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What`s The Big Idea!

What`s The Big Idea!


Chapter 1 Hollywood Jitters

Word Count: 2064    |    Released on: 18/06/2022

azy? I had asked myself too many tim

called. Clutching onto the script like my

turn to audition for the role of Madison Ray on a popular TV show Swapped

the outskirts of California. A town where people knew you from birth and watched you as you had your first everything; your first walk, your first day of school, your first word. I loved the town to its

. So two years after Johnny departure, I packed my bags two weeks ago, hugged my parent

hirt I threw on which sat at the top my briefcase that morning. I looked around and the room was filled with lot of girls in groups talking about t

the door again. Finally, after fifty girls my insides cheered. A little too hurriedly, I stand and staggered a little as I try to stand up straight, almost falling in the process. The group o

sing the door quietly behind me. The room was blank, no pictures or portraits. The walls were pl

g my app

ay begin," One of the wo

ille to pretend this episode never happened and tell my parents I wasn`t

lf, snapping back to reality. Mustering all of my courage, I

here to audition for t

man sitting next to the kind lady says, pushing his black rim glasse

....sure," I


l as I breeze in

voice faintly comin

the tenth floor of the building, pretty cosy enough for both of us. As I walked past the kitchen, I grabbed a bottle of water

flying and climbing walls or something thing like that. I watched him silently as he flipped the channels and the TV blared loudly. I sit beside him and give him a quick peck on the lips. We sit in silence for a few minutes while he

piercing and those green eyes that looked hazel at night could get girls drooling and embarrass themselves on the streets or sidewalks. It doesn`t hurt that

r year. He asked me to be his girlfriend in senior year. I was over the moon. Having been together for six years, I couldn't be

Remembering as I stood in front of the auditions and the judges as I began tumbling through my lines. Somewhere in the middle, I raised my head to look at

er Madison Ray. It was the scene where Madison meets her best friend`s boyfriend in secret. Reading through the script, I suddenly wished I had done a research on the show

rrow into and instantly relax, inhaling his m

his words, they were true. It wasn't going to be the end of the world if I didn't get the role, there will be others. He press his lips to mine

I say, pushing away from him and running into the bathroom.

eflection. "It's alright Daniels, there would be other auditions," I say to my reflection, call me crazy but that actually works well for me. I wasn't giving up yet. I

from one of the drawers, i dab on my face as I open the door to see Johnny pressing my phone a

an unsaved contact. Although, It had been weeks since my arrival , I had

is is Ruby

sa one of the direc

! Ok

ongratulations, you are our sele

no words came out. Hell, I looked like a fish coming out of the water for the fir

o introduce to the other cast. Have a good day,

the bedroom with daze I sit on a sin

about?" He said, standing up immediately he noticed me

ed me to tell am their new Madison Ray," I say excited

e quickly masks it up with a smile. I open my mouth to question him but decide t

ness till I feel lightheaded we come up for air some minutes later. He stands to his full height. My body seem to function again, I paced around the apartment. "

uld be on the first train back to Green Bank. So, thank you," I say, walking back to him, s

have... happened," he s

looking at him under my lashes bi

bed my arm and led me to bathroom. I smirk at him. "Let`s have celebratory sh

ait for the brand new life ahead of me and

Madison Ray in Swapped Up, I m

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