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Untamed Lust

Untamed Lust



WARNING THIS STORY IS FOR 🔞 PLUS. "Why Ethan, I told you that my contraceptives have expired and that I needed another shot. Yet you poured it all inside me?" I cried again "You gonna give birth to my dame baby okay," he said and tied my leg with chains and locked it with a key. He untied my hands and left the room without giving me any clothes to cover myself. My head was spinning with different wild ideas, but I was ready to wait for him to sleep before I can move into action. For a moment I kept asking myself, " Is this monster the man I have truly fallen in love with"

Chapter 1 Ethan my first love

My hand trembled immediately after I saw the message on my phone. I panicked as I slowly moved to my desk to absorb the shock. Just when I was getting ready to look at the message again, my phone rang. It was Pamela my younger sister, so I picked it up.

Hello Pam' I said

'Sis how are you doing?" she asked

'I'm fine" I answered.

Sis, Ethan is around ' she announced

So it's true? The message I received was true that Ethan is back from Canada. I thought in my mind.

"And he came to the house" she continues

"What!" I exclamation

"Yeah, he said he is going to spend the weekend in your place," Pam said

"No way" I screamed. Immediately, cold sweat trickled down my cheeks and my hand shivered. I was barely holding the phone in my ear.

"Come on sis why are you behaving like a kid? He used to be your favorite cousin remember" Pammy said a bit surprised.

"I know, Pam but things have changed, I am married now he can't just bang into my house just like that" I managed to defend myself

"Well if that's the case, you don't need to bother yourself. Ethan called your husband to inform him of his coming" Pam said

"He did what!" I screamed again in a horror

"He asked about your number, mom gave him. He called your line and it was not going through. So mom called your husband requesting that he gave you his phone, but Fred told her that he is not with you. Mom informed him about Ethan. You know your husband, he talked with Ethan and invite him over to the spend weekend at your place. she concluded.

"No way, Fred can't do that," I said

"But sis I thought you will be happy to see him," She said.

I will be lying to myself if I say I am not happy to see him, but the truth is that it is very dangerous to accept Ethan around me.

The implications of his presence around me will be too bad. This is because I have never gotten over him. And that is something I dare not tell anyone.

"Of course, I am, but seriously one weekend with Ethan is long enough for me". I informed her.

"Come on sis, you guys are adults, not kids he can't bully you even if he bullies others and you know that. Anyways I just thought I should let you know, you know your husband might be too busy to inform you as usual and Ethan likes to surprise people that's why I called. I will see you when I returned from my trip ok" she said

"Okay, thanks bye," I said and hang up.

I sat on the couch in my office. I was already exhausted because of the news. I can't imagine staying under the same roof with Ethan for the whole weekend. I know it will affect my relationship with Fred.

My name is Rena a simple girl from a middle-class family. People say that I have a bouncy personality. I love dressing in vibrant clothes because it suits my sculpted figure and my jade green eyes.

Fred and I met at my friend's birthday party. Lillian has been a good friend and my childhood buddy.

We got along so well that we are almost inseparable. It was her birthday and so she invited me. Everywhere was lively with music and dance.

Suddenly, the music came to a halt, which made some people cry in frustration. Instantly everyone was looking behind towards the entrance and I followed them to know what was happening. Just then a man which the lady beside me described as the Greek god came in.

He strode in his lion-like step, confident, arrogant, mysterious charming which made all the ladies drop their jaws. His Mohican cut and well-defined cheekbones sat above a concrete jaw, and his wonderful physique all made him extremely handsome.

"Who was that?" I can't help but asked Lillian. I want to know the man that made the party for a moment.

"He is Fred, the only billionaire in this Freetown". She said.

My jaw dropped, I have been hearing about him, but never imagined that he is this young and handsome.

"How did know him?" I asked.

"He is a good friend of Jasper," she said

My eyes turn to see the little man by his side, Jasper Lillian's fiance that plans to marry her come next month.

Just then the two came to us and Jasper introduced us to Fred. After that meeting, Fred refused to allow me to rest. He even wished to settle down with me as soon as possible because all his friends including Jasper we're getting married.

I have nothing to lose, my relationship with Ethan will lead us nowhere so. I accepted and we tied the knot.

I pulled back my moon shadow black hair and then glanced at the message again.

"So Ethan is back?" I asked no one but myself.

The thought of what will happen between Ethan and me, this weekend started running through my mind. It will be very dangerous and too difficult to handle.

Ethan my cousin, was very tall, handsome, and broad-chested. His graceful allure is what always drew me close to him.

Ever since we were kids, Ethan and I have been in love. Unfortunately, we are not meant to be husband and wife because of our customs which forbid close relations to have affairs.

However, Ethan will never hear of that. To him such customs are outdated. He equally wants me to elope with him somewhere nobody will condemn us or afflict us, but I won't have that. I can't abandon my family and flee with him. Moreover, I am not strong enough to take such a huge risk with him.

To stop Ethan from his stupid ideas, I accept the marriage proposal from Fred and got married to him without telling Ethan.

Ethan was disgruntled when he finds out and he left Freetown for Canada. Now after ten years without anybody hearing from him he is back in Freetown.

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