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The King's Love

The King's Love

Tera Browne


In a world where werewolves and humans openly live together, an ordinary girl, Emma, was striving to live an ordinary life. Even though possessed beauty and superior intelligence, she managed to keep a low-profile, away from anyone's eyes and attention. Thus, who could have thought that despite her efforts, one night, she would suddenly be kidnapped by a bunch of werewolves who would then present her as a 'cure' to a…. handsome werewolf king Author: Tera Browne Publisher: EasyReading

Chapter 1 No.1


If you were to ask me how I would describe the world where I live, I would tell you, it was akin to a fantasy world.

No, my world had no swords, dragons, angels and demons. However, we had something that was equally magical and fascinating.

Magical creatures existed and werewolves, in particular, were openly living with us.

Werewolves, as folktales dictated, could shift as wolves whenever they wanted and possessed extraordinary strength and some other amazing gifts.

Each and every werewolf were like the descendants of the gods and goddesses. They had the power to kill anyone with just a flick of their finger. They were the elite beings in this world who took the highest place in the hierarchy. And although they were not actively controlling human society, everybody knew that they were the hidden rulers of our world.

Thus, they were respected and feared. Because if you happen to offend them, you would be found in a bad place.

I was but an ordinary university student. Yet, I perfectly knew all of these.

As I was one of those people who 'offended' a werewolf.

"What are you doing? You're blocking Zelda's way!" I heard someone say. Hurriedly, I looked at my side. There I saw Zelda, a werewolf schoolmate, and her group of human 'friends,' hogging the big hallway. Clearly, I was not in their way. However, they were looking at me as if I was blocking the whole place.

Their rude attitude made me frown and I subconsciously looked up. Unexpectedly, I met Zelda's eyes. The tips of my fingers started to feel cold as I immediately lowered my head to avoid her threatening stare.

'Uh-oh,' I thought to myself before gripping my hands into fists. Seeing Zelda on the campus was already a bad thing. And if I happened to meet her eyes? Well, let's just say that it would be a big trouble for me. And it only took a second before my thoughts became a reality.

Suddenly and without any warning, my body felt heavy as if some force was trying to make me kneel down. The air around me got stiff and attacked my body, making me feel as if I was carrying a big, heavy person. My brows furrowed as my knees started to shake.

'Tsk, Why do I have to meet Zelda?' I mentally complained before biting my lower lip and putting more strength on my knees.

As the werewolves openly live with the humans, they also pursue the different occupations in the society. Because of their amazing memory, sharp eyes and controlled, calculated movements, the werewolves were the best doctors in human history. It was even said that one werewolf doctor was equivalent to at least ten human doctors. Thus, the werewolves who decided to pursue a medicinal course for humans were celebrated and highly regarded by everyone.

That was the situation with Zelda. Like me, Zelda was also a student in the department of medicine. She was revered and worshipped by most students and professors. She was our department's prized jewel, the pride of our university, and the future werewolf doctor who could potentially bring breakthroughs in human medicine.

Unfortunately, I was on Zelda's black list.

As to why? During our first year, I happened to obtain a higher mark than Zelda's. And it repeatedly happened every exam, until our very last semester before the start of our internship to the hospital.

At first, Zelda was aloof and did not give me any attention. However, as time passed by, the stares that she was giving me were becoming more and more hostile, until the time when she started attacking with the pressure of her aura.

I was just an ordinary human and could not afford the wrath of a werewolf. Thus, I tried my best to avoid her. Unfortunately, there were times when I still inevitably met her, just like this moment.

'Why didn't I pay attention before walking in this hallway?' I thought to myself before deeply breathing. 'Oh well. Looks like I have to take a couple of pain relievers later,' I internally mumbled before summoning all of the strength I could muster so that I could remain standing while enduring the pressure she was giving me. Cold sweat started to run down my back and my body started to shake.

Thankfully, after a couple of seconds, Zelda withdrew her stare at me and the pressure around my body disappeared.

"Watch it," I heard a threatening sound in my ear before Zelda walked away.

I waited for a couple of seconds before I moved my body and sighed in relief. 'It's like I'd been hit by a car,' my brows knitted as I thought to myself.

"Nerd," suddenly, I heard someone say.

On the other side of the hallway, another group of people arrived. They were my classmates and like the others, were followers of Zelda. They had sneers on their faces as they openly gloat about my situation.

"You have four eyes but still can't see where you are going?" Trisha, the person in the middle and the one leading their group, sniggered.

I subconsciously lifted a finger to push my eyeglasses, that almost covered half of my face, to my nose. My simple action made them laugh as if they were watching a gag show. I did not give them much attention and picked up my books that fell during my encounter with Zelda.

"What? Don't tell me you are not only blind. You are also deaf now?" Trisha added which was followed by a roar of laughter. I sighed.

My classmates were like this. When they saw someone that Zelda did not like, they would go out of their way to show their support by bullying that person. And since Zelda openly showed her dislike for me, everyone just volunteered to make my campus life a little harder.

'They are no longer children but are acting so immaturely,' I criticized them in my mind. Suddenly, one of the women in the group came forward and grabbed the books in my hand before throwing them on the floor. I frowned and knitted my brows.

"Oh? You can finally see now?" She sniggered before giving me a strong push on my shoulder which sent me stumbling. I gasped with pain when my back hit the corner of the wall.

"See? This is what happens when you don't look at where you are goi-" The woman started to say. However, she was interrupted by a shout from someone.

"Stop this!"

"I saw three werewolves coming over here!" A male student shouted from the other side of the hallway. Everyone froze upon hearing his shout and immediately stood up and fixed their hair and clothes.

Although werewolves openly lived with us, compared to humans, their population was very small. In fact, aside from Zelda, there were no other werewolf who visited our department ever since I started studying here. It was no surprise that everyone immediately became excited upon hearing that three of them were coming over.

"Are they coming for Zelda?" I heard someone ask. However, no one had an answer.

While my classmates were occupied with the approaching werewolves, I gritted my teeth and gathered my things on the floor. Then, with all the remaining strength I had, I stood up, ready to leave this horrible hallway.

"They are here!" I only took a few steps when I heard someone gasped. I stopped walking when I felt strong and intimidating auras coming towards us.

Unlike Zelda who seemed to be a normal person when she was not attacking, the air around the three approaching werewolves was frightening. It was as if they could kill you with just one look. Everyone immediately turned silent and meek.

"Warriors!" Zelda, who hurriedly returned, greeted them. She slightly bowed her head towards them before she spoke as if she was currying their favor. "May I help you? What brings you here?"

The change in Zelda's usual attitude startled me. She, who always acted like a queen, sounded a docile sheep in front of these werewolves. I was not able to stop myself from sneaking a glance at them.

The four of them were in the middle of the hallway. Zelda looked like a little cat with her disgustingly sweet smile while the other three were sporting a serious and slightly displeased expression.

Suddenly, the man in the middle turned to look in my direction and our eyes inevitably met. I internally panicked and immediately looked down.

'It felt like… I could die right away if he wanted to,' I thought to myself as I felt my heart start to hammer.

What followed was a total silence for a couple of seconds. I dared not to look at them again. Still, I knew that the man was still looking at me since I could still feel the pressure from his stare.

'Darn it, Emma. Why couldn't you stop looking at these werewolves?' My brows furrowed as I stood motionlessly and tried to make my presence disappear.

"Woman with the glasses, what is your name?" Suddenly, I heard the werewolf say as he looked at me as if he was trying to read my entire existence.

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