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Her family wasn't rich,they were poor and things were hard for them, Nevertheless,she was a girl who loved her family more than anything, she was willing to do anything to put smiles on their faces, she would sacrifice her all just for them. Which was the reason why she decided to learn how to be a Master con artist, A crafty thief, the best art thief in the whole of America. Her boss Mr Steve was an easy going genius and mechanic who was the brain behind every mission she's undergone. She started working for him at the age of fourteen ever since he saved her from bullying, Though he warned her about the dangers of the job but she was adamant and determined to do it anyways. Things were getting tougher for her family, Mr Steve at first saw her as a desperate little kid and did everything he could to ward her off, but then his perspective of her Changed when she passed a trial he gave to her, he saw she was very determined. Despite the dark secret she kept from her family, She was an outgoing,kind, and cheerful person who'd do anything to help people get and fight for justice. And that's what makes it hard for people to know what she's up to, which was an advantage because it's her real personalty which also serves as disguise as well. Now at the age of eighteen, She had became an expert at stealing things and was very good and crafty at it, she would steal from the corrupted upperclassmen Americans, like the president, senators, Mayors and many more. When she thought she was finally getting her Life back on track and was happy with her family.....things started to turn out badly. It was like any other mission she had taken on, fast and clean, in and out before anyone notices. But little did she know that the necklace with three studded diamonds each costing three million dollars on it that she had stolen from the most secured bank in the world located in South America belongs to most dangerous and deadliest Mafia Lord in the whole world. They call him "THE DEVIL" She never knew what was up or how deep and dangerous the situation is until she found her family and her Boss murdered in cold-blood. And she taken away to a new and more deadly world she'd be living under the Dangerous Mafia lord....she was agonised as she swore to Avenge both her family and Mr Steve's deaths, By killing the so-called "Devil"..... Will she succeed or not??

Chapter 1 Akira Houston

My name is Akira Houston, I am eighteen years old and also the eldest child and daughter of the family of five, My Dad, Mom Grandma and my Younger brother Drew who is two years younger than me.

We are average or rather less than average black citizens of the United States. We were residing at the darkest parts of New York City.

We moved to New York City when I was nine and my brother was seven, Then things had been going pretty well for us back at New Orleans where my dad worked at an office and earned good salary.

We were doing pretty well until my dad got involved in a gamble and got into a huge debt with one dangerous mafia Lord which left him broke he was unable to complete the debt that's why we had to move.

One of my dad's old friend squatted us for a year before we got a small apartment at East Harlem, One of the most dangerous and unsafe part of NYC of crime rate over Eighty percent East Harlem has violent crimes Two hundred and sixty four percent greater than the National average.

Even the subway station around Twenty fifth St could make you feel unsafe over Harlem ghetto, so one has to be street-wise to be able to survive living here. The only advantage we got here was cheaper housing prices but then the houses are no good either with almost all facility destroyed due to non-stop throwing of stones and bottles by kids with no future roaming about.

But then we got used to it and let me tell y'all living here ain't a piece of cake because we had to struggle as things got pretty bad for us, there was no money, no food, not even side jobs we could work on to at least manage. But my Dad never gave up, sometimes he'd go on for days to look for jobs but always came back empty.

My mom too would go to meet all those rich new york ladies to request for a job as a maid in their house atleast she got lucky she was accepted and the token she earned was what we manage.

Everything kept on getting tougher and tougher and unbearable that I had to go out to the street to go search for food or anything edible for me and my brother to eat because I couldn't stand seeing my family suffer anymore.

I was fourteen when it all started on one raining Monday morning we had to starve as usual my dad was out for the same cause he's usually out for, it was my mom's day off or rather she was told not to come.

Drew kept on crying saying he wants to go to school although how annoying he could be with the tears, my mom wouldn't stop petting him not to cry an that really made me sad. Grandma wasn't feeling very well either even though she kept on saying she was okay I knew she was not.

I just felt the need to do something, I was thinking what I could do to provide even though it could be fruitless to think like that, Considering my age what sort of job would I possibly want to do and who would hire a frail and thin girl like me.

When thinking became unbearable for me I decided to sneak out of the house to go see if I could find some good and edible food in some trash cans across the street, that's where people dump their expired Foodstuffs even though to me it sometimes doesn't seem expired at all, Well I've tried it out sometimes on days like this when I usually sneak out to get some for me and my brother.

It was raining lightly and our neighbour's dog won't stop barking. I wore the raincoat my Dad brought for me when I was in grade three before he was in debt and I cherish it alot.

The rain had made everywhere really mushy and when I got there I was really hopeless because the stench of rotten Food coming outta the cans could make you sick in an instant, and the rain wasn't helping either but I had no choice than to grab whatever I could find because I was getting soaked all over.

when I opened the cans all I could see was rotten veggies and burgers "this'll will do no good." I said to myself, Then I began digging with my hand to see what I could find, luckily I found a bottled milk that I hoped hasn't expired yet and a bread which hasn't started to rot yet "yasss!!" I exclaimed happily.

I started packing them into a bag I brought along with me, and was about to leave when I felt something hit my back, my heart nearly froze as I thought it was an environmental health officer or a Cop who's just on duty.

But I was relieved when I saw two kids around the age of Fifteen in front of me, But that doesn't make the situation any better because the last thing I want is getting into trouble with kids older than me for taking food in the trashcan. "What are you doing there?" said one with a slight Brit accent, blonde hair and freckles.

"What does it seems like am doing?" I answered back with a question, already getting annoyed and impatient already, I really didn't want to get caught here "hahahaha" the other kid laughed as if I'd said something funny.

"you're real funny." he said laughing and I felt like punching him in his face, "you want me to answer your question? well here's your answer, I think you are stealing food from the trashcan" he said grinning stupidly, they both bursted out laughing, and it's taking every thing I've got not to pounce on them here and now.

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ā€œWhat is it? You sighed.ā€ Gabriel stared at Rosalind. ā€œI canā€™t do it ā€¦.ā€ She shook her head. ā€œIt will be like Iā€™m selling myself to you if I accept your offer. Iā€™m not a whore, you know.ā€ ā€œRose, I know you arenā€™t a whore. I donā€™t need to offer a whore anything, nor will I be interested in one, either.ā€ He took her hand and kissed the knuckles. ā€œI want you, Rose, only you.ā€ ā€œBut why?ā€ *** Rosalind Miller (twenty-three years old) is an orphan and poor. She has double jobs because she wants to get a bachelorā€™s degree to improve her life. It devastates Rosalind when her boyfriend of five years cheats on her. She goes drunk, only to wake up naked the next day beside a naked guy too, her exā€™s uncle. Gabriel Da Costa (forty-five years old) is a transportation mogul in the five countries. Listed as one of the most eligible bachelors in the capital, including in the nearest countries, many women want to be with him, but he stays single for years. Knowing his nephew has been cheating on Rosalind for a long time, he feels sorry for her and brings her to his apartment when she is drunk. What will happen later after that night? Will it be a one-night stand only or will their relationship continue afterward? *** This is the second book of the series The Most Eligible Billionaire Bachelors/The Age-Gap Billionaire Series. The first book is The Billionaireā€™s Contract Marriage. Despite being a series, readers can read both books as stand-alone.

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