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If Happy Ever After Did Exist

If Happy Ever After Did Exist



Sebastian Verlice is the youngest prodigy who became a millionaire all by his hard work, and with his girl friend, Adelaide. They are planning to settle down and get married because the company has reached the top and their dreams. One night, Adelaide met in the terrace, the super rich CEO from the GP Country, Damien, who fell in love at first sight with Adelaide. Can you still call it love if it’s already an obsession? One day, at Sebastian and Adelaide’s dinner, his car crashed into a truck and died. Sebastian was reincarnated, came back to life as the infamous troublemaker, idiot heir of the rival company of Damien. When he comes to his senses, he uses that to fool others and rise to the top, and slowly get his way to Adelaide. But God has one rule, “Never tell anyone who you really are. Once you do, you will vanish forever.” When Sebastian had received an invitation to the wedding of Adelaide and Damien, he felt the excruciating pain in his heart. He felt like he was betrayed, and had a hunch that the cause of his death is not just an accident. He felt betrayed and had a strong desire to have his revenge. “Damian, I will destroy you!” he said while crying. “Adelaide, just wait for me there!” Once Adelaide had decided, it was hard to turn it back. She will marry Damien. But one revelation had the chance to turn the tide of everything! Adelaide is pregnant with Sebastian's child! He had a second chance to be with Adelaide again, will they live happily ever after this time?

Chapter 1 1

The room was modern and elegant, and there was a modern conference table in the middle that was worth a thousand dollars. Big businessmen and important people are discussing the contract there. Adelaide looked at Sebastian, who was discussing his new business proposal.

“As you know, the history of clothes stems from our founders, our ancestors. However, these clothes are hard to wear on this day. That is why we created a new set of designs, where our traditional clothes can be worn, as modern national clothing,” he said, and let them see their designs.

It was a variety of traditional clothes from different countries that can be worn in the modern world.

“For example, this clothing of women from the Philippines, a filipiniana, had a modern design,” and he scrolled, “And this one is from Japan, where kimono can be worn just like this,” and pointed to one of the models he brought.

“That is wonderful! What about the cost? And manufacturer?”

“That’s what we are going to discuss for the remaining time, gentleman,” he said, and took full control of the situation. He looked at Adelaide, smiling.

Adelaide looked at him with admiration. Her boyfriend, the one who discussed earlier, is Sebastian Verlice. They are both just middle class and not rich, but have dreamed of it together since they were in high school.

“You did a good job there,” she said while they were walking, “Wanna grab some drinks before we go home?” she asked, and Sebastian smiled at her.

“Sure,” he answered immediately and stretched his hand, “So tiring!” he giggled and they had reached the parking lot where their car was parked. It was joined too, because they have reinvested everything back into the business.

“You know, you were really cool back there,” she said when he had started the engine, “We really have come so far.” she smiled at him.

“Well, we work hard every day. Isn’t it time for us to settle down?” he asked, and Adelaide immediately blushed.

“W-what are you saying?” she smiled and he got something out of his pocket. It was a box of rings. Adelaide immediately knew what it was. “A-are—” she was cut off when Sebastian had, suddenly taken a peck on her lips.

“Adelaide,” he called her name and took her hand, “Will you marry me?” he asked, and Adelaide did not know how to respond.

“Oh my gosh!” she said and covered her mouth, “Of course, YES! YES!” she said and it was a very romantic drive inside the car. They kissed each other.

Adelaide put her hand on the back of his nape and passionately kissed him when they had realized that they were in a public place and stopped.

“W-when did you get the ring? I was almost by your side 24/7!” she exclaimed, and Sebastian chuckled.

“Well, I wondered about it for a very long time, you know,” he winked at her, “The pearl was actually…” he paused and looked at her, anticipating his next response.

“What?” she smiled like there’s no tomorrow.

“Well…” Sebastian scratched the back of his head, “I dived it when I got on the business trip, and decided to put it as a decoration in the ring,” he smiled at her and Adelaide felt so touched that tears started falling in her eyes.

“H–hey, are you unhappy? Why are you crying? You do not have to force yourself if you don’t want to,” he said, and started wiping her tears.

“No… no,” she said, “I’m just so happy right now…” she sobbed.

“Shush now, honey,” he said, “I promised to take care of you for the rest of my life,” he said, and softly brushed her hair. She felt comfortable.

When they opened the door of their apartment, they put the beer on the table and they started kissing each other. Sebastian carried her in a bridal style until they had reached the bed.

“I haven’t taken a bath yet,” Adelaide was uneasy, but then Sebastian had stopped her.

“It’s alright,” and they continue kissing each other. It was a very passionate night they shared, and a new journey for both of them.

Morning came and an invitation from the Luceria, one of the biggest names in the fashion industry and owned the biggest airline in the world. Their family is one of the largest distributors of the lotus flower fabric.

“Oh my gosh, Sebastian!” Adelaide excitedly said, and Sebastian rushed to her and his hands crawled around her waist, giving her a morning backhug.

“What is it, huh?” he asked while hugging her tightly and sniffing her neck.

“Stop it, Sebby!” she said, “It tickles!” she said when he suddenly cupped her breast while she was still facing the sink. “Ahhh…” she moaned and wanted more, but then she had stopped.

“This is very important!” she said and slightly pushed him, “An invitation from the Luceria!” she excitedly gave it to him.

“Really? We got invited?” he asked with a face full of excitement.


The night of the party came and there were different people— all with established names in the fashion industry and other industries-who were invited!

“Stay here,” he said when one of the executives called for him. Adelaide smiled and grabbed a wine glass.

“Sure,” she said, looked around and he left. Adelaide is not really fond of parties like this, but because she needed to stay by his side, she did not hesitate to come.

The venue is different from usual ones. It was an old castle that is said to be one of the estates owned by the Luceria Family. She decided to go to one of the terraces, open it and see the moon and the beautiful view of the garden.

“This place is so beautiful,” she said when she saw a lake nearby, glistening under the moonlight, “So beautiful,” she said, and took a sip of a glass of the wine again when someone had opened the door on the terrace.

“H–Hi!” she stuttered, but the man had remained silent. He was wearing a mask and he had blonde hair. It was dark and she could not see him clearly.

“What are you doing in my special place?” he asked coldly, and she gulped.

“I’m sorry, it was unlocked and I didn’t know that it was not allowed to come here,” she had apologized instantly.

“Well, I shouted that no one is allowed to come here,” he shrugged his shoulders, “You must be new to these parties,” he said, as he walked towards the end of the terrace. His composure is so bold and powerful.

“I—uhh, yes,” she answered and when she felt that it was getting awkward, “I’ll go now,” she said when he looked at her again.

“Wait,” he said, “You know, it’s been a while since I talked to someone. Do you mind staying for a bit?”

Adelaide was not sure what to respond and how at that moment. Sebastian takes time during his meetings, and she likes the scenery too. It was the only place that was not locked. Moreover, she is getting bored at the banquet.

“Well, I would love to,” she said, and they talked about it.

It was a week after that birthday party banquet when they had met. Adelaide has been getting gifts from him, and they are frequently invited to Luceria's company. Time passed by, it had already been six months since then, and the invitation for their wedding had been finalized.

“Do you think we could invite Mr Luceira?” Adelaide asked and was excited to give out all the invitations to her relatives and friends.

“That’s a good idea!” Sebastian excitedly said, “It would surely be a boost to our new business if he attends!”

“Yes, you really are so great!” she giggled and they looked at each other. “We are really getting married…” she said and smiled.

It was a special day that was something special. That is why she had doubled her effort that day and wanted to take her to one of the most special places.

“See you later and take care,” she waved at him before she entered her office. She works as a Corporate & Public Affairs Department Manager of an accounting firm. She was an accountant.

“Good morning, Ma’am,” many employees greeted her. She is a very respectable woman who has built her career all by herself. That is why many looked up to her.

Graduated at the Valedictorian of their batch, the youngest woman bachelor to be one of the board of directors of the International Accountants...

"Let's work hard again today, shall we?" she said and smiled at them.

"Yes, ma'am!" All the people that work for her are very motivated because their boss, Adelaide, is a very hardworking woman. The epitome of beauty and brain.

She sat down at her table when her phone beeped.

"I'll fetch you later after work," she had automatically smiled after receiving that message from him.

"Alright. Take care and see you later!" she could contain her happiness, because it meant that he had remembered what day it was today. She had everything.

A successful career, beauty, and love life. Moreover, they are getting married. Today is their anniversary of being a couple.

"Sebastian..." his mother called to him, "You should give this to her." it was a beautiful necklace with a large pendant in the middle.

"Isn't this your beloved necklace that was given to you by father?" he asked and looked at her. She smiled.

"I'm old now, Sebastian," she said, "Adelaide is a wonderful woman, and now you two are planning to get married, she deserves it," He immediately smiled and hugged her.

"Thank you, Mother,"

"Be happy, My Son,"

And then he bought a bouquet, prepared a special dinner on the roof top of the condo where they are living now with her favorite theme. Everything is prepared, all that's left is to fetch her.

He touched his chest and sighed.

"This is it," he said and pulled out the ring from his pocket, "I am ready to propose now formally." he said, while a diamond ring that he had prepared for this event had fitted her again. One last time is bigger.

He excitedly rode the car to fetch Adelaide at 7PM. Adelaide was patiently waiting for him in the lobby, because he was never late.

That would have been a pleasant night for them to celebrate. A happiness that they can share with future generations.

"I'm near, honey," he said while looking at the ring and driving.

Blinding lights had filled the vision of Sebastian while he was extending his hands and doing his best to avoid the truck that lost control of itself, but he was too late. It had crashed into his car, leaving him wounded and trapped in the middle. The impact was so strong.


"Sebastian? Hello? What happened?!" she called to him and started panicking because of the crashing sound.

"I love you... A...de...laide..."

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