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Seducing The Hot CEO

Seducing The Hot CEO



Money, money, money. Who wouldn't be interested in money, right? One of them is Avianna Aphrodite Velarde, a woman who's ruling a mafia organization and someone who's working inside an agency to find her mother. An agency where killing anyone is legal. However, she was given an order where she needs to seduce the richest CEO, Giovanni Ivan Del Rosario. Her true motive is to know the secret of Giovanni's company. She didn't know that there was a deeper secret than meets the eye. In her thoughts, the CEO is hiding something. Do you think she will be successful in doing her mission? Will he fall under her trap? or she will fall in her own trap?

Chapter 1 Shiver

I removed my gloves as I chewed the bubble gum in my mouth. This mission is easier than it seems. How can I receive large money for this?

My phone rang and I fished it out of my pocket to answer it. "Hello? boss?"

"Great job! You've done well Avianna," I heard him praised me. Well, this is easy peasy. I killed the man who stole my client's necklace.

He is Daniel Uson, a robber. He is one of those top robbers who stole many expensive and valuable things from rich people. If I let the police handle this, I know they won't kill him and it will take a few months for them to find him, that's why I will just go and eliminate that guy so they won't problem him anymore.

"Yeah, I'm coming back," I responded.

I looked at the corpse. Our employees will be the ones to clean this since they are on their way here. My job is to kill someone that depends on my clients not to clean corpses.

"Great! I'm expecting you here," he said before I ended the call.

I breathed out before flipping my gun and throwing it in my car. I shouldn't leave any traces here. They will be the ones who will clean this mess so I need to go.

I walked towards my car and climb up in my Ford Ranger then started the machine. I took one glance at the dead body again before driving.

We don't have any mercy, once you're the one targeted, you will die. Our boss will assign us to a mission, it's either a long period or a short period. My boss always assigns me to a mission in just a short period of time. I will just aim my gun at them and kill them.

We're not secret agents because we don't work for the government. It's either we kill someone for a client or we kill someone for our boss.

I picked up the phone when it rang again. This time, it wasn't my boss, it was my father. "Dad."

"Where are you?" I heard him ask. I can even feel his coldness until here. Well, I know why. It's because of my mother.

"I'm on my way to our agency, why?"

I heard him sigh. "Go here after that," he said before the line cut off. I pouted. I know he's gonna make me handle the mafia again.

My father is managing a mafia organization, not just a simple one but he's one of those powerful bosses of those large mafia organizations. He's powerful and he will let me manage it one day.

I'm Avianna Aphrodite Velarde, a daughter of a mafia boss and currently working inside an agency where killing someone is legal.

I parked the car in the parking lot of the large building before going out. I snatched my phone inside before locking my car. I know they are waiting for me now.

I opened my phone and there was a notification, a piece of news. It's about a young CEO who handled a large company and he's incredibly rich. Well, good for him, he's good at handling business.

I turned my phone off before going inside, the guards bowed at me before letting me in. I walked inside and went to the elevator. I'm just the one who's inside and I clicked the last floor button.

My boss should give me a hard mission, not just an easy peasy. It's boring if he just wants me to kill someone with one shot. I trained for nothing.

When the elevator opened, I fished my ID card in my pocket and scanned it on the scanner. The door instantly opened and I went in. Our building has advanced technology that's why we have incredible things like this.

"Welcome back, my best agent," I heard him utter while staring at the city lights before turning at me. The middle-aged man I am working for. Denis Chan, my boss. "You did well."

"I know that," I winked at him and he chuckled. Their staff must be cleaning the murder scene right now. And maybe his spirit is lurking in hell too.

He sat on his chair and put his elbows on the desk before intertwining his fingers and leaning his face to his hand. "But you know what, I have a new mission for you."

New mission? Just make sure it's not boring and easy again. "This time it's not boring, it's a long-time mission," he smiled before getting a portfolio under his desk. "It's been assigned by the highest rank officer of the agency."

My eyes widened when I heard that. Really?! The highest rank officer?! Then the mission must cost a billion dollars! Freaking hell!

"Really?! What is it?" I excitedly asked.

"Calm down, I will discuss it with you tomorrow. The highest rank commanded me to let you rest this day so that you will absorb your mission in your mind tomorrow. So see you tomorrow Miss Velarde," he said and smiled again.

I pouted. I want to know it now but since he wants me to rest then I should go. My father is expecting me there because of a transaction. I shouldn't be absent.

I'm not really into my work here in the agency. I just love their money and I need to spy because I know they know my mother and how she disappeared. Of course, because someone told me that my mom went here before she vanished.

In the future, I will take my father's steps. I will manage our business and organization. I will take care of it and rule the Woodz Clan. Our organization is named Woodz, I haven't asked my father why he named it Woodz.

I silently went out and get in my car. I'm sure the girls inside my base are probably waiting for me. They knew I will be there. I drove for twenty minutes before I finally get to the gate.

There are many CCTV cameras, scanners, and guards here at the gate. It scanned my car's plate number then the gate opened. As usual, many guards are bowing their heads at me.

We have five bases in our organization. My dad is ruling the main base, I'm ruling the other, my cousin is ruling the base left side, my uncle is ruling the right side, and my aunt is ruling the front base.

At our bases, we do have our members. It's our choice if we choose to employ many goons or smart employees. But my father's employees are the best, they are so smart and so like him, cold and impassive.

I do have my own members, a hacker, a pathfinder, the reaper, the smart one, the front liner, and the long-ranged reaper. I can do that all but I still need those people, they contributed a lot to the organization.

When I reached the base, the girls went out one by one waiting for me. The first is the hacker, the brown-haired girl- Allison Halt, the next one is the pathfinder- Bricia Tale, the other peeked and she is the smart one who solves all our codes and makes plans- Calliana Gonzales, the frontline- Divine Houston, our reaper- Ellaine Jordan, and the last is the long-ranged reaper- Francine Kenston.

All of them are my top members here. "Welcome back, Sapphire!" Francine mumbled and hugged me tightly. I just nodded and invited them inside.

"Are you all guys ready?" I asked. This transaction is kinda important. We will face a large mafia organization this time, we better be prepared.

"All of my gadgets of mine are ready," Allison smirked and pointed her gadgets inside a car.

"My sniper is ready!" Francine yelled.

"We are all prepared," Divine mumbled.

I nodded. "Then go inside the car, some troops will be sent to us. We need to go now or else we'll be late," I mumbled while looking at my watch. It's already seven pm. We must go.

We went inside the car and Calliana will be the one who will drive. She started the machine and started driving. She's the expert in driving that's why I let her drive.

When we arrived. We quietly went down and picked up our guns. I just get two handguns and I'm okay. Francine is finding a position now that's why she's not here.

We went inside and saw them exchanging money. My forehead knitted when I saw my cousin. Oh, he's here. Well, he's the one who's exchanging money with them.

I saw their expression turn serious. I quickly prepared to pick up my gun. I slowly went beside my cousin and some of the goons are staring at me. "Sapphire," they whispered. What? Scared now?

My cousin looked at me seriously. "Good thing you're here," he mumbled. "They said fifty billion is not enough," my eyebrow raised at what he had said.

I looked at the Omega organization. "Isn't this enough? You said it costs thirty billion and we even added twenty billion," I calmly said.

"We raised the amount, it's now on eighty billion, because silvers and minerals like this are hard to mine," their leader muttered. "Why? You don't have money to pay?"

I smirked. "Us? We don't have money? We even paid your debt eight years ago," I muttered making their leader upset. I even saw his hand turn into a fist. "Divine, check the stones, observe if they put something," I commanded.

I saw how all of the sweat. So there is really something in it. When the box was opened, we saw that box was full of marijuana! "Marijuana!" My cousin yelled and we immediately pulled our guns and aimed at them.

"We didn't buy marijuana," I mumbled. "You need to pay for this."

I was about to fire my gun at the man when someone spoke. "Drop the guns," a gorgeous man suddenly walks in front of us. He has this incredible and dark aura which made me shiver. Who is this man? He was the first one who made me shiver like this.

He's wearing a mask that's why I can't identify him.

He went in front of me and gently force my hand to put down the gun. "What are you doing?" I irritatedly asked.

He turned to the organization behind him. "You picked up the wrong boxes," he coldly muttered. Then he turned to me again. "We need to go now."

Then all of them marched away but before they even left I spoke. "Can't you apologize for what you have done? You ruined the transaction," it's such a brave of me to murmur those words when in fact I'm afraid of that man.

Again, he turned to me. I looked at his eyes and our eyes met, his eyes were emotionless, with no emotion and no life. "I don't apologize," he muttered before they walked away.

And that's the first time I shivered in an emotionless man.

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