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Love against all odds.

Love against all odds.

Best Richards


Athena Andrews fell heads in love with a renowned billionaire Lucas Carter. Athena was named by her mother after the ATHENA , the goddess of wisdom . Getting married to the most gentle, nicest man she had ever met turned out to be .... Not wise. The marriage was all a sham. Lucas Carter wasn't who she thought he was. Now Athena is in a shackled marriage with Lucas, and had no idea how to get away . She had lost all hope of freedom when she met Christian. Christian Allister falls in love with Athena Andrews the first time he laid his eyes on her . He believes they are a lot to her than she lets on . Secrets. Christian would do anything to fight for his love even if it takes going against a ruthless billionaire . He would do anything to claim her even if it means losing everything.

Chapter 1 Prologue

Beep . Beep . Beep .The sound reverberated in her brain, causing migraine . What the hell was making such noise . She wondered why someone wasn't shutting it off . "Shut it down." She tried to say but couldn't get the words out of her mouth . What was going on? Why couldn't she open her mouth? Why did her eyes feel like it had been closed shut by a cemented brick ? Her eyes felt heavy and she couldn't lift them .

"... she doing okay?" Strings of words slipped into her ears . The voice so loud in her head , it felt like the person was shouting . ".... Unconscious? " It was a male voice and it was coming from the left side of her . The voice seemed familiar to her . Who was that ? She tried to move her head towards the sound but was unable to . She surely knew that voice .

"... Anesthesia." Someone else said , it was a female voice .This voice she couldn't place . Probably the doctor or a nurse . Where was she? She wondered. Anesthesia? That probably explains why she couldn't move or talk . "I pray she will be okay . " Someone said sobbing . "Of course she will be . " Another said trying to assure the person . She wondered who they was and why they were so concerned . Probably her parents ? She did have parents right?

"She's awake. " Someone else squealed from her right hand side but closer than those on the left . It sounds like a kid's voice . Did she have kid? "Doctor? " The kid shouted . And the noise went straight into her brain, making her head pound harder . How many people was even in here with her.

Someone opened a door and stepped in , the sound of the heel of the shoe rang in her head . Why was everything so noisy . "Can you hear me?" She wanted to answer , but wasn't able to. Her mouth felt like they had been glued shut . "Blink once for yes , twice for no . " Even though it was hard, but she succeeded in blinking. "Do you know where you are?" She blinked twice . "Do you remember what happened to you ? " She blinked twice . "Are you in pain ?" She blinked once then twice. "You have three broken ribs . " Broken ribs? What she in some kind of accident ? Why the hell was she remembering? It was either the doctor was a professional or had powers to read her mind because he answered "It's okay ,you might not remember anything for now as you are under anesthesia . But you will have to sleep it off and your memories might come in when ...."

"Is she be okay ?" Someone interupted running into the room . "Yes she will be." The doctor answered . The person breathed a sigh of relief . The dark rumble of the person triggered something in her . And memories started flooding in her head . Memories of how she got here hitting her like a tornado , She began to slip into unconsciousness . A green eyes popped in her mind and the last thought she had before falling into darkness was "she hoped to never wake up."

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