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Lot 51

Chapter 4 Third Chapter.

Word Count: 880    |    Released on: 05/07/2022

he aircon stron

e bar. The people became quiet, it somehow became peaceful. Both men are quiet for mi

. Valdez broke the silence. I know he's also aware

ke smile. Minutes ago, I thrown the ice away that even cause one of t

nning lady you're with?" Mr. Cere

ld man tapped my knees below the tabl


he added. I wa

ed, i can see that

can't take this anymore,

comfort room" i said while

lfriend to accompany you." I don't know that i would be deali

as respect. She's undeniably gorgeous. I think

i don't like having company. I like

y used it as an alliby to get out of the suffocating atmo

id facing me in the mirror. S

'm not into long c

me. So, how long will you get money from that oldie?" She's

It's enough to sustain me for t

d in bed?" Then burst into laughter, i laughed too, a

s "beast" is no longer a "beast"" and we laughed again.

should atleast

boring men" she stopped laughing, oh wel

to share the secret?" She said then laughed again. I

t share bruh." W

like you

ng?" I didn't clearly


our table, still far but i can see that the tension

erenio that caught their attention. A dee

ands on my lap, caressing it up and down, he

rner talked with Sasha, it's great that

anana" even said that the bigger the yummier and even gave some tips on how to eat it in a much yum

, we'll probably just k

ir done with their oh-so-boring talk about money, money and money. Bruh so I'm the one not feeling wel

'm hallucinating that Mr. Valdez looked at me at his last line bu

man really

d hands. Mr. Valdez caught m

turned around and saw Sasha wavi

now? Such a weird

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