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I Accidentally Made the Mafia Boss my Husband

I Accidentally Made the Mafia Boss my Husband



Diana Balmorris is the only daughter of the family that has a chain of restaurants across the country A, a young heiress who had been in love with her childhood friend from the start. Mikhael Motreal is the heir of the world’s leading supplier of fruits and vegetables, and other crops necessary for the business of the Balmorris Family. They have known each other since they were children, and their families had arranged for them to marry someday in the future. Everything is going smoothly, and since they are close, they are marrying for love. Everyone wanted to witness the two business conglomerates to finally merge, and moreover, the marriage for love! However, one night changed it all. On the day of their engagement, a woman announced that she is pregnant with Mikhael’s baby! Diana is broken hearted at what happened and drank herself to death that night. Because of her drunken state, she had found the mysterious arrogant Raphael Blackstone, the infamous ruthless mafia boss, who had been bullying a man, and poured a drink on him at the bar! She was able to escape him, but she had thrown up on him the second time. What's more, she had lost consciousness in front of him. Coincidentally, Raphael has been pressured by his grandfather to marry, and the only way he can inherit the company is if he got married for love! "What, you want me to marry you? Are you insane?!" "Yes, I am," and sealed it with a kiss.

Chapter 1 One

In Meredith Country, there used to be a business war clash. The central district--- where the biggest business in the world had their branches built, and one of them is the Balmorris Family, the family that has a hundred chain restaurants. Meanwhile, the Montreal family,, had the farms and freshly produced vegetables used as their primary ingredients for the foods. That is why the merging of the family is such a big deal for everyone in the country.

Breaking News: The Blackstone Heir has arrived in Meredith Country today! Will he finally take over the Blackstone Empire?

That is the headline of most of the news outlets that I see. The Blackstone Family is not your typical elite family--- they are much more powerful than that. They had been ruling the underworld of the country, even though I, as one of those rich and elite, our family did not want to get entangled with them.

I put down my phone on the table as the designer came in to put on my makeup. Today is the day. I should not have those thoughts when this day is centralized with me. I am so excited and entered the hall, where our engagement party will be happening.

"You look stunning today," he said and kissed my cheeks and I blushed.

"Mikhael, I am so happy today!" I whispered to him, and her eyes glistened, "Finally!" I blurted out as we had announced to the world that we are getting married.

“Yes,” he answered with that innocent face of his.

"Congratulations!" Everyone--- those powerful families and people all around the country had clapped before us. Flashes of cameras had enveloped the two from different reporters and media.

"You guys are so good together!" said our friends and were really cheering for them. Me and Mikhael smiled at them. I also waved at Mona, Tier, and Gustav. I can feel that they are happy for us, except for someone who looks timid--- Strike. It seems that his parents have forced him to come here, but I still smiled at him anyway while he shook his head.

“Thank you so much,” I said and kept waving at them.

The Engagement of Balmorris and Montreal Family.

These two families are one of the biggest business conglomerates, and marrying for love is big! We had been childhood friends, and everyone expected us to marry one day. The mood is light and happy, everyone is celebrating when the door suddenly opens when a pregnant woman suddenly comes in. Everyone looks at her.

I just thought she was just another guest– well, my parents invited a lot. They are looking forward to this event as much as I do. So I do not care much. This is my day!

Right, the perfect day to ruin everything is today, as the wedding will only be attended privately and the media will not be entertained. It was a sacred thing for both the families.

"Stop the engagement!" she said. Just like one of those cliques things they have been saying during the wedding. The woman is beautiful--- her long curly hair fits her, and she is very slim despite having a big stomach. I looked at her with a

I don't know who she is, she looks familiar and I have a very bad feeling about this.

"W-what is that?" and the cameras suddenly turned to her. I looked at Mikhael and his face turned pale.

"Mira...?" Mikhael asked and my full attention immediately turned to him. This lingering feeling inside me is not getting good.

"Do you know her?" I asked because I had a bad feeling about this day. I tried my best to smile. I felt her chest tighten and clenched my fist. I looked at the girl who was looking at him intently. Maybe it was just a misunderstanding. Mikhael is famous so it would made sense that she knows him.

"Mikhael!" I said and tapped his shoulder. I need an answer. Why? Why is a girl like her in here during our engagement party?! Why would she ruin such an important event for us?

"Who are you?!" Asked by my mother, "How is she able to enter?! Get her out! She is ruining my daughter's engagement party!" she shouted and ordered the waiters and guards to get ahold of her. My father is also behind her.

"No, no! Don't touch me!" she said and cried and pointed at Mikhael, "He... Mikhael Montreal is the father of my child! SO stop the engagement now!” she said and cried out in front of so many guests.


“What did she say?”

“What the hell?! Get that woman out of here now!” Mikhael’s mother shouted and

Their expression was shocking as well, but it cannot be compared to what I’m feeling right now.

I felt like her world was doomed and the fire had exploded inside my heart. Tears continuously flow from my eyes. I looked at Mikhael with a very hurt expression.

"What is the meaning of this, Mikhael?!" I slapped him, and the guests are looking at us right now. For sure, we will be on the headlines... and this humiliation will go for years! But I don't care right now!

"D... Diana, it was not true! Let me explain!" he said and grabbed my wrist, "Please listen to me..." he said but then I let go and slapped his face.

"Let go of me!" I said, "How could you do this to me?!" I cried and our memories flashed before my eyes. Years of precious memories. I felt that I was betrayed.

"Diana, no! I did not---" I shook my head and made him let go of my arms. I can’t bring myself to listen to him.

"She said she is pregnant with your child! How could this happen?!" I said and I cried nonstop... "How could you?!"

"Please listen to me, Di..." he said and then my parents went to me. My mother glared at him but I was too tired to notice that. I don't know what's going to happen now, as there are flashes of cameras before us.

"I hate you, Mikhael!" I said and ran away from the engagement party.

"Mikhael!" and the pregnant woman had come to him and he was blocked from going after her. He was so confused at what happened. The parents of Diana are angry at him.

This causes huge news in Meredith Country. Monica ran as fast as she could until she had reached her car and drove as fast as she could. She was crying nonstop until she had reached the bar exclusively for the rich and the elites.

She had shown her ID to the bouncer, and she had walked inside. When she had reached the counter.

"One Spirytus Vodka please," I said and the bartender looked at me with a confused expression. "What are you looking for?!"

"Well, you never order something that strong," he told me and I clenched my fist.

"Mikhael cheated on me," I cried, "I don't get it!" and gulped another glass.

"Don't drink too much, that is a strong alcohol!" the bartender said and grabbed the glass to me but I am too hurt right now. Countless missed calls have been ringing my phone now but I do not want to answer them all.

Suddenly, the festive music stopped and then a loud scream of the man filled the air and that ruined my mood. I looked up to see an estranged man enter the bar and punch the douche bag--- yeah, I remember him, the bully in our school.

But that does not make sense that my mood is ruined, he is doing that now.

"What are you doing?!" I shouted and threw the contents of my glass to him. I stood up in front of Jarus and defended him from that man. When I looked up with the dim lights, I saw a very handsome man with a defined jawline, and blue eyes that seemed to have sucked me in. But I feel that I am the master of my life right now. Yes, that's it.

"Get her out of the way," he said and the bouncer had dragged me out.

"Let go of me, let go!" I said and the bouncer had left me slumping on the floor. The next thing I knew, flashes of cameras were in my way.

His jaw clenched like I am such a nuisance.

"Confiscate all their devices!" he announced and that caused an uproar in the bar.

"No, this is my camera---" and it seems that there is one doing live. "Fuck you!" and that causes an opportunity for the rumble to start. I crawl my feet to get out.

I am almost there... almost in the door when someone blocked my path.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" he said with those jet black eyes telling me to fuck off. I stand up and get my badge--- saying that I belong to one of the powerful families in the land.

"Let me go or else my family will haunt you down!" I said... oh, it's getting blurry. I can feel sleepiness... but the strongest feeling of them all is that I wanted to vomit.

"Your family, huh...?" he grabbed my badge and I swear he looked sexy in that smile, but that vanished in a flash.

"I-I'll go now..." I said and rushed because I cannot hold it in anymore.

"No---" he said but then...

"URRRRRRRRRRRK!" I said and vomited on his clothes.

"What the fuck?!!" he said and I can tell that he is really angry right now.

"Oh my God, I'm sorry!" I said and tried to wipe the stain of his clothes, "I'm really sorry!" I said what an embarrassment I am feeling right now.

"You!!!" he said and I can tell that he was fuming mad.

"Boss!" Someone called him and I used that opportunity to push him and run away. I swear that is the fastest run I did in my life! What a day!

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