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He is Pediseth's most accurate autopsies doctor, his autopsy results make his reputation in the field and the felony investigation team extremely popular. She is the mistress of a notorious Mafia organization also in the city of Pediseth, saying one is one, two is two, just being the one who makes her hate will have bad results - disappear from this city. Both because of running away from their arranged marriage, used different identities, different names and met each other. To find out who killed her grandfather, Veronica meets Darius and becomes his assistant. A person who lives out of the light, cold to the whole world. One was used to living in the dark, her hands dyed red with blood. Two people are two opposite worlds, how far will this story go?

Chapter 1 Veronica.

The city of Pediseth.

The large room is located in the western suburbs, the mansion is separate from the mountains and forests, and the lights are still on even though it is dark.

A beautiful girl like an ancient goddess in a black evening gown was sitting on the sofa. She rested her right foot on her left thigh, holding a lit cigarette between her fingers.

"Veronica, did you hear what Grandpa said just now?" The old man with white hair broke the silence earlier.

"Yes Sir John Watson, I heard you very well, sir!" Veronica grimaced after hearing Mr. John finish. She is clearly unhappy. Placing the still-burnt cigarette in her hand into the ashtray, Veronica leaned back on the sofa lazily, her eyes ignoring the seriousness on Mr. John's face.

"I see you haven't heard anything! I don't care! This marriage to the Matthew family must be held as soon as possible. Your grandfather has already approved of the eldest son of the Matthew family! " Mr. John Watson looked at Veronica's uncoordinated attitude and was so angry that he stomped his feet. Mr. John Watson raised his voice and did not give Veronica the slightest opportunity to refuse.

Waiting until Mr. John finished, Veronica yawned again, stretched her shoulders, and stood up: "Grandpa, if you want this marriage to happen then I only have one way! Sir! John Watson with the eldest son of the Matthew family! You two will surely be happy."

"Veronica! You want to die right?" John heard his granddaughter say this sentence and immediately choked. Just as she was about to raise the dog stick in her hand to hit Veronica, she was nowhere to be seen: "This damn child! Always disobeying her grandfather! When can she get married and have children?! "

The screams that came from that large room spread all the way to the hallway of the mansion's ground floor. Veronica walked as she raised her hand to pick her ear. Her grandfather's marriage urges have made her sick to death!


Stepping out the main door of the mansion, a man in a black suit walked up to Veronica and respectfully called out to her.

Veronica paused, her glamorous figure in her evening gown wrapped up after a maid stepped forward and dressed her in a vest.

"What happens?" Veronica walked over to the car parked outside the mansion while asking the man just now.

"Our shipment at the border gate encountered an ambush, that quantity...was lost. Owner, we found out that the ambush was an A&Q organization member. Now we must how?" The man escorting Veronica got into the car and carefully bowed his head to report the situation to Veronica.

When she heard that, her face was strangely calm. Her seductive lips with crimson lipstick made the smile on her lips too mysterious and evilly beautiful. Black eyes looked over at the man outside the car window: "How can it be so easy to steal my goods? Go to Laft border gate." Veronica lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and released a voluptuous white smoke, she said, her voice flat.

"Laft border gate? Master, you have an appointment with your partner tonight..." The driver asked again in a hesitant voice.

The man outside the car window did not understand Veronica's intention when he ordered to Laft border gate to do.

"Cancel that appointment. Tell David I want to see him at Laft in ten minutes." Veronica leaned against the back of the chair, closed her eyes to relax, and said.

"Yes, master." The man did not dare to ask much, so he immediately bowed his head to accept the order.

The car carrying Veronica left, entering the forest road with yellow neon lights to the end of the road.


Laft border gate, west of Pediseth city.

Veronica stepped out of the car in a glamorous black evening gown. The cold night wind blew inland from the shore causing her platinum hair to flutter. This beauty resembles the purity and supremacy of an ancient goddess.

Welcoming Veronica was David, he had been waiting for her before. Behind David were his subordinates waiting for orders. David knew Veronica would never call him anywhere suddenly without action. This action at Laft border gate is definitely related to the fact that the A&Q organization has just raided and stolen the shipment of the Edith organization. Organization Edith - the name of a Mafia organization founded by the two hands of this girl named Veronica. That radiantly beautiful girl had the beauty of a notorious female demon in this Mafia world. Few people know what kind of face she has, and few know what kind of personality she is after all. Veronica existed as the mistress of the Edith Organization but never appeared with her real face. This is what makes one curious about the notorious owner of this top Mafia organization.

"Owner." David stepped forward with a careful bow.

"Not bad, you prepared everything I wanted." Veronica looked at the subordinates waiting for orders, the weapons, and even the combat status they had. She smiled happily.

"Then what is the action this time?" David straightened up and asked seriously.

"Robbery!" Veronica crossed her arms across her chest, bluntly spitting out these two words.

David looked at Veronica in surprise. This is the first time that Veronica - his owner personally went into the water to rob the goods!

"No need to be so surprised. Five minutes from now, the A&Q crew will arrive at the Laft border gate. All in position, we'll get our shipment back. Oh man, that shipment has a lot of money. that's two billion dollars, not a small number." Veronica laughed at David's surprised face and said. Her voice still lacked seriousness, but David knew Veronica once gave an order one would be one, two would be two. No change, no exception.

David received the order and didn't ask much, he walked over to his subordinates and began to divide the positions and tasks of each person within a minute or two. By the time David returned, Veronica was walking towards a train that had been docked for a long time. The lights on it immediately lit up, Veronica lazily leaned against the body of the train and turned her eyes to David. She stood there, silent, and watched as her well-trained subordinates fought.

Less than three minutes later, indeed, a group of merchants on a merchant train began to dock. David watched Veronica's face from afar, and saw her standing motionless, he knew the time had not yet come.

And then five minutes, ten minutes, ... thirty minutes passed, and the group of people from the merchant ship finished carrying the goods from the ship. After a few procedures, they started counting the goods.

At this moment, Veronica stood on a ship not far away, she yawned and lit a cigarette again. Then about two more minutes, just heard below the beach a man's voice: "There are enough goods. Hurry up and get in the car!"

When Veronica heard that person's words, a bright smile like a red rose bloomed. She raised her hand to signal action. David saw the signal from Veronica and immediately issued an action order to his subordinates. A scuffle soon broke out on the beach. There were only twenty men on the merchant ship, and on the Veronica side, David gathered three times that number. Very quickly, those goods were returned to Veronica. The merchants were badly injured, leaving only one man intact. He was caught by David, tied to the rail of the ship. The man's face contorted with fear.

Veronica walked neither fast nor slow in front of the man. She leaned over to watch him and she gave him a sly smile.

"How much is this A&Q shipment worth?" Veronica spoke, her clear voice mixing with the sound of the ocean waves in the night sky.

"Three... no, four billion dollars." The man hesitated to answer.

"Oh? Four billion dollars? So we've made twice as much profit as the original shipment that was stolen. Okay, for that double profit, I'll spare you life." Veronica said while glancing at the goods on the cart.

"Really...really?" The man in fear hurriedly asked Veronica to confirm his chance of life.

"But...go back and say to the person who ordered my robbery: 'Be careful, if there is a next time, the price will not be double the shipment. The price must be his life.' Dude, did you hear that?" Veronica smiled, this time her expression was more serious. The evil that appeared in the sharp black eyes made the other man extremely scared.

"Yes...yes! I will...will pass the word on!" The man nodded vigorously, stammering.

"Let him go, David." Veronica was pleased with the man's submission, she turned to give orders to David.

David untied the man. They actually let that man go.

"Master, he's seen your face. We should still..." The man was released, and only David wondered if he still had to say a word to Veronica.

"It's okay, he won't remember this face for long. Even more, can't draw this face." Veronica giggled and turned her head to look at David with a completely different face.

It turned out that while talking to that man just now, Veronica had used a skin with a different face to stick it on her real face.

David was a little surprised, but in the end, he could only laugh at himself: It was he who looked down on his master!

How can the infamous Veronica of the Mafia world reveal her true face so easily!

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