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Ezekiela Fuentes is a magnet to danger, chaos and everything in between. She was invited to mysterious mission in Lot 51, a place she haven't been to— a new adventure of her. What awaits her in the journey? What will she discover? What is Lot 51?

Chapter 1 Prolouge.

I slowly open my eyes, the light is dull and my vision is blurry.

"Ah, my head. It hurts" my head, it feels like anytime now it's going to burst. With my weak hands, i tried to get up to find a comfortable place. I was lying on the floor, yuck!

Luckily, i found a chair nearby. I sat on it and roamed my eyes around. I got to familiarize this place while my body is still weak. I don't fckng know what happened, i can't recall it yet.

Where am i? What the heck is this place? There's no light bulb nor lamp. The light from the window entering this place is enough for me to see.

Has this place gone to some storm something? The things is all over the place. Almost all the things here is broken. Such a messy place for a goddess like me. I'm not fit here. I wish i can regain my strength and get out of this hell as soon as possible.

"Be wise Eli. Don't believe what you see, prove to believe."

Here it comes again, my head with it's killing pain, is there some sort of construction site in my head?

This time the pain is worth it. Something flashed in my mind, a flashback of what happened before i lost conscious.

Three men, two in my left and one in my right, i can see the one in my right hold a syringe with strange liquid in it. I felt hot liquid entering my vein and my eyes started to get blurry. What is that thing he injected to me? I saw him leaving and a shadow was going near me. I can't see his face clearly how hard i try. That liquid is strong, in just a second it effected.

"Be wise Eli. Don't believe what you see, prove to believe." He said then caressed my cheeks. I tried to reply but before i did so i felt really weak and everything turned black.

So that explains how i end up in this place.

I guess the journey starts here. Can't help but to let out a deep sigh.


A sound from somewhere caught my attention, i searched for it and found a person walking towards me. All i can see is shadow, the light from the window doesn't reach his spot. I'm still weak, i can't fight now.

Is that a person? It walks strangely and i can smelll disgusting shit. Blood, the smell is blood, fresh one.

My whole body shivered, it's coming near me and its pace is speeding up. I tried to run but my knees are to weak to stand. I don't have the strength to move nor shout. I fckng hate this feeling.

On the ground, shivering, weak and helpless.

I haven't even started yet. I've got more things in my sleeve, waiting to be used. I can't hold my tears as i saw the creature. It's getting more aggressive.

Its eyes is locked on me, like a hungry beast, a predator with its helpless prey.

Am i gonna die now?

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