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Make You Beg

Make You Beg




Chapter 1 Merciful

Sounds of whipping filled the room, accompanied by deep groaning and the rusty smell of blood. Lights centered in the middle of the room where a man's hands were strapped and hung on the ceiling.

His back was designed with lashes and blood dripping from the fresh wounds. Beside him was a hefty, muscular man with a blade whip in his hands.

"I would never breach his trust, I swore my loyalty, I made the pact", a deep,choked voice ranted, his voice filling the dark, sparingly lit room.

The sounds of another series of whipping followed, which was welcomed by more groans but then it stopped.

The man raised his head slowly to look forward towards the person who now held his life in the balance.

A woman wearing a hood and a mask that covered her face sat on a chair, tapping a finger on the armrest and looking intently at him. She looked like she was deliberating on something very important.

" What if we come to this conclusion... ",she began in a low tone,drawling her words.

The man raised the head he had dropped again and looked in the direction the voice had come from.

He then let out a deep laughter which caused the woman to raise a brow.

" So the rumours ARE true, Theo DeGabro handed over his entire life work to a woman, how pathetic ",he said in a mocking voice causing the man whipping him to shake his head. The man before him really didn't value his life.

The woman scratched her nails on the bare plastic armrest. His statement was one she was acquainted with in this business but she had come to the conclusion that nobody's opinion matters, all that mattered was fulfilling her vow.

" I would never come to a conclusion with you,NEVER",he said, adding the last part on the top of his already disappearing voice. His closest tormentor raised a whip but hung it mid air when he saw his employer's raised hand.

She looked at him not amused, all of them played stubborn at first,until.

"Not even when it involves your family", she replied, still dragging her words.

She watched as the man's shoulder's drooped slowly, now to her amusement. He dropped his gaze to the floor,shaking his head.

" You can't, you wouldn't ",he stammered and lifted his gaze to the woman in the darker part of the room.

" You can never find them",he said more like an assurance to himself.

She lifted her chin in a demeaning way,

"Did your boss tell you that,well he's lying, I have information about your family all the way to your extended", she said, stretching out her hand to the man standing beside her. He handed her a sheet of paper and she lifted her gaze to the man she was tormenting.

" You have a daughter, nineteen years of age, Marie,Am I right, No",she said smirking as she watched his face twitch.

She handed the paper back to the man that gave it to her, having gotten the reaction she wanted from the man.

"You know his identity, I need to know the identity of Lei Capicho's only son", she demanded,her voice now raised as her temper began to flare.

He shook his head, trembling terribly.

" I swore to him, I swore to his father with my blood",he then raised his head, trying to catch a glimpse of her hidden face.

"My boys will be here any minute from now, they know where you are dimwits",he said, letting out another psychotic bout of laughter.

Just then, her guard closest to her pressed a button in his ear and turned to face her.

" Miss,he's right,they are here and it seems like they're not alone",he said, fully aware that she would not be pleased with the news.

She shifted her gaze to him, and as he had expected, her eyes didn't spell pleased.

"You said you checked him thoroughly", she said, her voice surprisingly calm.

" And we did, we don't know...",he stopped when he noted that she had stood up. She pulled her hood over her head some more, she couldn't afford anyone seeing her face.

She looked at the man still hung on the ceiling smiling triumphantly at her. His smile only caused her to smile. He could now see her feminine silhouette but still couldn't see her face.

"You think you've won, how foolish for a man of your age", she said and walked closer to him, now letting him see her mask.

" Marie would love seeing her father's funeral",she said and walked out of the room, giving a nod to the man tormenting him.

She pulled out the high powered rifle she had dropped by the door and positioned her hand on the trigger. She stepped to the side of the door and her guard opened the door and stepped outside.

Immediately, a bullet hit his shoulder and he faked a groaning sound. Almost at the same time she shot the attacker in the head. She patted him on the hand and started to run towards their exit.

More attackers came from the where the other had come and on seeing their colleague, ran forward to chase the killer. One of them noticed the open room door and alerted his colleagues.

They walked in and saw the man hung on the wall. One of them took the empty chair and used it to loosen the chain they had used to hang him.

They laid him down on the floor and looked for any sign of life,expecting to find none. The person examining him raised his head, his eyes expressing surprise.

"Boss would be shocked when he hears this", the man said,shaking his head in disbelief.

Felix was still alive, a breach in the code of their business. They didn't understand the game whoever it was played, but being one that they were not familiar with, they sought to call their boss and report the matter.

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