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One Drunk Lonely Night

One Drunk Lonely Night



He just wanted to let loose after work with a drink , that night would change his life forever and he didn't even realize it

Chapter 1 The beginning

The sounds of pained screams and cries erupted from the maternity ward of Saint Paul hospital. "Push, push, push" , the doctors coached. she cried out, "I can't it hurts so much , please make it stop." The young woman had been in labor for what felt like hours. After about another 45 minutes of her pushing her baby was finally here. "Congratulations, it's a boy", the nurse said excitedly as she showed the young woman her baby. The nurse then took the baby away to be cleaned up and get his shots.

All she could do was smile and cry simultaneously as she watched the nurses and doctor do their job of tending to her and her newborn son.

She laid and thought back to the night she had fallen pregnant. The memories came dancing back into her mind as if they had just happened yesterday. Elizabeth walked into the club that night looking drop dead gorgeous, wearing a dress that hugged her body in the right places. As she walked in all eyes were on her men looked at her with lust in their eyes , while every woman envied her good looks and curvy body. She stood at 5'9 had long sandy brown hair that hung down to the middle of her back, her skin was a beautiful caramel color that was flawless. She had the eyes of an angel they were hazel and she had curves in all the right places, her full breasts were a 38C , she had an ass so big you could see it from the front, back, and both sides.

Across town he sat in his office going over the same paperwork he had seen dozens of times. He ran his fingers through his thick curly jet black hair pushing it out of his face. He was so tired and ready to get the hell out of his office for the night. Just then his office door opened and he heard the sweetest voice, "Mr. Carter, if you no longer need me I'll be going home for the evening." It was his assistant Rebecca getting ready to call it a night. Without looking up he said," That's fine Rebecca you can leave first." Rebecca closed the door as she started down the hallway towards the elevator. You could hear the click of her heels as she walked down the hall.

Upon arriving at the elevator she pushed the button, waiting for it to stop on their floor. As she stepped inside all she could think to herself was how good looking her boss was. The thought of him turned her on, she's never understood how he hadn't noticed her. Rebecca started fantasizing about him being in the elevator with her. They worked on the 10th floor of the office building, so she had plenty of time to fantasize until she made it to the parking garage. She imagined him kissing her lips, caressing her smooth soft skin with his rough and strong hands. His tongue dancing in her mouth as she slid her fingers into his soft thick hair. He pulled up her skirt while sliding off her lace panties that were soaked from just a kiss. He started talking kisses from her lips to her neck to her full breasts, all the way down to her hot waiting pussy, feeling his tongue lap at her opening he licked, kissed, and sucked until she was panting and moaning. Begging him to keep going,"Ah... don't stop, uh keep going." Before long she was coming all over the place, suddenly she heard a small ding that snapped her back to reality. Waking from her fantasy as she reached the parking garage, her fingers were soaked and her skirt was pulled up around her waist from the pleasure she gave herself thinking about her boss.

Meanwhile back in his office Mr. Carter finished up his last document with his signature. "Finally", he sighed he was officially done with work. He decided he'd head to the bar one street over from his office. He made his way to his luxurious Porsche parked in the garage of his office. Getting into the driver's seat he started the car and peeled out of the garage. Finding a place to park wasn't to hard for him to do. He walked into the bar, as soon as he did they locked eyes as she looked to see his handsome face. She looked at him then back to her drink. Making his way to the bar he sat down and said, "I'll have the usual." Elizabeth decided she'd slide closer. Looking into his sexy mysterious hazel eyes she asked in a seductive tone," Mind if I join you?" Before taking a seat she waited for his response. "Sure", he replied. She occupied the seat next to him. The two didn't say much to each other before they had consumed a few more drinks. Elizabeth was having her 4th sex on the beach, whereas Scott was on his 5th Scotch on the rocks. Eventually the two warmed up to one another , having a conversation like they had known each other for years. Onlookers couldn't tell this was the first time they'd ever met before.

She finally decided to tell him her name after they talked for what seemed like hours. "Elizabeth", she said. "And you are?" He flashed a charming smile, "Scott", he responded."Pleasure to meet you." Elizabeth smiled flirtatiously,"The pleasures all mine." Then she winked at him. After a few more drinks he realized it was already 1a.m. He stood up from the bar obviously a little drunk. He offered her his hand, she took it and he helped her stand to her feet. The two walked out of the bar, her arm wrapped around his as they laughed. "Where do you live?, It's to late for you to be out alone, I'll take you home", he offered. "I live wherever you're going hot stuff.", She replied. They reached his car and he opened the door for her to step inside, he couldn't help staring at her long slender legs as she entered the vehicle. Stalking around to the other side he got into his car and they drove to his apartment.

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