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The Good Girl's Bad Side Series

The Good Girl's Bad Side Series



Tristan's grasp tightens around my waist, while inching his face closer and closer to mine. He brushes his lips softly against mine, sending inevitable feelings running a marathon. "You're really tempting me Angel." He chuckles softly. "Do you always give into temptation?" I tease him "Nope. But I'm gonna make an exception." Meet Hailey Matthews. An average teenager, with good grades and top in her new school. But is she really a good girl?...Wait to find out... Tristan Wilder. The bad boy everyone fears. The guy every girl wants and has the perfect grades. He's perfect. What happens when these people's worlds cross? Tears will be shed. Hearts will be mended and hope will be regained. Author: Noreen Publisher: EasyReading

Chapter 1 No.1

Hailey's POV

A new beginning is what we all need sometimes. A fresh start, hoping to erase all the bad memories trapped in the back of our minds, followed by an abominable past.

"Don't leave me!" I scream as tears rush down my cheeks.

But he just gives me one last glance before turning away and leaving. Leaving me alone...with no one to hold.

I guess that's what everyone I going to do...leave me.


I awake from my slumber and make my way towards my white-tiled bathroom. I take a quick, warm 10 minute shower, removing the layer of sweat covering my body, and then put on a simple outfit that consists of a blue high-waist jean, a maroon spaghetti strap crop top, and I end it with my white converse.

Today is my first day at Greenwood High. My parents had me transferred there, saying that I needed a fresh new start and leave the past behind.

I didn't mind the change, since I never really had friends at my previous school.

I am not a sociable person, but I am not socially awkward either. I usually spend my time in my room when I am not at school.

I take one last glance at myself in the mirror and apply lip gloss as my make up. Satisfied with my look, I head downstairs and start making breakfast. I make enough pancakes for my parents who are still asleep and I decide on eating my favourite cereal: Cheerios.

After breakfast, I take my car keys and bag and go out of the house. I unlock my Mercedes Benz and drive out of the drive way, listening to random music.


I arrive at school and park my car in the schools parking lot. I step out the car and make my way towards the unfamiliar building. Greenwood High.

I plan to go about unnoticed and not draw much attention to myself, as I hate attention. Just going to put up the whole 'good girl' act as I always do, although I hate it.

Goal for the year: try to stay good, unnoticed and get out of this place.

I go through the doors and I am met with the hallway, and people are either gossiping, making out or talking. I walk towards the administration office in order to get my timetable that I haven't received yet and the lady working there gives me everything I need and shows me the directions to my first class, maths. I walk towards my locker and take everything I need and take out everything that I don't need.

After, walking to my class, I enter the class and make my way to the back, right-corner seat next to the window, as the class began to fill up with students and soon there were only two seats left.

The teacher, Mr Thompson, comes in and makes the class settle down. "Morning everyone," he begins, "Today we will be discussing the work on page 68 in your textbooks. So read through everything first and we'll discuss in a few minutes."

I begin to page through my book before the door swings open, revealing two guys who look like they come from male model magazines. They both have the bad boy look: leather jackets and plain white shirts that seem to outline every detail of their torso.

"Sorry we came before you, Mr Wilder and Mr Anderson," Mr Thompson says sarcastically.

"Apology accepted Mr T," says a brunette haired guy with brown eyes.

Mr Thompson ignored their rude remarks and continues looking at his laptop as the two guys make their way towards the seats. Every pair of eyes follows them, the girls making flirtatious facial impressions, trying to receive their attention. One guy stayed serious and the other one was simply winking at the girls, making them swoon.

Seconds later, I realise that someone is staring at me, and I look up to see a gorgeous looking guy who's eyes seem more brown with a tint of green.

"Would get out of my seat?" He deadpans.

"I don't see your name written on it," I say.

"Well it's mine and your butt is in it," he points out.

"Exactly. I am already sitting in it so you might as well take that open seat," I point to the seat in front of me, " and leave me alone," I give a fake and lipped smile.

By now all heads are turned to us, listening to our suddenly interesting conversation or 'argument'.

"Tristan, just sit down in the open seat," Mr T says to the irritating guy in front of me, Tristan. "It won't kill you."

Tristan glares at me and sits in front of me. Geez, somebody is grumpy.

The period ends and I quickly go to Mr Thompson's desk.

"Sir, may I please get notes on the work you've already done before?" I ask him as he looks up to face me.

"Oh, yes. You must be Hailey Matthews, the new student," he says and I nod.

"Please ask one of the students, but I'm sure you won't have trouble since you were the top student at your school," he says. "Peyton, come here for a sec," he calls a girl named Peyton. She has blond hair and green eyes. She's verhapty beautiful and has the perfect figure.

"Sir?" She asks.

"This is Hailey, please show her around and help her get the work we've done so far," he says.

"Okay, I will," she says. "C'mon, what's your next class?" She asks me.

"English," I respond.

"Great we're in the same class then. Follow me." She says chirpily.

I follow Peyton to the English class and take our seats in the middle of the class.

The lesson went in a blur. Our English teacher, Mrs Hamilton, talked about a play that our school will be holding. It's a musical based on Romeo and Juliet, but they are going to call it 'R & J Revolution' and there will be auditions held at the end of the week for whoever wants to participate. Peyton and I sat throughout the entire lesson talking and getting to know each other.

Third period went in a blink of an eye and now it is lunch.

"So, my friends are a bit crazy, but fun! I believe you'll like them," Peyton says excitedly as we make our way to the lunch table filled with people, who have already started calling her name.

"Hey guys! This is Hailey," she introduces me to her friends. "She's new so she'll be joining us from now on," she grins.

"I don't mind. She's hot!" A guy with dirty blond hair says.

"Hands off! She's mine," another guy with jet black hair says to the dirty blond haired guy.

"Sorry but none of you own as far as I know," I say to them.

That gets a couple of snickers from the others.

"Sorry about these two. They are idiots. My name is Cathy," a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes says. She has light make up on but even under the make up, you can see that she's pretty.

"And I'm Kaitlyn," another girl greets me. She has black, pin straight hair and brown eyes. She is also beautiful and wears no make up.

"Nice to meet you," I give a genuine smile.

"I'm Luke and this is--" the guy with the black hair gets cut off by the guy with the dirty blonde hair, "-- Nathan, but call me Nate," he grins.

I sit down in between Peyton, who is on my right, and Nate, who is on me left.

"So Hailey, how is Greenwood High so far?" Kaitlyn asks.

"So far so good," I reply with a smile.

"May I ask a question?" Cathy asks me.

"Yeah," I say.

"Why is Tristan staring at you--especially with those eyes?" She asks, clearly surprised.

"I don't know," I shrugged. "Maybe because I refused to get out his seat."

"You were in his seat?" Cathy gasps, as the others stare at me with wide eyes, except Peyton, who was in the class when it happened.

"Yeah, is there a problem?" I look at them with confusion.

"Yes! No one ever takes his seat! Everybody knows that," Kaitlyn says in a duh tone.

I shrugged, "I don't care. He found me in it already so, I had the right to sit in it." I didn't care about what anyone had to say. No one can tell me what to do.

"I like her," Cathy says.

"I think we all do," Luke says, winking at me.

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