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SHAHZAIB IQBAL ASHFOUR AND HUDYAN SOHAIL BAZ in the short and romantic journey of THE TABOO NIGHT why won't this loving husband of Hudyan get intimate with her? And what really happened in the night of TABOO? Even after being a woman, a billionaire who rules her fathers business, grown as the one and only and a spoiled brat too, having all. What she wants that money can buy, the love and affection she could get from every Nook and corner, life seems to be perfect until a secret kept and held, friends influences by the way and soon she didn't think about the responsibility or possibility as life goes on she tend to forget with time and decided to have fun on the way up to the future, everything was perfect until when she got married and haven't become a complete woman, now she's craving for that, craving to become a mother, craving for sex from her husband, husband who in every way stops by along the way not to get his hard member into her inner V and refuse to divorce her also....well will this keep on? And for how long? THE TABOO NIGHT COMING SOON..... Author: JIDDAH Publisher:i&i Publisher

Chapter 1 No.1


Have you seen the Sunset and Sunrise

And the Horizon that's a prize

Like the language of affirmation in love

How the colors mix and melt

And look as soft as physical touch felt

How they float away into black

As you wish them back in gifts

And that feeling that makes you sad

When one has no quality time for you

How the tears will come and just make you mad

But then you see the stars as act of service

That are so small they could fit in jars

Now there are so many

As he combine all five love? languages

You'd buy each one with a penny

How they shine so bright as I choose two out of five

And we don't put up a fight

As we understood the first step in our relation ship

So we stand as we watch? our love twinkle and shine

Then we realize we're off the road of ups and downs.


As I looked into the eyes of my man, my Rey! All I saw was sex, a longing sex, as he circled his hands on my waists securely, I felt safe, safer than ever.

Staring at him beautifully I can't be any happier , what a great guy I found myself When my world explodes from the inside Shahzaib is the man you want next to you. He feels the shockwave and stays on his feet. Whatever he had to do disappears and as he refocuses on what needs to be done. He'll cover every angle and stay right there until you can breathe, walk and talk at the same time. Then he stands back and lets you get back on with your life, never mentioning your crisis again and not wanting to discuss it further. Once the storm has passed his tolerance for backward steps is all but non-existent. His shoulder is only for crying on when you can't stand alone, after that he expects you build inner strength, resilience. Shahzaib is the guy that works hard, brings home the money and never take his stress out on others. His relationship "currency" is word of affirmation, physical touch, quality time, gifts and acts of service, he'll see you as an equal but he'll expect you to act as one.

"You've been staring for so long, snap a pic it'll last long sexy," He said with a smirk opening his eyes as he hit my bum romantically.

How much I love when he does that!

"You're no fine as you look." I said faking a hiss.

"Ooh really well how about I show you what's fine?" He said as his smirk grew wider.

"How about I show you?" I finally gave in putting my hands inside his pants as I played with his balls.

"Damn girl, you'd be the death of me if you keep doing that." He moaned as he relaxed back and I massage his hard member playing with his balls.

"Well now you see what's finer huh?" I said enjoying each part as he groaned and moan the faster I go.

"It's still in me, it has to be finer you know, after all, it's all yours to see and play with but just be careful down their don't cut my balls off." He said as he gave a little pout.

"Now c'mon lazy ass we're? gonna be late for work," I said as I stood up from the bed dragging him up.

"Hey Reynaaaaaa it's Saturday hello?" He said waving a hand.

"Ooh, yh it's weekend, sorry love." I said as I settled on his Laps teasing his growing bulg.

"How about we have a shower together as always huh?" He said with a smirk as he unbuttoned my pj shirt grabbing my boobs.

"Now ain't you a naughty big baby." I said giving him a light kiss.

"I miss you love, this week had been hectic," He said sincerely as he lick the tips of my nipples making me moan.

"That moan is not enough for my ears babe, ain't I doing alright? C'mon baby girl give me more of those moans." He said angrily as his eyes turn darker, I looked up and smiled.

"As his Calloused fingertips trace the silhouettes of smooth, contrasting my thighs. They navigate rounded hips with familiar fascination. Inhalations whisper of longing. The breaths catch... while fingers orchestrate an exhaled symphony of moans."

"Now you're giving me the age that I'm doing."

"Ahhhhhhh....." She moaned! The kind of one my ear craves for.

We aligned mouths. We entwined. All act was clutch, All fact contact, the attack and the interlock Of tongues, the charms of arms. I shook at the touch Of his fresh flesh, I rocked at the shock of his cock. If only by Straddling my legs a little I inserted his divine Person between and closed on it tight as I could. And The upright warmth of his belly will lay all along mine. Nude, glued together for a minute, and then we'll stood, then I'd call that sex!

The long sex I've been wanting to feel, but never in my life have I felt that Hard nugget of pain that passes through as losing virginity.


"Sorry love I have to pick this up."

"Hello maya."

"Hello sweetheart," She replied from the other side of the call.

"Are you not coming already? Don't be late please...come get your fine ass here."

"What...we're having a girly time today? You should have told me earlier." I replied as I watch Shahzaib got into the bathroom.

"Well....hello don't be an asshole....we said we were gonna have a girly time on the 12th...where's your brain?"

"Oooh..sorry I've been busy really, I'll be their in half an hour."

"Been having sex huh? Forgot about our girly time." She hang up the call before I could protest.

Mayaaa! A rude accountant? who flirt with her boss and her co-workers, maya is a beautiful woman, but only on the outside. She? is highly practiced at seduction. With her latin looks and high cheek bones it was all too simple, but she was the bossy type she'd make you do stupid things and dance to her tunes, so she'd look like the better one nevertheless she's ugly from? the inside and in real life...but being BOSSY has always been her savior and it lead her to being single till date? and I've always falling a victim to that, have always taken advantage of my "so not wise mind" because I've always been one to feel among.

"Rey....." I called out entering the bathroom.

"Hey I'm sorry I have to go out with the girls you okay with that? We can hang out together tomorrow huh?"

"Sure love." he replied as his teeth nibbled my neck, we bathed and played together.


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“What is it? You sighed.” Gabriel stared at Rosalind. “I can’t do it ….” She shook her head. “It will be like I’m selling myself to you if I accept your offer. I’m not a whore, you know.” “Rose, I know you aren’t a whore. I don’t need to offer a whore anything, nor will I be interested in one, either.” He took her hand and kissed the knuckles. “I want you, Rose, only you.” “But why?” *** Rosalind Miller (twenty-three years old) is an orphan and poor. She has double jobs because she wants to get a bachelor’s degree to improve her life. It devastates Rosalind when her boyfriend of five years cheats on her. She goes drunk, only to wake up naked the next day beside a naked guy too, her ex’s uncle. Gabriel Da Costa (forty-five years old) is a transportation mogul in the five countries. Listed as one of the most eligible bachelors in the capital, including in the nearest countries, many women want to be with him, but he stays single for years. Knowing his nephew has been cheating on Rosalind for a long time, he feels sorry for her and brings her to his apartment when she is drunk. What will happen later after that night? Will it be a one-night stand only or will their relationship continue afterward? *** This is the second book of the series The Most Eligible Billionaire Bachelors/The Age-Gap Billionaire Series. The first book is The Billionaire’s Contract Marriage. Despite being a series, readers can read both books as stand-alone.

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