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Is getting paid worth putting your life in danger? What if the person you’re getting naked for over the screen isn’t just a man, what if he’s unhealthily obsessed with you? Author: Alena Nadimian Publisher:EasyReading

Chapter 1 No.1




Webcams everywhere.

They were all connected to laptops that were facing me, showing me exactly what I looked like. Sat in the middle of a red dim lit room, tied to a chair, I pulled and yanked at the ropes in hopes of finding a way out of this nightmare that I was swimming in. I was drowning, the more I tried to get free of the ropes, the tighter they felt around me, suffocating me, swallowing me whole into this dark middle of nowhere with the endless eternity of misery that I couldn��t shake myself out of.

No one was here, not a person in sight, only me and the cameras, only me and the reflection of my trapped form, it was there to taunt me, it was there to remind me that I was trapped, trapped within the constant reminder of how doomed I was.

��Let me for!��

I screamed out, my voice cracking as my anxiety tormented my vocal chords, leaving me with a shaky breath and a half assed demand.

��Who the fuck are you?!��

I yelled again, hoping, wishing that whoever this sick person was, he would let me go, he would set me free, he would stop this before it got worse.

��Why are you doing this to me?��

I cried out, my tears straining against my eyes, they muttered their threats against my eyelids before they slipped free and stained my cheeks, dampening my skin, reminding me that I was still alive, something that could change very soon, something that wasn��t guaranteed.

��Please- please let me go.��

I was whispering now, it was no use, he wasn��t going to answer me�� or so I thought, because as I looked up at the laptop screens, each of them had paused on my image as texts began to form on the screen, he was typing�� why was he typing?

��I didn��t go through the trouble of taking you in order to let you just go so easily.��

My skin crawled at the text written out for me on the screen, I could feel my entire body shaking as I looked all around the room for any sign of this man, I was afraid that he��d never reveal himself and I��d forever be trapped in this dark room, I was also afraid that he would reveal himself and things would get even worse than they already were. I was terrified.

��You have sinned. I will cleanse you.��

Another text written on the screen, it disappeared quickly as the entire screen went black for a moment and once the screen was back on�� my heart stalled in my chest, running my blood cold as I scanned what was before me.

I was live.

He was broadcasting me live on my website, sitting here restrained against the chair with black mascara running down my eyes, I was being broadcasted, he was taking pleasure in showing my followers what he had made of me�� he was��.

Breaking me.

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