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Mr Arrogant And The Twin Sisters

Mr Arrogant And The Twin Sisters



"Please Jocelyn, I don't want to lose my job. We are so Identical twins, no one will find out that you're not me. Do this for me for these six months that I'll be away" When her twin sister Joyce was diagnosed with brain tumor, Jocelyn was forced to impersonate her sister at work, and become the arrogant CEO Mr Jeremy Grande's Secretary. Jocelyn's only desire was for her sister to recover after six months, and come back to her work. But the table turned, when she realized that she and the cold Jeremy have fallen deeply in love with each other. Only for Joyce who happened to be in love with the CEO come back, and now Mr CEO already asked her twin sister out thinking it was her!

Chapter 1 He's an arrogant jerk

Mr Arrogant And The Twin Sisters

(He's an arrogant jerk)

Episode 01

Joyce packed up the files, jumping up from her seat.

She headed straight to the CEO's office. Rushing in, she was panting heavily.

"Sir, here is the..." She was still saying when the cold looking CEO whose eyes were still glued to the desktop in front him banged his fist on the table.

Joyce flinched in fear shaking in panic.

"You're two minutes late, slowpoke" Mr CEO raised his head, and glared at her with so much hatred and disgust.

Cold shivers ran down Joyce's spine on seeing him glare at her.

Joyce gulped hard holding her breath so tight.

"I'm... I'm really sorry sir" Joyce spluttered.

"You know how much I hate the word 'sorry'. You can never do anything right in your entire life, can you?" Mr CEO yelled at her, and she gulped nervously.

"I didn't... I didn't mean to waste..." Joyce was still stuttering when Mr Jeremy picked up the files, and throw it on her face.

She gasped in shock staring at him in confusion.

"Get out" He calmly said.

Hot tears circulated in Joyce eyes, but she managed to blink her eyes rapidly to stop herself from crying.

She reluctantly picked up the files, and walked out of the office.

"So unreliable" Mr CEO mumbled to her hearing.

She walked straight to her desk, and sat heavily on the chair.

She couldn't hold the tears anymore, tears ran down her cheeks freely.

"I'm sorry Joyce. But you shouldn't cry anymore, you should be used to Mr Jeremy's coldness by now" Allison, her best friend whose desk was right beside hers consoled her.

She sniffed hard, and wiped her tears off with her towel.

"Allison, I really put on my time in arranging those files. I made sure I did everything he wanted me to, only that I was two minutes late in submitting the files" Joyce couldn't hold the tears again, the tears came running down her face again.

"You've worked for Mr Jeremy for the past one year, you should be used to his meanness already. Don't let him worry you, just go ahead and finish up" Allison tapped her shoulder, and she nodded her head sluggishly.

Joyce looked at the files tiredly, she had already arranged them properly, but the arrogant CEO just made her work for the past two hours a waste by flinging the files at her.

She was still grieving when the telephone rang noisily.

Moping her eyes properly with the handkerchief and clearing her throat, she quickly picked up the phone.

"Hello... Miss Joyce Brown from Grande's Enterprises" Joyce managed to speak properly, despite the fact that she was still sulking.

"I'd like to speak to your boss please" The female voice quickly said.

"Alright. I'll have your call forwarded to him immediately" Joyce pressed the forward button, and started arranging the files.

She knows very well that she might get fired if she doesn't finish the arrangement today.

"He's such an arrogant jerk. If you for the fact that I really need this money, and that I have a crush on him, then I would have resigned a long time ago" She thought within herself.

Mr Jeremy Grande, the handsome CEO of the Grande's Enterprises is a definition of every woman's dream.

He's not only handsome, but also a billionaire. The only son of the influential and wealthy family of the Grande's.

But then, he's the coldest human being that Joyce has ever seen.

He's a perfect definition of arrogance, meanness and strictness. Sometimes she wondered if he could ever get married, with his kind of attitude.

Worst of it all, no one has ever seen him the company of a woman. Most of them wondered if he was gay, but no one has also seen him in the company of a man except his childhood best friend the handsome Morgan.

Though it was rumored that he has a very beautiful daughter whose about four years, but no one has ever seen him with the child or even seen a picture of him and the child.

'Does he really have any child?'

'Why doesn't he have a picture of his child if really he has one?'

'If he has a child, then who is her mother?'

People kept on talking, but no one got an answer because there was no one to give them an answer.

Mr Jeremy is really a mysterious person.

The only thing that his employers can say is that there is this picture of a beautiful woman in his office.

But who will dare to ask him who the beautiful woman is?

They can only ask that if they are already fed up with their jobs, so no one dared to ask him.


Joyce slammed the door noisily, and walked in yawning tiredly.

Jocelyn, her twin sister was seated on the couch watching a television show.

On seeing her, Jocelyn quickly dropped the remote control, and turned to her immediately.

"Why have you decided to get me so worried, young lady?" She gave out a deafening yell.

"Oh, I'm really sorry sister. I was so carried away with work" Joyce yawned tiredly, and sat on the couch.

"You look like a mess young lady. What happened?" Jocelyn sat beside her.

"What else?" Joyce continued yawning.

"That stupid Mr CEO, am I right?" Jocelyn raised her eyebrows.

"I think he really derives joy from making life hell for me. And I'm wondering why he so much enjoys making me suffer" Joyce shook her head.

"TCH... This is freaking so annoying! I can't believe you let that man treat you like trash" Jocelyn gritted her teeth in annoyance.

"You know how much I love my job, I don't want to lose my job Jocelyn. That's why I have to condone anything to make sure that I don't get fired, you know very well that it's a privilege to work in such a huge firm" Joyce snapped, and Jocelyn rolled her eyes.

"Does that mean you'll keep letting that man belittle you all the time? He needs someone to talk some senses into him" Jocelyn kissed her teeth.

"I know you really want to punch him for my sake, but I don't want any trouble, so please let me carry my cross, okay?" Joyce calmly said. Jocelyn rolled her eyes and tuts.

"I don't know why you can't bring yourself to stand up against that jerk" She grumbled in disappointment.

"Sister, I'm really very hungry. Did you prepare anything?" Joyce changed the topic immediately.

"Yes, I made some dumplings. Do you want some?" Jocelyn walked towards the kitchen.

"Yes please" Joyce snapped even before she could finish the statement.

"All you have to do is to go upstairs, and freshen up. I'll serve the food at the dinning table, and I have some wonderful news for you" Jocelyn shrieked in excitement.

"Oh my gosh! Are you for real? Why don't you tell me the good news already?" Joyce ran after her laughing excitedly.

"You know the answer to that, don't you? You have to refresh before I can tell you anything" Jocelyn insisted.

"Sheesh! You're so mean, and stingy with telling me what's up" Joyce laughed.


They sat at the dinning for dinner, Jocelyn helped Joyce dish her food out, and they started eating.

"MMH... This is really delicious" Joyce smiled while Jocelyn chuckled.

"Thank you sister" Jocelyn nodded her head.

"So what did you say you were going to tell me? My ears are itching to hear the good news, so don't keep me waiting young lady" Joyce impatiently said.

"Well, I just got a job" Jocelyn snapped, and Joyce gasped.

"Oh my gosh! Are you serious? What are we waiting for? Shouldn't we celebrate?" Joyce jumped in excitement.

"Don't worry sister, we'll be eating out tomorrow evening. It's going to be my treat, and you can't be late" Jocelyn smiled broadly.

"I'm really happy for you Jocelyn. So where's exactly did you get the job?" Joyce eagerly turned to her.

"In a school, as a teacher. But trust me, it's a huge school, and the pay is good" Jocelyn spoke up with a mouthful.

"Wow! I'm so happy for you sister. And I hope you'll keep this job this time" Joyce exhaled deeply.

"Of course, you know how good I am with kids, that's the reason why I like this job so much" Jocelyn giggled.

"Congratulations once again Jocelyn" Joyce cheered her, and they shared a laugh.

Suddenly, Joyce held the back of head groaning in severe pains.

"Joyce? Joyce, are you okay?" Jocelyn rushed to her holding her tight.

"It's the migraine again Jocelyn. It's really aching me so much" Joyce winced in pains.

"Sorry sister. Should I get you a pain reliever?" Jocelyn anxiously asked.

"No. I'm so tired of taking pain relievers" Joyce groaned.

"Don't you think it's high time you do the surgery? You're slowly dying in pains Joyce" Jocelyn broke into tears.

"I know Jocelyn. But you know that I can't... I can't quit my job anytime that I like" Joyce sniffed as Jocelyn helped her sit on the couch.

"What's so special about that job of yours that you're willing to risk your life for it? This is life we're talking about here" Jocelyn freaked out.

"Please get me a glass of water Jocelyn" Joyce exhaled deeply.

Jocelyn rushed into the kitchen to get a glass of water for her.

Jocelyn and Joyce are actually identical twin sisters, one can barely differentiate between the both of them.

Joyce is actually suffering from brain tumor, and she happens to be the calm one among the twins. And she works at one of the biggest companies in town which is the "Grande's Enterprises".

Jocelyn have always been fond of kids, so she's a teacher and the hottest among the twins. In as much as one can't differentiate between the twins due to the fact that they are identical, Jocelyn is actually more curvy than Joyce her twin sister.


Mr Jeremy walked into the mansion with his suitcase, and his suit handed on his shoulder.

"Good evening sir" The servants chorused without getting any response from him as usual.

He was on his way upstairs when he heard the voices, and halted.

"Samira, please don't make things difficult for me baby. Just eat your dinner already" Nanny Paulina ran after the cute little girl.

"I don't want to eat or drink anything that comes from you. I want my Aunt Selena right now" Little Samira cried out.

"Do you want your daddy to get mad at you? If you don't eat right now, your daddy is surely going to spank you. Do you want him to do that?" Nanny Paulina grabbed her arm.

"I don't care if he spanks me, and don't you dare call him my daddy again" Samira pouted her mouth.

"Why not? Isn't he your daddy anymore?" Nanny Paulina helped her sit on the chair.

"As far as I'm concerned, I know I don't have a daddy. Other people have a daddy who loves them so much, but my so-called daddy always spanks and yells at me all the time. Don't you dare call him my daddy anymore" Samira sniffed hard

"He's only spanking you because he wanted you to be a good girl. He also wants to give you the best for everything Sam" Nanny Paulina tried to convince her.

"Don't tell me that Nanny. The only family I know I have is my Aunt Selena, as for the mean uncle, he's not my family at all. He doesn't like me at all, he always stares at me with hatred" Samira bowed her head sadly.

"He doesn't hate you baby. Don't say that about your daddy. That's mean! You should always bear in mind that he's your daddy no matter what" Nanny Paulina patted her hair.

"No! I hate the mean uncle" Samira cried out with her tiny voice......


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