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Bailey is a spoiled eighteen years old brat. But her attitude becomes pain on her family's asses. So her dad kicks her out and now she’s staying in her brother’s apartment where she meets Tyler, the guy who never has an interest in her, or so she thinks. Little does Bailey know, when Tyler meets her, things start to not go in his favor. He feels unwanted and unsatisfied and no girl makes him feel that way. He thinks Bailey has no interest in him, or so she thinks as well. But a situation pulls them together and things would never be easy for all of them, especially once Kilan, another fuck boy next to Tyler, comes in the picture. Both men have hidden rivalry that Bailey doesn’t know about. They have secrets that they don't want Bailey to find out But who is Bailey really in love with? Is it really Tyler? Or is it Kilan? Follow their story and find out the secrets behind their actions.

Chapter 1 Annoyance

If my dad would see me like this, probably he would probably take me back. But he was not here, and he was so fed up with me already. Well, I didn’t take it as my fault. Like, duh! Why was it my fault? This was how they raised me.

To do whatever I wanted, so I did whatever made me happy. Sadly, they couldn’t handle me.

So here I am, tossing myself on the sofa while my books are on the floor. I am so pissed.

It’s not because of my dad or my brothers. I can’t get mad at them. What really pissed me off was my brother’s roommate, Tyler. He did it again. He just went out, like I was not here!

That jerk! I don’t understand him. Ever since I stayed here for two months already, he neither paid a single glance at me nor said a word to me.

Every time he stayed in the house, he never came out of his room, unless my brother was here or if he’s hungry..

I did nothing for him to treat me like this!

He’s such an entitled, arrogant jerk that I’ve ever met!

Why couldn’t he talk to me?

Why was I getting this kind of treatment from him, anyway?!

He treated me like a useless piece of shit! Didn’t he know that every man would want to know me? But why couldn’t he??!

If dad didn’t kick me out. I should have not met him! I know I played the big role of my dad’s decision.


Dad was so fed up with me and even my brothers couldn’t handle my behavior, so they unanimously decided that I had to stay with my eldest brother, Jacob, here in his apartment so he could monitor me and to keep me away from going out late at night.

I am the youngest sibling and the only girl in the family. That’s the reason all their attentions are on me.

They spoiled me with a lot of things. That’s mainly because I’m their only princess. I was four years old when our mom died because of cancer. Well, that's what they told me. Yet, they couldn't show a picture of mom when she's hospitalized or sick. Anyway, I grew up having only men in the house. Four men in total! My dad, Jacob, Peter, and Matthew.

At first, I liked the attentions and the love I got from them. Until I turned 18 and that was five months ago. They made rules for me.

They didn’t allow me to go out with boys! Regardless of whether they were my friends. They didn’t want me to party, too! They only wanted me to be in the house after school! That’s too absurd! I couldn’t live my life the way I wanted! The way I was! I was so accustomed to get what I wanted but then they suddenly changed that!

But being a hardheaded spoiled bratinella I was, I didn’t follow any single rule.

I partied. Went out on a date with boys. Went home late and sneaked out of the house whenever I wanted to.

However, just like what I said, my dad was so fed up, so Jacob took me with him. At first, I pretty found it interesting, as I felt like I’d be able to do whatever I want without the rest of my brothers knocking out some senses in me.

My eldest brother, Jacob, was my favorite among them, as he’s lesser strict than them. Little did I know that staying here could make my mind and heart crazy.

Jacob didn’t tell me he was sharing his apartment with another guy. He's not just another guy. He's so freaking handsome yet annoying human being! I had no choice but to live with them. It had been two months already, two months that I felt rejected and two months that Tyler had never said hi or spoke to me.

My brother until now doesn’t have any idea about it. He's probably thought that me and his roommate, technically, my roommate, too, are on good terms.

On the first day I came here, Tyler just nodded at me as an acknowledgement when my brother introduced me to him. I didn’t suspect his treatment. But as days went by, I’d noticed that he’s avoiding me or maybe not interested in wasting his time talking with me.

“What’s with that face?” Jacob chuckles when he sees me. He takes my books and piles it on the table.


“You seem upset. Why?” He asks with his eyebrows form in almost one line.

“Just tired.”

“Hahaha! Bailey, I know when you’re tired and when you’re upset.”

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Why? Is it about dad?”




“Then why are you upset?”

“I said, nothing! Jacob, can you stop being nosy?"

However, he just continues bugging me.

“Is there anything you want?”

“No, none.” I sit on the chair, but my feet are still resting on the armrest. Somewhat facing my back at him.

“Ice cream?”

Ice cream? Ooh!

He knows I love ice cream. He laughs when I slowly turn around and face him.

“You’re going to buy for me?”

“I don’t want the princess to be upset.. so what flavor do you want this time?.”


My entire mood has changed.

“I’ll go with you.”

“Okay.” He stands up and pulls me up after.

“Wait! Give me three to five minutes. I need to change.”


A few minutes later, me and Jacob are standing in the ice cream section, while choosing the flavors I want.


I look to where the voice comes from.

Wow! He’s hot.

“Maddox! Long time no see!” My brother does a fist bump with the guy he calls Maddox.

“Yeah, man! I just came back from Australia. You know, visiting the parents.”

“Cool.. I also spent my summer break with fam. Oh, let me introduce you to my sister.”

He snakes his arm around my shoulder and pulls me closer to him.

“Bailey, my friend Maddox. Dude, my sister.”

I smile. “Hi, Maddox.”

“Glad to meet you, Bailey. Wow! I thought you guys were a couple.. My bad.”

I awkwardly smile at him.

Couldn’t he see that we’re almost identical?

“Hahaha! You’re funny, dude!”

“Uh, excuse me guys. I need to get my ice cream.” I excuse myself and go back to the freezer.

I am busy choosing cashew nuts and the cookie’s and cream flavors when Maddox calls me.

“Hey, Bailey!”


“I will hold a party tonight at my house. Jacob will be there. You can go with him too."

“Oh! Uhm,-“

But Jacob cut me off.

“Dude, she’s not going.”

What?? But I want to.

“That is up to Bailey, dude. Let her decide.”

“Jacob, I want to go.”

“B, you have classes tomorrow.”

“No, I don’t have, Jacob.”

Maddox is looking at us. Then places his arm on my brother’s shoulder. “Dude, let her enjoy. She has the right to enjoy, too.”

I nod. “Maddox is right.”

Jacob has a complicated look on his face.

“So, I’ll be expecting the two of you tonight. Okay?” Maddox taps my brother's shoulder before he leaves while carrying an eco green bag.

Wow! He's hot! I'm admiring at his broad shoulders and handsome face

But then the image of Tyler suddenly appears.

Ugh! That jerk! Why is he douchebag?!

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