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She is a very successful, intelligent and beautiful girl. She was hailed by everyone in Setrie as the noble flower of the fashion world. But no one knew that she was suffering from a serious mental illness, not even she knew it. Her or her sister's past mistake has become a double-edged sword next to her neck in the future. She met that man, he gave her warm protection and a passionate love. But, even if she died, she wouldn't expect, he came to avenge her!

Chapter 1 Interview with powerful person.

The City of Setrie, the fifteenth branch of the Louis family financial firm.

A cool city like Setrie today has officially entered the summer with intense sunshine, and a blue sky without a single cloud. Today's weather is like a transparent glass cage covering this vast city. The aching heat makes people very uncomfortable, no one wants to step out of the house at noon time.

But despite the heat of the weather, right in the center of this hot city is still extremely crowded. Outside of a high-rise building, a bunch of reporters was discussing. They are waiting for the opportunity to interview the hottest news source for the cover of tomorrow's magazine. Today their interview target is a powerful figure in the business world, he has the ability to call rain and wind in the business world. Whoever he wants to help, everything will be like a grain of sand in the desert, no need to worry. But if anyone opposes him, tomorrow in that city will no longer appear.

He graduated from college at the age of eighteen, taking over the job of managing the Louis family's huge estate. He is a powerful man with great influence on the business world. At the time when the Louis family was at its peak, he bought twenty other famous companies in a row in just one month, and in an instant, he made Louis's family the strongest and most stable financial company. both at home and abroad. After two years of taking over the entire business, he has made the Louis family the dominant player in luxury goods and other industries. In addition, many people suspect that the Louis family also has a close relationship with the gangster. The person who creates such amazing achievements is the eldest son of the Louis family - Max Louis. Max Louis, after many years of working abroad, has finally returned to Setrie, his first day back home has made waves in the business world and the media. This is one of the rare opportunities to meet this mysterious powerful man.

The crowd was stirring when not far away, a car stopped on the side of the road. The middle-aged driver got out of the car and opened the door with a very caring attitude and posture. From the car, the man got out. As soon as he got out of the car, the crowd immediately stirred about this man. He is a masterpiece! From the person he exudes an arrogant temperament, power is not easy to approach. The shirt is cut and sewn without error, covering a strong body, with strong muscles. His whole body seemed to exude a cold air that made it difficult to breathe, but that coldness made many girls fall. He is the chairman of the largest financial system in the country - Max Louis. His appearance, in an instant, made the atmosphere hotter than ever. Reporters surrounded him, cameras in hand, jostling, jostling, and jostling just to get a picture of the rightful figure he was.

"Hello, would you mind answering the question, what did you plan to do when you first returned to your country?" A reporter friend quickly asked a question, he couldn't let go of the opportunity to interview Max Louis.

"Yes! What plans did you have? Is this time going back to the country to solve the problem of cooperating with the Watson family company?"

"Answer me a bit, Mr. Louis!"

"What are your plans in the business world when you return to Setrie. Please answer a bit!"

The reporters' questions intertwine, becoming chaotic and noisy. This seems to have made Max Louis uncomfortable, his eyes clearly showing displeasure.

"Thank you for coming here to greet Mr. Louis, but also sincerely apologize. We are not accepting any interviews today. Everyone, please return." The secretary standing next to Max Louis saw that he was unhappy and quickly spoke up. Then she gave a signal to the bodyguard behind to clear the way.

While the bodyguard was paving the way for Max to move easily, suddenly a girl jostled in.

"Hey, wait a minute, wait a minute!" It was the voice of a girl with curly brown hair. Her beautiful transparent eyes were hidden by thick black-rimmed glasses, she wore comfortable jeans and a baggy top. Compared to Max who was wearing a high-end brand black suit, the arrogant expression in front of her was completely different. However, on this girl's face, there was still a rare beauty, white skin, big eyes behind those thick glasses looking up at Max Louis.

Oh my God! She groaned inwardly. Today she got up earlier than usual, hurriedly dressed, and ran to this building. Been waiting for this powerful man for three hours. The sun and heat made her sit in a corner waiting like crazy. And until he showed up, she couldn't squeeze in when the crowd was like a tsunami. Can not! This time, she will definitely interview successfully. The fourth degree of higher education is waiting for her to pick it up. She tried to squeeze through the crowd, seeing that Max still hadn't stopped, she hurriedly raised her voice without thinking.

"Is the news that Mr. Louis will be engaged to the oldest daughter of the Watson family? Sir Louis please confirm. Is this just your love scandal?"

As soon as she received the news that she had to interview Max Louis this morning, she immediately rushed over. Information about Max on the home network revolves around his business. But what caught her eye was the only news of his love that appeared on the online forum last night. As soon as her voice rang out, everyone was dumbfounded. But it quickly turned into anxiety. Because everyone here knows what to ask and what not to ask. This Sir Max Louis has never appeared in public before, nor has he ever given a job interview. And of course, it's not even private, so don't ask about his love life. Once asked, the return price is also expensive. Here everyone knows only she is not. As soon as the words fell, the hot atmosphere immediately fell silent, time seemed to stand still at this moment.

Everyone's silence made the girl look around dumbfounded. She studied and practiced flawlessly, even the way she asked questions. Then why were they looking at her with such strange eyes? Did she ask something wrong?

As she was thinking, she saw the man opening his mouth to speak, in a low voice, unable to hear if he was angry.

"Don't touch taboo just to get my attention."

"Huh?...." Taboo what?

"Mr. Max Louis, are you going back to your country today to run the apparatus of this headquarters or solve the scandal? Our reporter has taken some pictures of you and her. Please answer the question. my question!" Even though the girl was a bit scared by Max's sentence, she wasn't so scared that she couldn't speak anymore.

Max warned the girl while turning his back to hear her ask the old topic again. He was surprised. Why is this girl not afraid of him?

Haha! This girl seems like an interesting girl. No one had ever defiantly asked him about love like that.


"Yes, Sir Louis!" Otis next to him immediately replied. Very quickly understood what Max meant.

Before leaving, Max looked at the girl, leaning slightly. The sudden male breath enveloped the girl's small body making her immobilized. He seriously leaned close to the girl's ear and said:

"Very interesting."

After saying that, he passed her, he smoothly passed the barrier of crowded reporters and entered the building.

Max Louis' small words made the girl stand in place bewildered. He just said in her ear, "Very interesting." What's interesting? She?

Oh my gosh, she's dead! Why does she keep asking a question, and he answers an unrelated question?

"Wait, this reporter, Sir Louis has never been interviewed and photographed with reporters before. You asked him about taboo issues earlier. And, it seems you have kept pictures of him. Mr. Louis with the oldest daughter of the Watson family? If you are keeping it, we want you to delete it in front of our eyes and promise not to let the news get out. If you do not agree, we are forced to use coercive measures." Professional friendly smiley Otis.

Otis claims to be the person who understands Max Louis the best, with more than ten years of experience working with Max, how many people like this girl has Otis dealt with? Countless! Annoying reporter, sometimes Otis also has to deal with girls who like to surround Max. Such a large number has really bored Otis, not interesting at all.

But it's also strange, Otis has been around to help Max work for so long, the appearance of Otis trying to look no less than Max, not to mention Otis' personality is also very friendly. Everything is fine, but why are beautiful girls just surrounding Max and never paying attention to Otis? Otis is nearly thirty this year and still has not had a first love. Haiz...

But, the girl in front of Otis really doesn't know the height of the earth. For no reason, she went to touch Max's "reverse scales". If she wants to be a reporter, she hopes that she won't continue to face Max in the future.

"Reporters! What have you taken or recorded today, please delete all relevant data? Otherwise, I don't need to remind you, you already know the consequences, right?" Otis said.

The crowd was full of reporters, so many pictures were taken,... But don't keep anything! Thinking of this, the whole crowd sighed in frustration, their whole morning of waiting had already flowed into the ocean.

However, the reporters did as Otis said. Erase the pictures they have. Because, how could anyone dare to disobey Max's will? Before, they were people who liked to write whatever they wanted. But that was in the past after the thrilling disappearance of a journalist made the reporters no longer dare to cause chaos for Max Louis. Why? Because that journalist stayed up all night to upload pictures and articles online, the content revolved around Max's illicit male-female relationships. Of course, the whole press began to stir up, they scrambled to publish articles. But also in one night, all the online forums went down! All articles related to Max evaporate. Even that journalist disappeared without a trace. Although there is no exact source, everyone knows that the journalist has paid the price for the disruptive behavior of Max Louis.

Touch Max, immediately lose your job, sometimes even lose your life! Who dares to do wrong? Delete it, you should delete it all!

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