Thank you, Pa,”

“Enter a cab Pa and take good care of yourself, I'll be going now,” Helena bowed her head slightly in respect to the old man quickly and flagged down a cab as the cab stopped right in front of her while the old man just kept on smiling at her.

Helena placed the goods she bought in the back seat and entered next, she gazed back and still saw the old man standing there staring at her with a happy smile on his face.

Helena waved to him and he did so immediately, she closed the door and told the driver the destination to her house as the driver began to drive.

She turned her gaze back and saw a young man dressed in a black suits holding the old man, while Helena hopped all is well with the old man.

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