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Pregnant by Billionaire

Pregnant by Billionaire



Shieladine Heisy Reyes a coffee shop owner. She is pleased and happy with her life. She is the sole person residing in her condo as her parents passed away due to a car accident years ago. With her friend, she's having fun in the bar and meeting lots of guys. Because it's not her thing, she doesn't want to get married. Although she only wants to be a wealthy single woman but something will happen. Harrison Atthias Foster is a billionaire CEO. He has a pilot's license, a large fleet of aircraft at his disposal, and a large number of yachts that he enjoys using. His friends regard him as a serious man. He enjoys drinking at the pub. The two of them come together, and something happened. For them, it's a hot and rowdy night. They seem to be experiencing that feeling for the first time. And everything will alter that night. Will Shieladine change her mind about getting married? When she found out that she's pregnant by billionaire..

Chapter 1 One Night Stand


"You should be grateful that you have parents," I told one of my coffee shop employees. She's been whining about how protective her father is of her.

"Ma'am, he's so protective of me, and I'm already 25!" she grumbled. I nodded.

That emotion is familiar to me, but I no longer have parents to look after me. I miss being treated as a daughter, and I'm alone now.

"That thing will make you miss it one day," I told her. I simply shook my head as she stared at me.

I took a look around and noticed that my coffee shop is quite busy. I checked my watch to see what time it was. What's taking Camille so long?

"Ma'am, Miss Camile has arrived." I nodded to one of my employees.

"Thank you," I murmured as I approached my companion, "please give us iced tea."

"I'm sorry, I just woke up, and Kiven kept asking me where I was going, as if he didn't know." She rolled her eyes, and I simply shook my head before sitting down.

I inquired, "I thought you split up?" She blinked, as if she had missed what I had said. "Camille, stop acting."

She glanced at me and replied, "Yes! We split up, and you know I love him, right?"

I'm not sure what I'll do about my friend. She was often grumbling about her partner, and whenever they had a quarrel, she wanted to meet me to tell me about it. She informed me they had broken up, but I had no idea they were still together.

"Whatever, I'm not going to believe you if you say you split up again."

"You know what, you should get a guy as well, so you're not bitter."

I told her, "I don't need a boyfriend." I don't want it, and I'm capable of handling myself. I don't want a lover who is constantly by my side. Even if I'm alone, I can handle myself.

My parents died in a car accident, and I didn't know what to do with myself because I didn't have any parents to ask because I was now alone. I was upset at the time, unsure if I could handle everything that had occurred to me.

Now that I'm alone, I'm not sure what will happen. I don't have parents because they've passed away, and I'm now on my own. I tried my hardest to be a strong and self-sufficient lady.

"It's Kiven's birthday today, and we're going to the club to celebrate; he invited his friend, and I know you'll like his friends!" she exclaimed. Our iced tea arrived after I rolled my eyes.

"Who am I to say no?" I wondered. With a shake of her head, she sipped her iced tea. I enjoy attending parties, which is why I'm constantly with Camille.

"That's one of my favorite things about you; you should come with me so you can have your guy."

"Here we go again. You know that I don't want a boyfriend. I'm contented with my life now," I said and take a sip on my iced tea.

"You should give a chance to date a man. You know, having fun?"

"I'm having fun now." She rolled her eyes and didn't say anything.

I don't understand why she kept urging me to go out with a guy. I don't want a boyfriend since I think having one would be distracting and I don't even need one. I don't need a man in my life since I'm happy where I am right now. All I want to do is have fun. Attend parties and get wasted because I only have myself now.

I responded, "Camille, you constantly pressuring me to date men, but I don't need any men in my life."

She exclaimed, "Whatever, you're just saying that because you don't have a partner, but when you do, you'll be like me!

I said, shaking my head, "No!" She's hinting that I'll be like her and become insane for the man, but I won't be. I don't want to talk about it because I'm not interested in that thing. That won't take place.

Camille remained at my coffee shop as we had a disagreement regarding my love life. She has always been like way, which I don't enjoy because she constantly asking and telling me that I should have a boyfriend no matter how many times I told her I didn't need one. I sipped my iced tea while shaking my head. She was grinning on her phone when I turned to look at her again. It's possible that her boyfriend texted her.

"Put down the phone."

She looked at her phone again and said, "What? Kiven texted."

I shook my head and remarked, "You kept using your phone."

"Why are you acting so grumpy today," she questioned, "Do you have your mens?"

I said, "I'm always like this," and cast a glance about. There are many customers today, and I was delighted to learn that they will remain loyal. I recognized a few people that frequented this location with their buddies or families.

"What's that?" I asked because she stood up and looked at me.

"Kiven texted me again. Let's go!"

I merely nodded at her and then we went to the club. When we got to the club, I saw some recognizable faces, and I knew them because of Camille. The vast majority of Camille's boyfriend's buddies are all pretty attractive.

We exchanged handshakes, and Camille introduced me to the one man, saying, "She's Shieladine, my buddy." I'm not sure why my heart is beating so quickly. We just exchanged handshakes.

He has great lips that are red like mine, and I can't believe he has blue eyes. He asked, "How old are you?" He has a lot of attraction.

I said, "I'm 26," and sipped my tequila. Oh, dear. Even now, I have no idea why I'm drinking. I told Camille that I should stay with her, but she's now with the other visitor in her boyfriend's company. God.

Harrison stated, "I'm 29." I nodded, but I could tell he wasn't done staring. Why? Am I covered in something? He should have notified me so I could take it off.

He commented, "You seemed familiar, though." Because Camille continued informing me of her boyfriend's buddies, I am already familiar with him. Because of this, I already know this man and I'm aware of his playboy tendencies.

He nodded at me as I said, "Maybe we previously met a lot because of my pal and her partner. I've been attending some events because I'm with them."

Oh, dear. He's incredibly hot and appealing even when he's not doing anything. What the hell am I going through right now?

"Are you okay?" He asked. I blinked when he asked me that.


"You're cute." Damn it. I need to calm and what did I just tell to Camille earlier, I don't need a man but what's this? This isn't me!

After that, we conversed and shared beverages. My head felt like it was spinning from the alcohol. We're going to Harrison's penthouse. I was unsure of how we arrived at his house. When we arrived at his house, I was really warm for no apparent reason and felt like I was about to pass out in his car.

Before I could say anything, he dropped his face, and our lips brushed passionately and smoothly together. He shaped his lips to mine in a very sensitive way.


From a slow and passionate kiss, it turns into a rough and wild french kiss. His tongue knocked on my teeth and I gladly let him enter to explore my mouth. He runs his tongue on my lower lip as he gently puts my lower lip in between his teeth before slowly and tenderly pulling it.

Next thing I knew we're already naked and he pinned me on the wall. I encircled my arms around his nape for my own support because I can feel that my legs are going to give up. I moaned when I felt his hand on my breast and I felt so hot because of it.

"You're already wet," he uttered while kissing my neck. I felt his other hand on my womanhood and I felt he entered his one finger.

"Oh my god!"

It's hurts. This is really hurts. I know that first time will be really hurt but I didn't imagine this. Oh my god. I'm going insane to what he's doing on my body.

He kept on moving his finger inside me and I feel so full about it. He looked at me while I'm moaning his name and claimed my lips again. Oh my god.

I whimpered as my apex of my thighs became more painful and when I saw his thing. My eyes widened, it's really big on personal.

I felt something heat on my tummy and when he made moved faster, something came into his hands and he tasted it.


That's gross!

"Are you a virgin?" He directly asked me. I nodded at him. It's true that I'm a virgin. I heard he sighed and can't believe that I'm a virgin. "This is going to be hurt but don't worry, I will be gentle." He kissed my lips again. I didn't move my lips and I felt his thing inside me.

My tears fell down as he moved slowly.

"It's okay." He said and he grabbed my hand before putting it on his shoulder.

As time passes by, the pain slowly fading away and all I can feel is the delicious pleasure of him. I looked at his face and I can see the pleasure on his face. His body is also sweating very manly and gorgeously. I moaned his name and my nails scratched his back. He's fucking me very hard, rough and wild.

"You're so fucking tight, baby," he whispered while moving faster and deeper inside me.

I think I'm going crazy to what he's doing on me now. This is going crazy. Damn it and it feels great so much.

He captured my lips before savagely kissing me, adding more to pleasure we are both feeling. He even cupped my breast and played with it while moving inside me. He entered his tongue inside my mouth before exploring every corner of it. I disconnect my lips from him to catch some air.

He angled his hips before thrusting again making me scream harder and louder. I can feel my breasts jiggling wildly as well as my ass because of the intensity of his movement. He kissed me again to covered my moans and I felt so full with it. He kept on moving faster and deeper inside me and it's making me feel so good. I felt so better with it.

Seconds later, I felt something heat on my tummy and he moved faster again while I'm moaning and felt something on my tummy. My toes curled as my back arched. I gripped his hands and screamed when I get my release.

I thought we're done but he make me turned back to him and entered me without a warning. I screamed in pleasure when I felt his thing inside me, so deep. He moved faster and deeper while I'm gripping the bedsheet and moaning his name. I don't what to end what's happening to us because it's making me so full and so good.

"You're so tight, I want you to feel more me inside you," he whispered and make his thing more deep inside me.

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