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The Alpha's Twisted Fate

The Alpha's Twisted Fate



Having a human as a mate is outlawed in the Crescent Moon Pack, Alpha Leo a delightful young man is living and ruling his Pack under these great laws, he doesn't know that the Moon Goddess has other plans for him, Circumstances will lead to him to meet his Mate Mason, CEO of Mason's corporation by saving his Son who was almost drowned to death in a swimming pool.



"Excuse me, Alpha, this letter was addressed to you," Beta Richard handed over a faded white envelope tied in red ribbon to me, l closed the ledger In my hands, l glanced thoroughly as l unfold and read its content, Mr Alien Noah the founder of Mason's corporation invited us to his 49th Birthday celebration, Tsk.

"Throw it away on your way out."

" Yes, Alpha," l passed it back to him and continued with working on the pack's daily activities, l didn't bother raising my head up when a familiar voice walked into my office.

"What is that about Leo?"

" Nothing important, l don't see why humans are very sentimental and are bent on celebrating their birthdays every year and throwing unnecessary parties," l answered her, still fixing my eyes on the papers in front of me.

It went eerily silent like l was talking to myself, l heaved my head up to gaze at Delta Zena my younger sister reading the content of the letter, her black wavy long falling beautifully on both sides of her face, the myriad bracelets on her hands, she will never be satisfied without wearing them, apart from my mother, Zena is the closest person to me, they were all there for me when father died, my father died without watching me bloom, my thirteen years never felt more worst yet l took all the burdens on myself, since on my coming of age the following rules have been ringing like a melody in my mind, the safety of the pack is the first commitment of an Alpha, and l have to find my mate, my luna in other to become the head Alpha, l always keep it close to my heart.

"Why did you intend to throw the invite away?" She said, gesturing her hands.

" Not important Zena!" I mumbled flipping to the next page even though l was no longer concentrating.

"This man is a partner, remember?" She said throwing the invite back on the table as she took her seat.

" We are only buying shares from these luxurious and big companies only for one thing and one thing only, we should keep it that way and moreover l don't have the balls to face and gather with humans, our kind don't exist to them, and my only business is to make sure to keep this pack running and safe, we need money, we need resources.

The Crescent Moon pack has always been the Central plains, mother deck and wings to all packs under the moon, l don't want to disappoint father and mother by not neglecting something as unnecessary as this, it is a waste of time, attending some party is too much of a big deal to me, especially with the homosapiens, humans? It is not important if they were to have the shareholders meeting, then a representative can go as usual.

"Are you done? I only asked a question and you went around saying too much? Leo take it easy with yourself, loosen yourself up a bit, it's just a party it won't kill, not like you are going to shift into your wolf and start scaring everybody, it's been fifteen years since your coming of age, you are clocking 28years soon, you are yet to find a mate, you have succeeded in keeping the basic concern and safekeeping of the pack for years already, you travel time to time, met countless entities, but you are still stuck with your stern and upright life, still living your days in this office, I'm sure when you are done you are most likely to go for a run and the day is over for you, how do you expect to find your mate, do you think he or she will walk in here into your warm embrace, you are so delusional if you ask me," she muttered laying back on the couch.

" What are you trying to say?" I asked her in a vaguely annoyed tone.

"What I'm trying to say is —-----"

" You are the social one, l get it, "l chirped in, cutting her words short. You can go ahead and attend the party, don't remind me of my predicament or try to tell me what to do.

"Sometimes your temper irritates me a lot, I'm only trying to talk to you, no matter how you see it, you will be the head Alpha soon, more responsibility to come, you are still young and there are yet so many things you lack on, you have never done anything outside your Alpha Pack Box because we are different from the humans doesn't make us any less of a person, we are benefiting a lot from them, It not bad to try out a new world sometimes, or accept some changes."

" You can leave when you're done," l said in a low tone, flipping the pages so fast that I couldn't grasp anything.

"Really now, are you sending me out?"

" You are saying unnecessary things, you are taking my time, l could achieve a lot with the one wasted.


I shook my head vehemently as l finally landed on a page, so many rogue wolves are joining in the Packs lately, and I need to keep distributing them to different packs, it is easier to watch and train them this way, but sometimes I really wonder and hate why we should coexist with humans, they are always on the top food chain and claiming like they know all, it is so annoying and very offensive, running the deer leather as a mean of exchange in the Mason corporation has been helpful and a lot beneficial, but that shouldn't be a reason for me to attend this party because they invited.

" Mother said she will come visiting today, l hope l can plead with her to ask you to go to the birthday party with me," Zena murmured audibly, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"You are still here? Why are you so eager to push me to go to the damn party?" I asked her sincerely.

" You recognize that l know you best and l know what you like? Mr Alien has a child and the only child at that, and guess what? A young man in his twenties, yet he is 26years, you're just two years older than him l guess, see, here's the thing, he is definitely your type, but aside from that why don't you make friends with him? Rumours say he might attend his father's birthday party." She muttered excitedly sitting in an upright position.

"Why does it have to be rumoured? Isn't it a normal thing for a son to attend his father's birthday?" I answered back curiously.

" They are so many things you don't know Leo, Humans are just complicated, no argument, But they are not hard to make friends with, think about it, the only Son of a Mafia, Mr Alien Noah the second most richest man in the world, as we all know he is the one sponsoring all the underground making of the silver molten, Carrying out an illegal experience on our kind? A psycho and obsessive manic? What do you think we can gain from you being friends with his son?

80℅ of the world thinks that we don't exist, they think we only exist in the movies and all those fictional books or sternly in their imagination, the ones that know about us want to wipe us out at all means, killing us bit by bit and suppressing every damn news, just like they killed father? There is more to do than wait around Leo, wait around till the day we die? Humans are unpredictable, we can never know what they might be thinking or what they may do next, you can have the opportunity to go one step ahead of all their plans, we both know they don't want our kind in this world either."

"Enough Zena!"

" I'm only trying to help you, Leo,"

"I said it's enough!!

" Fine, "She said, raising her hands in the air to surrender.

"I'm keeping my mouth shut forever, won't talk about this anymore, it's your life, live it the way it pleases you, what plans do you have for mother, any special plans?" She said politely changing our discussions.

" Nothing really."

"Then l will have the maids prepare dinner."

" That won't be necessary, l answered with no hesitation, l will cook dinner myself."

"Oh, okay, do what you want, Mother's perfect definition of a good dedicated child, I'm out, if l have time l will pick her up on my way back," she said standing on her feet.

"If you won't pick her up let me know, l can send someone to do it."

"Right. She is my mother too, l don't intend to keep her waiting, bad joke! Whew," she said, shutting the door in a loud manner.

I shook my head vehemently as l stood on my feet, l folded my long sleeve shirt up to my arms simultaneously and walked towards the kitchen, sometimes l think Zena has a dead sense of humour, the things she calls jokes are rather offensive, l sigh rigorously under my breath, l don't know if what I'm doing is right, if I'm being the best older brother anyone could have out there, I'm not strict with her yet l don't think l can understand her, but l know she wants the best for me, l shook my head frustratingly and placed the pot on the fire

" Alpha what can l help you with? Omega Quinn the Pack's cook muttered, pleasingly.

"Get out!"

" As you wish Alpha."

I picked up all the items l needed, l will start with "Sauerbten" a famous German meat dish, which l will marinate with wolfbane, if father was here he'd rather have livestock to eat instead, l won't miss mother's favourite dish "Spatlze(pasta)" l will prepare it with some soft egg and topple it with cheese and rauloden sauce, she always enjoy my cooking, l smile gladly as l threw the apron on.

My scent picked up on Auden's familiar scent, the smell of raspberries, My Beta, but l pretended not to notice his presence.

"Alpha, how can l be of help?" He said in a melodic tone leaning against the kitchen counter.

" I asked to be left alone, l can handle it."

"Will you turn down my own help now?"

" Save yourself the drama Auden, how did it go? Were you able to get it?" I asked about my most concerning issues.

"No Alpha"

" What do you mean, No? We need that land, Auden if we don't have sufficient lands for urgent cases, what will become of us?" I complained resting my both hands on the table annoyingly.

"You overthink too much Leo, common, l know we can get another one."

" Why are you sounding like there is no big deal in it? That is what I hate the most," l grumbled restlessly.

"I'm sorry Alpha, I don't want you to get overly worried about it or why we couldn't get it."

"But it is something to worry about!"

"Alpha? These people wouldn't willingly submit these lands to us, You clearly said you don't want bloodshed, appeasing them till they slowly change their minds is the defence you asked us to follow."

"Violence is not the answer to all problems Auden, don't sound like that, l proceeded in cutting the onions, Mother is coming over, you can join us for dinner."

"Yes Alpha, let me help?

"Mmh, you don't have to, you can just wait around."

"No, l want to help," He said, coming towards me.

My beta is another important one in my life, l hope the moon goddess doesn't fail me and help me find my mate or l won't hesitate any longer in claiming him. Without considering the consequences, he is perfect and he comprehends my intentions vividly.

His ashen grey eyes make me want to bet that my mate will surely be a boy. He attracts me so much that I forget that he is my Beta and l don't feel the Mate bond with him.

Some days I wonder what position my mate will be in? A beta? A Delta, an Alpha but l know he will be a perfect Luna for me to become the head Alpha, l will do everything in my power to make the world ours to rule, with freedom and rights, l bet he will support my every motion.

"What time will mother arrive so l can pick her up?" Auden said.

" Don't bother, Zena will do that.

" And you believe her?" He asked, sarcastically.

" She might be a little bit everywhere but she is the type to keep to promises, she will surely pick her up,'' l replied him loftily.

" I missed your cooking Alpha," He said looking deeply into my eyes. I couldn't bring myself to acquit from his stares, his oval symmetrical face as he gave the most beautiful smile, my lips smirking yet l bite on them to keep my composure.

" Alpha, your mother has arrived," The guard announced.

"Go ahead and set the dining table, Auden, l will receive her," l said, taking out my apron.


N/B: Hi, l'm Lame Ruler, Thank you for giving this book a chance.

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