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In love with the cruelest Alpha

In love with the cruelest Alpha

Authoress star


Laura's father was killed by her father's enemies and she was blackmailed by the same people making her leave her entitlement. She stumbled upon Alpha Vincent's pack who happens the cruelest alpha who kills rogue at first sight. Will he kill her or help her?

Chapter 1 One


A beautiful morning, Laura had just woken up to some noise but she knew it must be the warriors bombarding her father about the reports they had from guarding the borders last night, it is theirs duty to give her father the daily reports of what's is happening in the pack since her father is the alpha. She stood up from the bed ready to go greet her father like she normally does every morning before going to do her things but when she came downstairs to where her father office is, she noticed thousands of people already outside. What's going on?, is their any celebration she has forgotten about?, she had thought and when she finally able to asks. "What going on here?" She asked a warrior that is closer to her and who she has been crushing on

"It's your father" he answered bitterly

"Where is he?" She demanded "He is gone princess Laura"

"Gone where?" She couldn't understand, she bid her father goodnight yesterday and he didn't tell her he was going anywhere

"We found him dead this morning" Laura was dumbfounded immediately, It's her father, he is gone, he is dead. But he wasn't sick neither was anything wrong with him last night after they both had dinner together before retiring to bed. "Is this a joke?"She asks walking up to Cora. Her bestfriend right from childhood who is also the daughter of the beta in the Silver packs

"I'm sorry, Laura" She weeps profusely and, that even scare her the more. "Father"She called, finding her way to the room but was stopped by the deceased Alpha guards.

"You can't come into the room, My lady" one of the guards said.

"If this is a joke, you all should better stop it now, I want to see my father"She screams, with tears now rolling down her eye. She is still finding it hard to believe that her father is dead.

She tries to break free from the guards but they were too strong for her and just then Lorenzo, the beta of the pack walk out of the deceased Alpha room looking so sad. "How is my father?"She asks, he only look at her in pity and then nod his head negatively "No"She slammed herself to the floor crying so hard and calling out her father name.

"You can't die, Father"She screams, but all were in absolute vain. He is gone, The best Alpha they had ever had is gone.


Laura hasn't gotten over her father death but the fact she has to move on for the sake of the community and to which she is the only heir to the throne. Alpha Laura turns out to be the first female to rule the Silver pack and that only made it hard for her to survive as many people were against her leadership.

"Good morning, my lady" her personal maid bow to her as she stretch out her little body on the bed looking so tired.

"Good morning,Anna" She reply, with a smile on her face and she looks so happy this morning. "Your bathe is ready and the Beta await you at the Chamber to finalise the meeting with the Blood packs"She announces. "Oh! thanks"She replies. Laura is a bit confused on why her father beta insist on her visiting the Blood packs even with the bad things happening to them currently.

She only knows the Alpha was said to be hot, kind, good and even submissive to his Ex-wife until he caught her cheating and since then he is the complete opposite of what they say about him. She had her bathe, dressed up in a royal dress she actually doesn't like wearing but for some reasons it is things she have to do for her father sake.

"Good morning, Lorenzo"She walk into the Chamberlain and sits on her father throne. "Good morning, Alpha Laura " he reply, even though he is way older than her. He needs to respect his Alpha the ruler of the pack "So, about the Alpha...."She tries to recollect the name of the Alpha.

"Vincent"Lorenzo helped and she appreciates it. "Yeah, Alpha Vincent's. I don't think it's a good idea to go there with the situation of things now in his pack"She stated.

"But why?. He is the only one that can lead us to freedom in the next packs war or we will all be doom"Lorenzo persuaded.

"The Alpha king, my father had always warn me about that pack and I won't want to go against his will just because he is dead" Laura replied, politely.

"Are you saying we should not do the right thing?"he asks.

"The right thing is we stay away from that dangerous packs and I don't want our warriors..." Laura was interrupted by Lorenzo, the beta who now looks furious. "I'm sorry to say this but the whole royal member of the Silver packs had concluded that if you are unable to convince Alpha Vincent's to give out his warriors during the coming war then you are not definitely not fit to be the Alpha"he announces.

"What are you talking about?"She asked, she knew one day it was going to come to this but she never thought it will be this soon. "It's a concluded agreement and there is nothing I can do about it"Lorenzo replied. "But.." she wants to argue "If there is nothing left to say then I must take my leave"he stood up even before Laura could say anything and walk away. She has a bad feeling about going to the Blood pack at this moment and sometimes feels like they are just doing all this to get her off the throne because she is a female but only if they knew how great she is. She got down from her dad throne and left the chamber, she have to do something to protect her father legacy

"Laura" she heard someone called her name She turn back and see that it was only Axel, the warrior she was crushing on and who they are dating now since she haven't found her mate

"are you alright" he asked her with so much concerned in his eyes

"I will be fine, I just don't know how to please all this people" He hugs her closely

"they will come around, they just haven't seen a female Alpha" he assured

"Do you believe I can do it" she looks up into his eyes

"I know you can do it, you are a strong lady" "Thank you Axel, I really need those words of encouragement right now" She tiptoed and kissed him to which he responded back immediately

"I need to go, I am needed at the border" Axel said

"Be safe and I will be waiting for you in my room tonight"

"Okay and don't think about it to much dear" he told her before departing Cora who just witnessed what just happened was fuming in anger, she doesn't like the fact Laura was getting everything she ever wanted even the man she dreamt on getting married to. She clenched her hand in anger wanting to punch her face but she knew better to harm her Alpha, she controlled herself by taking a deep breath before putting on a fake smile "there you are, I was told you finished your meeting" Laura was happy to see her best friend and hug her but the gown she is putting on won't let her "I hate all this gown" she said making the two ladies giggled

"You looked stressed out and it's still morning" Cora said

"My father was really trying, all this alpha job is tiring"

"It's obvious, have you had breakfast " "I never smelt food not to talk of having one" her stomach grumbles as they talk about food "see, even my stomach agree with me"

"We better get you feed up" Cora said pushing her towards the kitchen area "Alpha Laura, beta Cora" the chief maid greeted them "Make us some breakfast, will you" Cora ordered

"Right away" she replied and hurried away "You know you could have said it more nicely" Laura corrected her friend

"They won't respect you if you are being nice to them"

"They are still human like us" she reminded her Their food were brought in and Laura quickly starts to eat hers because she know she doesn't have much time before duty calls "How is you and Axel" Cora asked as she spat the last word

"He has be understanding and being a wonderful boyfriend" she said proudly "Just be careful, he might be with you just because of your title" Cora said wanting to discourage her friend

"I don't think so, he isn't like that, I trust him" "If you say so" she smile sheepishly "Alpha" Someone called her name Laura stood up, took a sip out of her water

"sorry, duty calls" she told Cora who nodded her head and she walked towards the direction she heard her name from.

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