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What`s The Big Idea!

What`s The Big Idea!



Everyone knows her... I mean who doesn`t ?? Our small town belle, Ruby Daniels is the next big thing in Hollywood ! She is invited as a guest on the show, What`s the big idea alongside billionaire playboy, Zachary Reynolds. A dare is placed by fans. The dare, LIVE TOGETHER FOR A MONTH AS A MARRIED COUPLE!! With Ruby`s feisty attitude and ability to drive people crazy especially ours truly. What could go wrong ? Our pinkies are definitely crossed as we keep an eye out for all the juicy deeds and tabloids as the drama unfolds. Trust us, we can`t wait for the behind the scenes dramas and all the inside scoop!! *** BREAKING*** A certain someone spotted a certain couple with the initials "Z" and "R" visiting the parents of "R" Source: Trust Me, Bro.........

Chapter 1 Hollywood Jitters

What was I doing right now? Was I crazy? I had asked myself too many times to count today its not even 10 yet.

I groan silently, waiting for my name to be called. Clutching onto the script like my life depended on it because it did, literary.

Not less than 2 weeks after my arrival in LA, I was seated, waiting for my turn to audition for the role of Madison Ray on a popular TV show Swapped Up. That was the only information, my boyfriend, Johnny, told me. I think.

So I had zero idea about the show I was currently auditioning for. Suddenly, I felt homesick, you can't blame me though, I have lived in Redville all my life. Redville, quiet, small and reserved town in the outskirts of California. A town where people knew you from birth and watched you as you had your first everything; your first walk, your first day of school, your first word. I loved the town to its roots but, I wanted more than what it offered. Johnny left a few years before I had a few guts to leave myself. He complained daily about the life in solitude. He wanted more. I mean, who could blame him?

I have always wanted to be an actress and there was no way Redville would offer me that. So two years after Johnny departure, I packed my bags two weeks ago, hugged my parents' goodbye, booked a ticket to LA and moved in with Johnny who works as a stunt double.

My hands trembled and started to pick invisible loose threads on my jeans, hoping I didn`t ruin it. I was wearing my favourite ripped jeans and t-shirt I threw on which sat at the top my briefcase that morning. I looked around and the room was filled with lot of girls in groups talking about the latest tabloids. Loud squeals and giggles sounded from behind group of girls sat behind me talking about the latest episode of the Kardashians.

The audition`s room door creaked open, revealing a gruff looking guy who looked like he would like to be anywhere else than here holding a clipboard. "Ruby Daniels, you're up," he said closing the door again. Finally, after fifty girls my insides cheered. A little too hurriedly, I stand and staggered a little as I try to stand up straight, almost falling in the process. The group of girls bickered more behind me. Pretty sure the cause of their current amusement was me. I finally stand taking in deep breaths as I walked into the audition room, gathering a little composure.

You can do this! You do this! You got this. I chanted under my breath as I entered the room, closing the door quietly behind me. The room was blank, no pictures or portraits. The walls were plain white and three women and two men sat at the centre of the room, shooting curious looks at me.

Accessing my appearance.

"Go on sweetheart, you may begin," One of the women said, beaming at me.

Panicking, I shot a quick glance at the door, ready to bolt back to Redville to pretend this episode never happened and tell my parents I wasn`t thinking straight and I probably get married before I turn 24 next year.

"Ruby, it's too late to run back to Redville," I said to myself, snapping back to reality. Mustering all of my courage, I take a deep breath and attempt a smile at the room`s occupants.

"Hi, am Ruby Daniels, here to audition for the role of Madison Ray."

"Welcome Miss Daniels, you can use the scene on page twenty-two." a man sitting next to the kind lady says, pushing his black rim glasses to his nose. I could guess maybe he was the director of the series.

"Okay....errr....sure," I say nervously.


"Johnny!" I call as I breeze into his apartment.

"Here!” I hear his voice faintly coming from the bedroom.

I loved Johnny`s apartment it was a small and comfortable with a tiny kitchen, a bathroom and one bedroom. It was situated on the tenth floor of the building, pretty cosy enough for both of us. As I walked past the kitchen, I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and I hit few unpacked boxes of mine littered around the small space. I had to unpack soon, I thought to myself.

I entered the bedroom, immediately noticing Johnny sprawled out on the bed. He looking tired and his dark brown hair sticking everywhere. He might have been asleep due to the shoot he had last night. Something about the main character flying and climbing walls or something thing like that. I watched him silently as he flipped the channels and the TV blared loudly. I sit beside him and give him a quick peck on the lips. We sit in silence for a few minutes while he continued flipping the channels before he finally spoke, "Hey Honey, How did it go?" He said, now bored of the TV, he turned it off and flipped through an entertainment magazine. He was seated on the small red couch in the living room.

Johnny was handsome and I almost hated him for that. Since high school, He had always been boyishly handsome; his dark brown hair, boyish smile, his right ear piercing and those green eyes that looked hazel at night could get girls drooling and embarrass themselves on the streets or sidewalks. It doesn`t hurt that is been twenty-two times that I am mistaken as his sister or not seen at all by the girls hitting on him. Not that i am keeping tabs thou I am not...sometimes.

We had know each other forever and I had a huge crush on him through our junior year and was half way in love with him in senior year. He asked me to be his girlfriend in senior year. I was over the moon. Having been together for six years, I couldn't be happier although we were at different states. So all those who think long distance relationship don't work are sadly mistaken.

"It was terrible. I was so nervous, the producers would laugh at my audition tape for the rest of their lives." I say brawling precariously close to tears. Remembering as I stood in front of the auditions and the judges as I began tumbling through my lines. Somewhere in the middle, I raised my head to look at the people in front of me. They whispered amongst themselves and shook their heads in my direction, one of the women scrolled through the apps on her phone.

I am losing them, I thought quickly. Instantly, I stood straighter and raised my voice by an octave. I began pouring my feelings into the script and tried to channel my inner Madison Ray. It was the scene where Madison meets her best friend`s boyfriend in secret. Reading through the script, I suddenly wished I had done a research on the show so I could understand Madison better just from a few lines I could tell she was crazy and a bitchy teen. By the time I was done five minutes later, I knew I had screwed up.

Johnny quickly pulls me into his chest. I borrow into and instantly relax, inhaling his musky cologne. My happy place, I think dreamily.

"Honey. It's okay, there would be other roles, no need for you to back out just yet...okay?" He said, raising my chin to look at him. I nod at his words, they were true. It wasn't going to be the end of the world if I didn't get the role, there will be others. He press his lips to mine, kissing me slowly and tender. I sigh softly, closing my eyes, giving into the kiss. His reaches down to grab my ass and I swat his hand away.

"Johnny!!! Now is not a good time, am mourning right now." I say, pushing away from him and running into the bathroom. I slam the door behind me, ignoring him as he groans aloud.

I step towards the sink at a corner of the bathroom, I scoop water in my palms and splash it on my face. Remembering, I had make up on, I groan as I stare hard at my reflection. "It's alright Daniels, there would be other auditions," I say to my reflection, call me crazy but that actually works well for me. I wasn't giving up yet. I would have to wait for a new audition; which might take up to months or weeks. I might as well do something with my life, probably get a job as a waitress or something.

A knock snaps me out of my thoughts and the starring contest with my reflection. Picking a wipe from one of the drawers, i dab on my face as I open the door to see Johnny pressing my phone against his palm. He hands it to me, mouthing "it's call for you" and heads back into the bedroom.

I take it from his hand confused, his expression mirroring mine. It was an unsaved contact. Although, It had been weeks since my arrival , I had zero social life or friends so hearing I have a call is kind of creepy.

"Hello, this is Ruby Daniels."

"Hi Ruby, I'm Melissa one of the directors of Swapped Up."

"Ooh! Okay?"

"I am pleased to inform you... Congratulations, you are our selected Madison Ray on Swapped Up."

My wipe slipped out of my fingers. I gasp at the news. I open my mouth to talk but no words came out. Hell, I looked like a fish coming out of the water for the first time.“Are you serious?! Thank you so much for this opportunity," I croaked out.

"We would love to have you with us on Thursday to introduce to the other cast. Have a good day, Miss Daniels." Melissa said, hanging up the call.

I walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom with daze I sit on a single chair. I was still about shocked.

"Ruby, what happened to your face and what was the call about?" He said, standing up immediately he noticed me walking into the bedroom. He crouches to meet my face.

"That was one of the producers of Swapped Up, she called me to tell am their new Madison Ray," I say excitedly. Makeup long forgotten. I clapping my hands in glee.

A wave of unsureness passes through Johnny's face as I tell him about my role, he quickly masks it up with a smile. I open my mouth to question him but decide to let it go. I was happy and nothing or no one was going to ruining my mood today.

"Wow, Honey...You...got the...part," he says, his voice cracking at every word. I nod vehemently, grabbing his face in my palms. I kiss him deeply, lost in happiness till I feel lightheaded we come up for air some minutes later. He stands to his full height. My body seem to function again, I paced around the apartment. "They want to meet with me on Thursday, that's two days from now—" I stopped , turned around to his meet his eyes with my sincere ones and grab his hands in mine.

"— I just want to thank you, Johnny. For believing in me. If I hadn't gotten the role, I would be on the first train back to Green Bank. So, thank you," I say, walking back to him, stopping right in front of him, his green-blue eyes watching me. I laced his fingers in mine.

"Yup...that's what could have... happened," he said, laughing nervously.

"So now about that sex," I said, looking at him under my lashes biting my lips as I touch his chest.

"You should get rid of that first, honey," he said, pointing my face. He grabbed my arm and led me to bathroom. I smirk at him. "Let`s have celebratory shower sex. It will be so much fun, imagine pressing me against the cold tiles."

I laughed as he groaned. I just couldn't wait for the brand new life ahead of me and with Johnny, I knew would make it through

Within the week I was cast as Madison Ray in Swapped Up, I must say, my life turned around.

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