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The Seductress Redhead

The Seductress Redhead

Best Richards


Linda Anderson had always wanted Nicolas black to notice her ...she had fallen helplessly and hopelessly in love with him five years ago when she first laid her eyes on him. Built from hours on a horse ranch, eyes so blue it looked dark , his black silky hair , he was the most handsome person he had ever seen .when she got back from college , she wore skimpy dresses, defied him . she wanted him to see her as the woman she was, and not a naive little girl . Things got at of hand one day when she almost got herself killed by a horse...and nico decided to punish her . when Linda saw his cool facade slip as he was about to punish her . Saw his eyes got clouded by desire when he saw her naked body .she decided to take the opportunity to show him exactly how she felt . WILL SHE BE TO SEDUCE HIM ? MAKE HIM HERS? OR WILL SHE END UP PUSHING HIM AWAY?... Nicolas black had always viewed Linda Anderson as his niece even though they re not actually related . Ever since his foaster sister julia dumped the fifteen year old girl on his laps five years ago, he had sweared to take care of her .... coming back home from college Linda had nothing but grate on his nerves, defying him every time. ..... Things changed when he decided to punish her when she almost died.. striping her bare, he discovered that his little girl wasn't so little any more. with curvy hips, full luscious breast and long legs for miles , the punishment might not end up the way he wanted..WILL THAT NIGHT BE THE BEGINNING OF SOMETHING THAT CAN'T BE UNDONE ? WILL NICO SUCCUMB TO HIS DESIRES? OR WILL HE LISTEN TO HIS HEAD TELLING HIM IT'S ALL WRONG?.....

Chapter 1 Time for punishment

"Linda, you and I both know exactly why you're here, don't we?" Nico asked as he got off the chair in his makeshift office and walked towards Linda .

she nodded, she couldn't speak

Frowning, Nico took a step closer. "That's right" . His eyes softened a little as he took in her obvious fright ."I want you to know that I don't want to do this , baby , but I have to." His voice very soft ." But I don't want you running around acting the way you have been acting lately. someone might get hurt or killed next time and I sure as hell don't want it to be you. Do you understand?"

Linda nodded again, she still hadn't found her voice .Her voice hitching when his large capable hands dropped to the meancing brown leather belt and began to unbuckle it. Her thought drifting back to earlier that morning when she had defied him again by going near the stall he had specifically told her not to."What were you thinking, Linda? that horse is dangerous and you damn well know it" Nico had asked her, his frown so deep, she had done nothing but stare nervously before him bitting her lips.

"what the hell were you thinking" he had demanded again."I....I don't know" she had look up her eyes bright still nibbling her full bottom lip, she shrugged."he didn't look dangerous to me".

But she did know.She had just wanted to get his attention.

Almost from the moment she'd first stepped foot inside the beautiful old ranch house in the foothills of montana five years ago, Linda had been attracted to him.she had fallen in love with the beauty of kansas, with the will and graceful glory of the horses in the twinkle ranch, but most of all she had fallen helplessly in love with the man that ran the ranch-NIcholas Black. It was easy to trace that love to well....to remember where it all started.She had been nearly fifteen an awkward scary age when hormones raged in her body,when her mother had abandoned her...

"alright,then".Nico said jolting her out of her thought.his voice hard, his eyes losing there softness, making her shiver. "it's time you learned your lessons,Linda,and what better ways to teach you than the way I was taught-with a belt". He nodded to the king sized bed she had slept in with him on so many rainy nights .

"pull down yours shorts and bend over the bed". The tone of his voice so cold she froze to the ground.

So he was going to whip her a**? with his belt? on his bed? she couldn't believe it .

Part of her wanted to back her away and run down the hall.

"you have wanted his attention for so long and now that you have it , you want to run! you coward! " her inner voice mocked. But she pushed it down.

Another part of her wanted to plead .But as Nico walked towards her looping the brown belt around his beautiful calloused hand , another more confident voice told her"you have to be strong. you have to show him you are not afraid" . she resolved to be brave and take her punishment as a strong, unafraid woman that she was, not like an immature little girl Nico viewed her as.

she started to take off her shorts. The thought of being bare and vulnerable before him, the thought of him whipping her was strangely arousing. she shivered as she felt the heat between her leg grow.

Straightening her spine after removing her shorts, she looked him right in the eye, feeling more brave. "you can hit me , Nico" " you can hit me as hard as you want. Do your worst" . she said her voice unwavering.

Immediately taking of her panties as well and dropped them on the floor. Marching to the bed, she bent over it, spread her legs slightly bared her a** for his belt, her sweaty palms full of the red quilt.

she felt the cool air of the room touch her tender nether lips and the tiny strip of red hair that decorated her s*x. she heard a low gasp from Nico or had she

imagined it. knowing his eye were on naked p****y open before him for the first time made her wet with need, her body shivering with desire despite the situation.

Pertinaciously, she open her legs a little more wanting to show him her glistening p****y. let him see that she didn't fear his whipping. let him see that she was a woman not a scared little girl to run at the first time of pain.

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