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Reborn to love you

Reborn to love you

Suzu chan


Catherine Turner was the naive young lady of the Turner family. She should be loved and treated like a precious jewel but the wrong marriage with Billy Rodriguez - the young master of the Rodriguez family - had brought her down to hell. Her beloved husband had an affair with her soulmate and planned to get the Turner family down. He took Turner Group as his property, made her mother and father die in an accident. Her eldest brother has been taken to a mental hospital. Catherine had lost everything, then she decided to risk her life to drag those two ungrateful people to the grave. After all her efforts, she failed and she was killed. When she was near death, she prayed to Mighty God that if she had a chance to do it again, if she could be reborn in a new life, she would change everything. She would stay away from these bad people who just used her like an ugly doll. She would take revenge for what they had done to her. And if she had the last chance, she would find him, Christoper Harris Borrisons. She would appreciate him - the one who did everything for her but did not want her to return anything, even though she had been cruel to him all the time. If there's an afterlife, I will find you and make up for everything that I owed you. And… if there’s any chance, I will be truthful to myself, not living a lie anymore.

Chapter 1 Betrayal

Catherine Turner thought that she had lived her life without shame, always being a good citizen of that society, being a good child of her parents, and a good wife of Billy Rodriguez and she should deserve the best. She has learned to become the most grateful lady of the Rodriguez family but her husband has let her faith down in a terrible way.

Her beloved husband had said that he loathed her. She was deeply in shock.

Why would he say such cruel things like that?

She has tried to be a good wife. She has lived like a doll as his wish, respected her husband's parents and she gave him everything she had, even her dignity. She has silently endured every night of loneliness without her lover because her husband said he needed to focus on his career so she didn’t need to turn around every moment.

She realized that her life was too wasteful. Twenty-five years old, she took seven years of her youth to run after him and serve him carelessly. But what’s in return? She has wasted her life and what she had was nothing more than a lie from her husband.

She had died, like a useless doll to be dragged in garbage trash in the most beautiful time of lifetime. She was too young to die.

Catherine didn’t want to die wastefully. She was not willing to meet an end like that!

In her near-death moment, she felt herself sinking into cold water. The water rushed into her lungs, filled her inside and she gradually sank to the bottom of the silent and endless sea.

Before her eyes closed forever, she prayed to God to let her start over. If she were to do it again, if she could be reborn in a new life, she would change everything. She would stay away from these bad people who just used her like an ugly doll. And if that, she would find him.

Christopher Harris. How could she recognize too late that she loved him, when in the darkest moment of her life, he came like the only light and treated her like a true woman needed to be treated.

She realized her feelings too late. The man she loved should be him, only him that she owed the sincere apology.

She would appreciate him - the one who did everything for her but did not want her to return anything, even though she had been cruel to him all the time.

God, please help me just this once.

And in the moment that she could not clearly recognize, she thought she had come back to the past, where she had totally collapsed.

In her vision, Billy was there, Anna was there too and Catherine was crying madly right in front of their eyes. They still watched without mercy and let Catherine lose her mind.

She was gone mad and looked so terrible, didn’t have the usual fabulous outfit or wear meticulous makeup.

She looked up at him with hateful eyes, finding that handsome face was strange that she could never have understood him. Even if she caught them two making love in front of her eyes, even at this moment, he wasn't embarrassed. His bare body covered with a blanket, hid that damned manhood behind. And her best friend, her soulmate - Anna James sneaked on her husband's arm with bare chest to be covered by hickies, smirked at her like mocking at Catherine’s poor face.

Even when she knew everything, even when she uttered every bitter accusation against him, he still did nothing and sat here, in front of her eyes with her soulmate beside, laughing out loud at her face. His cruel voice had feared her and made Catherine only stand still in shock.

Although she cried out all her sadness and depression, Billy still wore an emotionless face. He sneered in her face:

“Look at yourself! What do you have for me, Catherine? Every night, every time we made love, I felt disgusted. You're just like a soulless doll, not like my Anna.”

"Coward! How could you treat me like that?”

Catherine burst out her voice. Her body trembled, her eyes were puffy from crying and her hair was messy, no longer having the arrogance of the young fair lady anymore.

Billy Rodriguez didn’t bother to pay attention to her feelings, he hugged Anna back and kissed her crazily.

“You are useless, Catherine. Only me, this Anna, can be the one who is most suitable for dearest Billy.”

Catherine was sunk to the ground. She lost everything. After her family’s accident, she only had Billy as her last pillar. Her father and mother have gone forever. Her eldest brother was in a mental breakdown, she had nothing left…

And now, her husband has put his mark off, revealing his filthy cruel face.

Catherine laughed out loud in bitterness and despair. She was kneeling on the cold floor, staring blankly at the two bastards. They seemed to be laughing at her face, laughing at her for being too gullible, too stupid to believe in them and then, Catherine had paid a dearly price to notice.

Her heart was broken immediately. There's nothing left for her, it's all gone.

Catherine suddenly took a deep breath, her eyes flashing with determination and despair. She went mad and found a fruit knife to be left on that table. Catherine couldn’t think of more than death, her death and other deaths. She hurriedly ran and caught that knife, then charged forward with all her might. She was no longer afraid of anything in the world. She was ready to pay the price.


Anna screamed and fell backward. Catherine was no longer like the fair lady. She was like an angry beast and the smile on her lips became more and more terrifying. Billy jumped back and managed to fight back to her. It was so easy to control Catherine before, but now, it got a little bit harder.


Catherine shouted out and used all of her strength to attack Billy. But after a few moments of fighting, Catherine was easily knocked to the floor and got punched mercilessly. And then, her whole body softened and fell like mud.

Blood, there was so much blood. Catherine looked back and could not say anything.

Anna was on her back, coldly stabbing Catherine right in her back with that knife Catherine had used before. Catherine’s eyes got wide and she was gasping for every single breath.

Blood from the wound caused by that fruit knife has been oozed out, soaking all her white dress, splattering on the floor.

Billy took a few steps back, coldly watching her get weaker little by little. Billy,

She lifted her head with all her strength to be left and looked him straight in the eyes. This... was her man she had loved madly, serving him like a God.

She sobbed out of despair. She said the final words in depression:

“All of you…You will be reprimanded…”

"I curse you all..."


“Lady Catherine! Please wake up.”

“Um… my head… It hurts!”

She let out a groan, then she raised her hand to her head, unable to help but wince at the sudden pain. Shhhh! It hurt as if someone had hit her head with a hammer.

Something strange has happened. Catherine just realized immediately and opened her eyes.

The old butler still patiently called her up in an act of almost helplessness, he said:

"Miss Catherine, you shall be late if you can't wake up now. You have a plan with Mister Jake Everton to go out today. This evening, you must attend a party at The Watterson’s party. Mister John Watterson - your cousin is getting married and he wants you to attend his glorious private party.”

"Yo-you, uncle Harry? Is that you?"

She was still drowsy, not understanding what was happening. She poked her head out of the soft blanket. Two misty eyes opened wide in surprise.

The old butler sighed and gave a gentle answer:

"It’s me, Harry Hopper. Are you ok Lady Catherine?”

No! It can’t be?!

“Lady Catherine?” uncle Harry asked worriedly.

At this time, Catherine regained her clear thought, then opened her eyes wide and sat up accordingly. That face, right in front of her eyes, was the familiar face of old Harry Hopper - the butler of her family - the Turners family. That old man was still the same as she could remember with a gentle smile and patient face, the same old glasses and clean vest.

She still couldn't believe what was happening. Catherine looked around and suddenly found that she should go crazy.

This is her old private room from the past!

That is the place where she had lived for twenty years before getting married to Billy Rodriguez. Remember that, her eyes suddenly turned red and she couldn’t help bursting into tears.

She cried like she had never cried before, getting pain and joy and regret mixed into one.

“Lady Catherine? What’s wrong with you? Do you feel hurt?”

Uncle Harry was extremely panicky and confused. He was calling out all over the villa. He gently massaged her back and asked worriedly:

“Perhaps you still got sick after the fever the day before yesterday. Please say anything Lady Catherine.”

Catherine still couldn't stop crying, she was even more like a scared deer, using all her strength to squeeze her beloved uncle Harry. He is alive. Very good.

Everything has come back after life, and she has been reborn as she had wished.

Dear God. Thank you for everything.

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