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CEO's Paid Bride.

CEO's Paid Bride.

Paula White.


"What do you mean. I have to marry you?"I asked as he faced me with a very dirty glare. "You'll just have to accept it missy". "What if I don't?"I asked folding my hands underneath my breast. "Then you'll have to pay me the money you owe me" "But I don't have such money " I whined. "Then face the consequences. You'll get jailed"His thick voice sent shivers down my spine. "You said it's just a few months stuff right?"I asked taking my eyes down to the ground. "A year to be precise" Well I'm Brianna Salvador and I just landed myself in huge trouble. I didn't mean to break his car. I just got angry so I hit it so hard with a rock and it broke. Brianna Salvador is a half American and half Filipino, she's out to make ends meet and prove to her parents that she can also become independent but when she gets herself into a huge problem she's forced to get married to an Italian demigod Diego De Lucas. Is an Italian business man out to take what belongs to him. He's inheritance is siezd by his grandmother and the only way to get it back is if he gets married and begins a family. He meets Brianna in a very odd way and decides to marry her to get his fortune back.

Chapter 1 One

Hearing my alarm ring in the morning was one of my worst things. I stretched my hand towards my bedside table, switching off the very disturbing alarm. Then sluggishly climbed down the bed. Walking into the bathroom I took off my clothes and went straight into the shower. I'll be having a really quick bath today because I'm already late for work.

After my bath, I walked to the kitchen with a blue towel wrapped firmly around my breast.

Hopefully there was half a loaf of bread in my fridge, so I pulled it out and applied some spread on them before eating.

My entire kitchen looks like a desert, it's so empty and frustrating. Am hoping to get paid today cause I don't see myself surviving on just bread.

Brianna Salvador is the name I was given by my parents and it's what everyone calls me. I am a twenty three years old lady trying to be independent.

I told mom and dad, I was going to become rich and survive without their help, I don't need them to survive but darn am thinking of moving back home.

This house was given to me by the three star hotel I work for and I bless God for it.


I walked out of my house once I was done dressing then I headed to the hotel which was not very far from my house.

"Hi Jeff" I greeted the guard man before walking into the hotel.

I was dressed in my very beautiful and neatly ironed waitress uniform.


"Brianna! Hurry up. We're having visitors soon" the head chef ordered as I walked quickly with the tray in my hand.

B&B has been my saving grace since I moved into this state, although the pay is little I'll still take it besides I was given a beautiful house.

Our hotel and restaurant is one of the best in the state so many rich people come here to eat and rest.

I served the table, the food I carried and walked back to the kitchen to get more.

The hotel was full like every normal day but we still had a very important guest coming, at least that was what I heard.

I don't have shifts. I work full time and that was why Mrs Barbara had given me a house to stay in, I am so lucky.

"Brianna! The guest just arrived. Go take their orders'' the hotel manager rolled out nervously.

I picked up the menu and walked to the table which was occupied by two men.

"Welcome to B & B. Can I take your orders?" I asked them to hand them the menu.

The man in a very dark suit that had a crumpled and grumpy look stared at me for some seconds and it only took the godly manner inside of me to not give him a very hard glare.

I noticed his eyes climbed my body. He looked at me like I was some sort of thing.

Diego's POV.

I couldn't be more angrier today. Stepping my feet into such low class hotel felt like an insult to me. I fuçking hate three star hotels, they don't have value, they're nothing less than motels to me.

Now I am going to be spending my night in this hotel.

The mare thought of how the bedsheets would feel once I lay on them sent irritation around my body.

I own seven star hotels and more, am so used to the comfort of my home and high rated hotels and I don't see myself settling for anything less.

I watched as a waitress walk to us with a menu in her hands. I bet they'll serve rubbish.

I stared at her from need to toe. She's hot I won't lie.

She has cloudy blue eyes and very tiny lips. Her cheeks were torn into a beautiful smile and I loved it. She's cute.

"I'll have a latte and some coconut biscuits" I said looking at my manager who also stared at her.

"And you sir?".

"Umh. French toast and warm chocolate drink"He flashed her a smile.

What's he smiling for, when his boss is feeling uncomfortable?

We both watched as she swayed her hips out of our sight.

I turned to him angrily.

"What were you smiling at? Am I feeling uncomfortable and you're smiling?"

"No sir. He bowed his head nervously.

After a few minutes we were served our food by the waitress.

I didn't have much strength, I was obviously tired from the flight.

My Granny had asked me to see her today. Like the old woman called me to come see her. I was in Italy when I received her call, she sounded a little bit worried and sick so I had to come see her.

I'll be leaving this hotel tomorrow cause I still have other things to do. I have a business meeting here.


Few hours later I was done with my meeting and I retired to my suite.

Honestly, I expected worse from the hotel but damn their hospitality was good.

The room was quite nice but I wouldn't compare it to my house in Italy or any of my hotels.

Since I had no work to do, I just retired to bed.

The next morning.

I yawned tiredly getting up from the bed. I have to see my grandma today, otherwise I'll land into shit, I can't delay my visit any longer.

I had a very normal and warm bath, dressed up and I was ready to leave.

Walking out of the room. The first person I saw was my manager, he was already heading to my room, I handed him my bag and walked with him following behind.

I didn't have time for breakfast , I just wanted to go and see my grandma so I can know she's okay

The hotel management bade us as we entered the car.

"Drive" I ordered my driver.

The road was kind of muddy because it rained heavily last night.

"Drive faster!" I ordered again.

In the blink of an eye.

"Oh my god."My manager yelled startlingly at me.

"What happened?", I asked and noticed the driver was stopping the car.

"Sir we splashed muddy water on that lady over there"

I turned and saw her standing looking at our car.

"So, why did you stop? Drive this fucking car"I yelled, making the driver scared. He instantly drove off


I bent to tie my shoe properly when a huge rock flew into my car breaking my windshield at the back and gave a crack to the front one.

"It's the hot waitress sir" My manager alerted me. The driver had already stopped the car but I urged him to continue.

"You'll get her when I ask you to"

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