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Living With The Hated Alpha

Living With The Hated Alpha



"You haven't known your true self, my child. Find who you are." Artemis Selene Walter is a fragile wolf-girl who was sent to train in the Nightfall pack. There, she met mysterious characters where some of them has hidden agendas and motives. On her journey to becoming a trained delta wolf, she encounters a lot of things that will twist her whole world. Will she find out the missing pieces in her life?

Chapter 1 Blue Orbs

I caught myself staring at the mirror, this place looks so elegant. We are currently at the Woodzen's house, the prestigious family in the land of Aldheves. I can't believe that I stepped into their house.

Well, my father is the former Alpha's right hand and that is why I can enter their mansion. Their family is kind and well-mannered. I envy them because they had a complete family while I? I'm longing for my mother's love, she left us and vanished like a bubble.

The thing is I can feel goosebumps as I linger everywhere. It wasn't haunted, my instinct just tells me that I need to go back but my feet tell otherwise.

I stared at the empty hallway, I'm on the fourth floor wandering here to observe their mansion. They let me observe their house, so I did.

I made my footsteps silent and slowly stepped one by one. My heart thumps fast when I felt chills down my spine. This feeling is not right.

My breath hitched and my body tensed when I saw a large picture at the end of the hallway. My eyes were glued to it and my feet made their way ahead just to see the picture clearer.

I only hear my heartbeat which was pounding faster. My inner wolf tells me that someone is watching me, should I turn back? I shivered because of the feeling.

My knees wobbled as I reached the end of the hallway. My eyes landed on the picture and my lips gasped in awe.

There I saw a photograph of a young man with captivating blue eyes. His attractiveness beguiled me to the point that I can't stop laying my eye on it. What a fine and gorgeous man!

He has these physiques that allured me, who is this young man? He is so perfect that every girl will surely die just to touch him.

My chest drummed when my ears perceived a sound of a thud. Again and again, my body shakes in fear. I tilted my head to see who it was.

The sound came from a dark room. At first, I flounder in stepping in but my feet betrayed me, I just found myself inside the rayless room where my eyes can't see a single thing.

I was about to turn back when the door closed with a bang which made me jump from my position. What the hell?

"H-hello?" I fumbled in speaking which made me stutter.

I can hear my heavy breathing, my knees are trembling because of fear. Feel like I was in a haunted house, I feared ghosts the most but here I am, trapped inside a dark room where I can be possibly killed. I should shout for help but I can't open my mouth out of worry.

I can't open the door anymore. Then I made a move that I regretted, I shifted backward, and my eyes met the most dangerous blue eyes I have ever seen.

My body stiffened, then I only remembered that my body collapsed inside a monster's room.

I was awake by my father when I felt his hands tapping my cheeks. He told me that I subsided on the second floor and a maid saw me lying on the floor.

But I just remembered that I was trapped in the darkroom right?

He introduced me to the maid who saved me. I met her eyes and she instantly looked away. Wait... something is not right. I can feel that she's hiding something.

"May I ask you?" I questioned and her head shook upwards in approbation. It felt impossible that she saw me on the second floor because I collapsed on the fourth story of the mansion!

Or maybe the monster inside carried me to the second floor and put me down on the floor to make it as I collapsed there?

"To whose room is that where it was located on the fourth floor at the end of the hallway?" I questioned, I am hungry for answers now.

She looked upwards indicating that she was thinking. "It was my co-worker's room," my jaw dropped at her answer. What the f*ck?

My forehead knitted in her answer. Why does it feel like she was lying?! I just saw a blue-eyed creature inside.

I hold into my temple, stupid self. I just trespassed inside of someone's room!

Artemis Selene Walter, guilty! For committing a crime. She trespassed inside the room of a worker.

I buried my face in my hands, should I apologize?

I nearly walked upstairs when my father grabbed and told me that we need to go. We bid goodbye to the former Alpha and gave our respect.

Until we exited their mansion. While walking towards our car, I felt eyes which made me uncomfortable. I turned back and met his gaze again. Even from afar, his light blue eyes are shining against me, piercing through my soul.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and revoked my steps back. I haven't still broken our stares but when dad called me I immediately walked again.

I sat in the passenger seat, poker-faced. That creature won't find me for just doing the slightest stupid thing right?

"I have to tell you something," dad muttered and cleared his throat. His serious face tilted to me. I raised my eyebrows that means 'what?'

He has something to tell but he seems reluctant to tell it. "You will go train in the nightfall squad," he commanded.

Nightfall squad? One of the strongest packs of wolves in the entire world. Being part of them is my dream! But the thing is I'm too weak to be one of them.

"Pack your stuff now sweetie, the former Alpha and I decided to let you train there. I also attached your papers and sent them to the trainer," he spoke sternly.

I'm used to my father since I was still a kid. He became emotionless when my mother left us and I don't know what's her reason but I know one thing, she hurt my father back then until now.

But the nightfall thing. Is daddy sure that he's gonna send me there? It's like a school and it requires trainees to live there. Since Aldheves are rich, the dorm is supposed to be a large eight-story building but they just established houses for royal children where ten members can only live.

I know about nightfall because I want to be one of them. Protecting aldheves from danger even though I can't protect myself.

About my mother, she gave me a locket necklace to me. I held it and stared at it. It's still shining as ever. It's a moon-shaped locket with jade.

I haven't opened this because I can't find the key. I think I lost it.

I grabbed my book inside my bag.

Let me tell you about myself, I'm very fond of stories, poetry, and poems, even a sonata.

I also love reading novels with wolf genres. I once read about a girl who used to be a weak wolf and then she trained hard and then met a boy named Zed, who was an Alpha wolf.

They felt a connection then boom! Their instinct tells them that they are mates so they form a bond together. She also discovered that she was just not a wolf, but a Goddess. She can do what every creature does, she was so powerful.

But the conflict irritates me because a war occurred between creatures and hunters. She was killed by the head hunter, also Zed. Then they died together. I thought that the book have a happy ending but it was tragic.

I felt bad because I realized I was reading a history book, meaning that it was not a novel. It is the story of Goddess Celeste. The powerful Goddess who tried to save all the mythical creatures. The sad part is, that they didn't win.

She is still the Goddess of all. I know she is watching us from above. The prophecy told us that she will send someone who will save us from hunters. I wonder who will be sent by her.

Fifteen minutes then we arrived at our house. I started packing my stuff and my personal belongings.

After packing, I jumped on my bed and hugged my pillow. The memory of his eyes suddenly flashed in my mind. I wished that the ground had eaten me that time.

Until the clock reached ten, I closed my eyes and let my self consumed by the darkness.

The next morning gave me this slumpy feeling, ahh what an awful feeling. And that's when it finally hit me that I'm going to the nightfall pack today.

I immediately rouse myself up on the bed and go downstairs only to find my father cooking. Arnaldo Walter, my daddy, is a very kind father although he's expressionless, at least he's handsome.

He felt my presence so he looked back. "Eat my Luna," he mumbled before placing dishes on the table.

I draw near to him and kissed his cheeks. "Good morning dad," I greeted and laugh lightly, giggling.

I sat down and start eating. Would he be okay if I leave this house? He will be the only one here if I leave him. At this point, I think I'll be on the horns of a dilemma. I roamed my eyes around, I can't abandon him.

"Don't hesitate, I'll be okay my child. Just go train yourself and don't give up your dreams to be a strong wolf," I nodded in accordance, my dad has a point. I need to reach my dreams.

Thereafter, I did my morning routine and transferred my bags into the car. It's like I'm leaving this house forever, so I felt guilt in my chest. I exhaled a thin amount of air and shoved myself inside the car waiting for my dad.

I don't want to leave my father here alone himself. I know that he can protect and defend himself but I'm worried that he might feel alone here.

I saw dad coming so I instantly fixed myself and buckled my seatbelt.

Dad got in the car and glanced at me. "Ready?" I raised my head slightly and flashed a fake smile.

And with that, he started the car machine.

Nightfall pack, here I come.

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