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The runaway bride

The runaway bride



Aeliyah Craige was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Her parents treat her like a real princess and feed her with so much love and care but in spite of the prosperity they enjoyed there was an event which they did not expect. She went to the stranger man and was known as mysterious and one of the richest in the country and in the blink of an eye married him. For others she was very lucky because she was the one he chose but for her it was a bad dream, will they remain as one or only one of them will be left if they find out each other secrets?

Chapter 1 1

"Baby, you're looks like me," mommy said as my hair wore on.

"Of course, who else do I inherit? hehehe!" I ask.

"Baby, lower your voice. You Dad might heard you," I immediately nodded and ate the cupcake I made earlier.

"Why do I hear me talking about it?" I stopped chewing on the cupcake so did mommy with my hair.

"For my beautiful and lovely wife,"

Daddy kissed mommy in the and gaev a bouquet.

"Your bloody daddy, too!"

I complained and cried for the foot while the snout was cut.

"Where's my honey kiss?" it begs mommy to ask while smiling.

"You princess, where's my kiss?"

It asked me and turned my gaze while pointing at the cheek.

"Why is mommy having a reception then I'm not? Hmph!" I camped as the eyebrows met.

"Kiss before daddy meets,"

He said as he pointed to the cheek as if he were asking for candy.

"Promise?" I ask as a child.

"Promise," daddy replied so I immediately stood up and kissed it on the cheek.

"Where am I meeting? Hehehe!" my question is exciting though so I can buy what I want.

I'm accustomed to having daddy always have a reception every time he comes home from the company.

"Choose here with two princesses."

I pointed to daddy's fist while mommy was by our side while watching us.

"Come on in! Hahaha!" daddy shouted as I laughed after I squeezed my nose.

"You bloody daddy eh! You said I had a meeting!" I shouted and immediately piggyback behind it.

"A-Ah! A-I'm a princess!" I smiled and winked his ear before the face was rubbed.

"You look crazy daddy, hahaha!"

I said and guided with a loud laugh as it continued to mess with its hair.

"You princess, you're twenty-four but mind you kid," I sucked and brushed her nose.

"Hahaha! You're really good, I'm here in the kitchen so we can cook dinner."

Mommy cheered while laughing and helped me get down.

We have no housemates here at home because mommy prefers to be independent daw and not rely on others. So the cleaner and the houseworker.

"Good evening Mr.Craige, I wish you could talk about the important thing," we were at once turned to the door when we heard someone speak.

"Come in. Don't we get stuck in my office, "Daddy brushed her hair and smiled as mommy confronted us.

"Good evening please Mrs. Craige, "daddy's secretary greeted with respect.

"Hon, princess, I'll just talk to my secretary." goodbye and kiss mommy's forehead like me before climbing the stairs following her secretary.

"Scary's daddy's secretary no? Mommy, "I looked up while looking at the woman next to daddy.

It was soothing to her face while wearing formal clothes while carrying paperwork.

"Hay that 'my baby, well get ready for the juice and cookies you made earlier at your daddy's office and I'll cook our dinner," I immediately nodded and followed mommy to the kitchen.

After I mixed the juice and prepared the cookie I brought it while laying on the tray.

When I got to the door of daddy's office I held a hand holding the tray for a knock but before I could knock on the door was heard I cried daddy inside.

"I can't agree! I'm not even in the mood to do what he wants!" I swallowed and slowly applied the ear to the door.

All my life I have just heard daddy shout out that way and even though I don't know him I know he smiles in anger.

"But Mr.Craige has no other para-"

"Be quiet! You never know what you're saying!" daddy broke up with his secretary.

"I'm sorry sir, 'is that the only way for the company and all your business to collapse,"

"Money doesn't matter to me! My son is important to me and I will not allow my child to be married to someone he does not love! Princess is too young for the wild thing!"

I was about to pull the tray I was holding but I was so quick that I immediately collided with it and didn't make any kind of noise.

"What about Ms.Aeliyah sir? What will be his future? Will you let him work just to get rid of himself and even if he still runs out of money is not enough to pay off your company's debt, I know that I have no right to be informed but as secretary, I have the right to say what I deserve, "its secretary's long line.

"Tell Gorge I agree to the agreement,"

I left the tray I was holding but I didn't turn it around and immediately ran away.


Someone's POV

"Boss! He still doesn't say the information we are blocking, "that's why I hear slamming the door behind me.

"Let me handle this," he nodded and went out.

"Why can't you tell us that information we needed?" I ask this man in front of me calmly as I seat on the chair without looking at her.

"You're wasting my time," I said while holding my jaw with my teeth clenched.

"How about I traced your tattoo so that it will more beautiful," I said and punctured the knife in his arm.

"Argh!" he screams in pain.

I love it when I see people scream in pain. It gives pleasure to my ears.

"How about we draw something on the other arm of yours?" I asked him while smiling evilly.

"I just did that to keep my family safe," he said.

"Really?" I took the gun I held and shot the man in front of me.

"Boss! Where are you going?" I just keep walking and ignore him.

Aaliyah Craige POV

"Princess talk to me," bowed and wiped the grain of my tears on the cheek.

"Get out first. I need to rest, "I utus and heavy feet sit in bed.

"It's for your sake, you know that?" I laughed and grilled my eyes to look at daddy.

"What do you not understand? I don't want to get married, "I said and couldn't stop the urge because of the emotion I wanted to bring out.

"Do you think I want to"

"Baby rest first. I'll just talk to your daddy,"

We both looked at the door when mommy came in and spoke.

"We have nothing to talk about, I have a whole lot of decisions about whether or not he will get married tomorrow," daddy said decisively before we move on.

"Are you kidding Clifton?!" mommy couldn't stop the shouting and dirting in the eyes that looked at daddy but also immediately avoided.

"Tomorrow the makeup artist is coming here to wake you up, I've talked to Gorge and her son so you have nothing to worry about," I immediately stood up and spoke with courage.

"Why is that so easy? You didn't even ask me if it was okay with me!" I asked and couldn't stop crying.

"Do you think princess I like everything that happens?! Huh?!" mommy immediately stopped daddy's arm from coming to me.

"Yes! Because we can afford to spend money on clean para a-"

Cut off I say a strong slap I got on the right cheek cause I could sit on the floor.

"You have no respect! Everything you want us to give you mommy! Then this is what you will reward us for!" I leaned back and embraced my knee while still feeling the pain I had in my right cheek.

"Clifton is right!" mommy shouted in the fast footsteps approaching me.

"'You don't want your child to be challenged! Not all the time we are there next to him so he has to learn and stand on his own feet!" daddy shouted before I could hear the loud door closing.

"Shhhh ... b-baby 'don't cry."

Mommy gifted me while tired back but even then I could feel crying.

"M-Mommy," only I said before it was tightened while sobbing.


"Wow! You're so nice that even light makeup is okay, "jokes a famous makeup artist as the foundation puts my face down.

"Gurl you know I've seen you so sad there, shouldn't you be happy because this is the especial thing that will happen in your life?" an aunt of a gay makeup artist who shaved my hair.

An hour later they ended up hurting me that I didn't speak. I feel like I'm going to get saliva because my mouth has been around since they came here home.

"You're going to wear the gown. Just tell us I'm done, "I nodded and took the gown when they got out.

The gown is so beautiful and even any woman who wears it will be glad for its nice and full of shiny jewelry that is worth a million.

I looked at the glass reflection while holding the gown. It was just a dream and I dreamed it so I wanted to wake up.

"Gurl, are you done? Do you need help?" I heard a makeup artist question across the door.

"So I can," I had no emotion and wore the gown.

I don't want to do anything and by the time I get married to the man I am marrying now 'so was the beginning of the darkness of my world that even the light would never again come to light.

"Okay, come in," I ordered while sitting in bed.

"Kyahhhh!" I covered my two ears because of the polarity strength of the two gay men who came in.

"Gurl I'm not just gay I used to scream, can I miss you?" that voice.

I couldn't help but laugh because it was so bad that I didn't act and speak.

"That's more of 'you smile the more beautiful it doesn't look like you're being beaten by heaven and earth," said a makeup artist.

"Are you done?"

Daddy's face and voice were seriously drawn to us while wearing a black suit.

"Yes, Mr. Craige,"

"Yes Mr. Craige, "says the two and leaves.

"Let's go princess." daddy cheered and reached out to me.

"So I walk alone," I leaned over and grabbed the gown, and walked out of the room.

To this day I will never forget what happened last night. The first time he reached out to me.

"Hon let's go. The car was still hanging outside, "it made mommy happy, and reached out to her hand but as I did it refused.

We just walked quietly while mommy helped me walk.

When we got to the car, mommy and I first came in while daddy was by my side. We were just quiet in the car while mommy was holding my hand so much as I wanted to stop but I could follow I wouldn't have two minds do that.

When we got to the opposite church, daddy came down first and the door opened to us before helping us to go down and go to the big church while waiting for tomorrow.

"Let me leave here alone,"

I beg while I think.

"We can't leave you here princess, you-"

"You want to keep the marriage away from me, 'don't worry I won't run away," I thought they did and went inside the church.

Soon the big church door opens with romantic background music. I want to laugh because of that. I didn't even know who I was going to marry.

I started walking on the red carpet and as I hoped I was the center of it all.

I looked at the man I was going to marry. It's handsome but it's not the guy I dreamed of. I turned my eyes to mommy and daddy who could not deny the sadness in her eyes. Is it right that I tie-up with a man I don't love?

I stopped walking and wiped the tears on my cheek that I could not fall back. Not for the fun I feel not because of the sadness and fear it feels like I'm getting married to the man who is currently across the altar.

"I'm sorry," I was sorry before the heels got rid of the suit and ran out.

"Princess!" daddy shouted as well as some guests wondering.

I grabbed the gown wearing it and ran fast until I got out of the church.

I was wandering around before running again but I was stopped to hear a cold male voice.

"Stay there." utus it before I heard its footsteps approaching me but before I could turn it suddenly had a handkerchief in my mouth and felt a snare.

"You're mine now," i heard but before I 'didn't lose my consciousness it was a soft thing I felt on the lips.

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