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Lot 51

Chapter 6 Fifth Chapter.

Word Count: 878    |    Released on: 05/07/2022

e a good morning. My back hurts, i fell asleep

at true? I was about to turn on my computer when i held myself back,

d and s

earth!" I ener


while humming. I just finis

i hope it will continue 'till night. The

boiler with water and turned it on. While waiting i went

te the last pack." Sab's sleepy voice said. Bad energy al

ut it, besides what could probably go wrong? It's still morning and it

went back to my boile

e cabinet to fetch the sugar, i prefer pure coffee with suga

dy left? Who said she won't eat here ever again? I would jump

fee. Who said that a good morning requires a cup of coffee? That p

g is caring you know." Sab said and sat at the oppos

and find your own work." I really can't stop getting irritated w

and continued s

e criminal of this. This could distract myself from negativity, if i






alve Ronhay?!" She giggled. She reall

tart of a new chaotic day. I should really acce

electric bill that th


ity will be c

ow! I can't afford having no electricity! It needs 30 days before

'm so irritated by this btch

ive me money" Gosh! I'm like her guardian! C

y everything we need. Everything." Her eyes shined, oh gosh

oom for her easy access. She's in char

nd tried to kiss me when i raised my left br

old man. Nice br* and p*nty, btw." My brows rais

those die hard b*tches. It came viral easily, everyone's eyes is on you. Be careful miss Zella." And she winked. My mouth hung open, wtf? Gladly it's not my real name, but stil

a much more shocking news that boiled my

t and fell asleep halfway typing the reply so i hel

fvck?! Salve Ronh

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