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Adriana Robinson has been home schooled all through her life, because her parents did not want her to mingle with humans at a young age, they did not want her to reveal that she was a werewolf. At least not until she was fully trained and mastered her abilities. When Adriana turned sixteen years old, her parents finally let her mingle with humans normally. She was finally going to attend college at the University of Texas. When she was done around the age of 20 years, she decided to change her location because she had lived in Texas all her life. She was able to get a job to work as a secretary in Lucid Dementia banking firm at Mexico. This meant that she was going to be travelling with a flight for the first time in her life. She woke up late on the day she was meant to travel because previously, she had gone out with her cousins Vivian Walker and Riley Lane to a club and got a little bit drunk. She was still able to make it on time to the airport. During the flight, she met a young tall handsome man, Asher Hopper who coincidentally would seat beside her during the whole journey. When Hailey saw him and caught his scent, she felt a little bit aroused and attracted to him. That was the first time she was feeling like that about a guy, so she did not really understand what she felt at that time. Is it possible she is mated to a human? Who is this guy?

Chapter 1 One

There were just three things that Adriana Robinson was certain of in her life; first, she was a werewolf; second, she was never allowed to leave her territory which was her father's house, and, third, she wasn't allowed to mingle with humans.

Hunters and werewolves aren't friends, even some rogue has joined hands with the hunters to hunt down every werewolf and kill them in fear that they were going to overpower them. Mr. Robinson watched his pack perished as he escaped through thqe secre door with his already pregnant wife. Adriana is ten years old, and her only friends were her parents, she has tried persuading them to let her go to school like every other kid but their reply is always the same

"you will go when you are older and you have mastered your abilities". She is aware of the fact she is not a human but someone who can shift into a wolf but at least she hasn't shifted yet, at her age, her father made her undergo a lot of training as their only child because they know it isn't safe for her out there in the human world. In the morning, her teachers will come in to tutor her till afternoon and in the evening, she trains with her father in their house gym, this was how she always spend every day since she was four, and now she is used to it. "Adriana, your teachers are here" her mother calls out to her.

She groaned silently knowing she won't be eating breakfast today since she woke up late and her teachers are already around

"I will be downstairs soon" she replied throwing the remaining of her clothes on and hurried downstairs "I always tell you never to forget to set your alarm" her mother scolds her as she brushes a hair out of her face with her hand

"I am sorry mother" she gave her an apologetic look Even though her parents might be strict with her, they still love her nonetheless

"it's fine, I will try and talk to them and see if you can eat before you start" she smiled at her daughter

"You are spoiling her woman, she won't learn that way," her father said coming out from wherever he has gone this morning, her father always woke up early every morning to jog to wherever his legs carried him.

Mr. Robinson loves his daughter dearly but he also can't risk losing her safety, he has lost his pack to those hunters that hunt them on daily basis and he has only managed to escape with his pregnant wife and since then, he has tried to keep their identity a secret especially his daughter own who possess abilities since she was born.

"She won't be able to concentrate on what she learning if she doesn't eat" her mother protested

"Then she will wake up early next time if she knows that she wants to eat before her classes" he replied

"But" Adriana wanted to interfere

"Not a word from you young lady and you better go to your study room, you are keeping them waiting" her father half yelled at her.

She nodded with her face down and walks away towards her first nightmare where she will have to stay and listen to their boring speech till afternoon. "Don't you think you are being harsh on her too much, she might start to think we don't love her" Mrs. Robinson asked her husband

"You should understand better, not only will she be a target to those hunters but also other werewolves when they come to know of her abilities" he answered

"I understand but you don't have to be too lenient on her, you should have let her have her breakfast at least"

"Discipline is the first key to success" he replied and excused himself. She shook her head knowing her husband will never change since he hasn't gotten over the tragedy that took place in his pack, he always blames himself for not protecting his people as their alpha but he needs to get over it as their only daughter is suffering from his judgment.

Six years have passed and she was finally allowed to go to a human school and also socialize with them, according to her parents, she was ready and can protect herself from any danger but knowing her parents, they still monitor her and protect her from afar. She has been told not to make use of her abilities in the human world except the situation requires it and she has to be careful when making use of it, she has the abilities to heal and also speak to the moon goddess but she hasn't yet even though the tried most times.

She was admitted to study Banking at the University of Texas, she was so happy because she will be leaving her parent's house to go join her two cousins that are already living there, she couldn't contain her join when she finds out they are of exact age with her. Adriana first finds it strange when she joined to study at the University of Texas, during her first year, they usually make fun of her and her mode of dressing sense, her cousins even tried to help her out but her clothes were never matched but everything changed in her second year because firstly, she changed into her werewolf which she was glad happened when she went to visit her parents during their break and this change her physical body structure; secondly, she has blended in and learns more on the internet.

Asher Hopper came from a wealthy family and was also the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Hopper which made him the sole heir to the Lucid Dementia banking firm in Mexico which his father built after he was born. His generation also runs a winery company in the whole of North America. His family are also the legendary hunters who hunt down werewolves to kill them, his forefathers started it when a wolf killed his wife and since then he has started hunting them down and passing it down to his son who also passed it down to his son and that was how they became hunters.

Asher was never bored because he lives in a villa with his parents and their house is always filled with visitors who have come to greet his parents, he usually plays with the visitor's children, and most of the time, his cousin is always around playing video games with him.

"Asher come here," his father called him

"Yes father" he answered

"Get ready, you will be starting work today in my banking firm" he told him Asher looks like his father not understand what he was saying, he was still in school

"but father, I still have school to attend" he told him

"He is fourteen, what are you saying my husband"

"He need to know learn early" his father replied them

"What about school" he asked

"You are going to be a man some day, you will learn how to balance two or more things at a time" he replied

"So you want him to go to school and also learn work at the same time" his mother asked puzzled

"I already talked to them at work, he will resume when he close from school every day" he insisted

"Think about this again my love" she advised "I have already given it a thought and nothing is going to change my decision, have I made myself clear Asher"

"Yes father" he replied dejectedly.

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