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The love I hated

Harry is a successful business man, who doesn't believe in falling for a woman. He lacks value for his subjects and is always very arrogant. His experience as a child led to his hatred for his mother ,who his father told him, abandoned him as an infant. He falls in love with his housekeepers daughter

Chapter 1 ( The arrogant CEO)

It had rained heavily a day before ,the morning was so cozy and snug under the duvet. Harry stretched himself and rolled from one side to the other, he wakes to the consciousness of the lady laying down next to him. It had been a rough night , not romantic but pleasure filled.

Harry wakes up from his gigantic bed, he pulls himself up and wakes up the lady he had picked from the club last night.

"Get up", he says and opens his drawal next to him, he takes a bundle of cash and throws at her.

"Wouldn't you want breakfast?" The lady asked.

" No , please ,just get out, I have a worker that attend to my needs",he keeps a straight face.

The lady quickly puts on her clothes , she wondered why he was so rash at her, he had been cool with her all night, so why the sudden change. Well she had her money and that was very vital to her, at least he paid well, she thought and left the room.

He had a very important meeting to catch up with. He is the CEO of NCN collections and never played with his work. He always went on time so he could get hold of the late staffs .

At his early 30's ,all staff they worked under him had great fear whenever they sighted him. He had this very cruel look that frightened all and to think that he was their boss and his company paid well, made all very submissive to his act.

He was chocolate, a bit huge and about 5.6 fits tall. He had a this charisma that attracted ladies to him. Although he was goodlooking his attitude was a mess. He had no regard for elders ,neither did he respect women , he believed he could order anyone and have his way with them.

"Ahhhh! My whole body aches", he said stretching himself while walking to the bathroom and yawns loudly. He had drank so much the previous night at the club and the lady he brought back home had made his night really long.

He wasn't a Casanova but played around at times, he had fully rejected having a girlfriend or having a wife, for reasons best known to him, but this didn't stop him from picking up random girls whenever he felt like .

Walking into the club the previous night, he had sat down for long drinking and nodding his head to the rhythm of the Afro song played, he then sighted this lady and decided to give his shot at her. She was carried away by his looks and they both drank and danced together at the club. He then asked if she could go home with him and she accepted his offer.

He had gone five rounds with her that night and she kept asking him for more of which he declined. He didn't want to go intimate with any woman, so chases them away immediately after sex, this was to ensure he didn't catch feelings with any.

"Life is best without women" he told himself. He believed women came with so many problems and he wasn't ready to associate himself with problems yet. He knew he had to catch his breath and rest for the day ahead.

"My God"! Looking at the time ,he discovers it already 7:30 am. He quickly rushes into the bathroom , picks up his tooth brush and paste. Moments later he walks out of the bathroom with his towel and heads to the wardrobe ,grabs his outfit and dresses up.

Realizing that his shoes weren't polished, he opens his door and calls out for Agatha his house keeper.

" Agatha ! Agatha! Where is that old hag that calls herself my housekeeper?" He says angrily.

"Sir you called, I'm so sorry I was downstairs " Agatha said , while entering the room.

She was a woman in her late 50's , she had worked for him for close to twenty years and knew that his call that morning was either to complain or scold her. However, she was fully grounded to recieve whatever he was about to display towards her.

He replies in an angry tone, " Downstairs doing what?

" I was making sure that there is enough foodstuff to last for the week, sir" she said.

He ignores her answer,

"Where is the shoe I asked you to clean for today's work?"

"Sir , it's there, I dropped it next to your bed last night",she points at the direction.

"I can only see a black shoe there,I asked for a brown shoe yesterday ,Agatha" he said.

" I am sorry sir, but you didn't ask for a brown shoe, you only stated the shirt and trouser you wanted. So I felt a black shoe should match, sir " she said

"Are you trying to say that I tell lies, or maybe I am mentally deranged,that I do not know when I say things anymore, he ranted.

"I am sorry sir, I didn't mean to upset you ", she said.

"Are you tired of this job? "He asked.

" No sir , please I am sorry.

"Have you served my breakfast? " he asked.

"Yes I did that before coming up, sir, she replies.

"Please leave", Harry instructs as Agatha opens the door , he follows her and bangs the door after her.

"Highly incompetent woman !who can't do simple task right, only here to get paid for not doing things right, I will soon put you in your place, very soon!".

He puts on the black shoes and adjusts his tie. Looks at the mirror and praises himself.

Smiling sheepishly

" Here comes Mr Harry Benjamin, CEO NCN collections, the number one African brand! None can be better than you. You've got this, so go and do as you always!"Admiring himself he puts on his wrist watch and wears his suit.

He gets hold of his car keys and suitcase, turns around to see if his outfit fits him properly and walks outs of the room.

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