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Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 1030    |    Released on: 03/08/2022


police for it, they told me to basically get off social media and change my phone number and when they learned about my way of making a living, they practically di

id of and wasn��t in any danger because apparently we ask for it so you could understand why I wouldn��t be going t

a bunch of people to entertain so I had

unny mask in my bag before covering my body with a faux fur coat to avoid unwanted attent

vited to an exclusive VIP club event to perform as dancers and keep the crowd entertained and for that, we would

irls re

oked at us through the mirror, not sure whether he was checking us out or thinking that we were completely insane but all of those good vibes died down as we got out

ny hungry predators around,

my arms around myself, holding myself protectively as I looked around for anyone that stood out to me but coming up empty, I walke

ppointing him and so, we took off our jackets and put all of our belongings in a given cupboard that we kept the key of before p

attention we wanted, I couldn��t shake off the bad feeling I had as my eyes d

black bunny face masks, they approached us on the stage, we had been informed that there was a position for men to pay to dance with us and we��d get 80% of the payment and so, I looked back the masked guy stood behind me, he grabbed my waist and so I began to dance on him, grinding against him, I lowered myself to the floor before turning around and looking up at him as he watched me, even though I couldn��t see his eyes, I could feel them on me, all over me, it made me shiver as I stood back up, continuing

ht did you? You dance well, I��m only glad that I��m the one yo

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