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Reborn As A Wolf

Reborn As A Wolf



An embarrassing incident happened on Jaylene's product launching day, a sex tape video of him and his boyfriend leaked, displayed on all the screens when his father was giving his last speech, His dream to become the next CEO is cut short as his Father had a heart attack and went into a coma. Alpha Rowan who has been watching Jaylene from afar yet he can't go close to him, not because he was obsessed, but because of his life destiny, on his coming of age, a prophecy came just like any other member of the Moon Valley Pack, he is destined to find his mate but can't go close to him, he found Jaylene and decided to stay and live in the path of destiny, except that fateful night when he had no other choice but save Jaylene from the car accident by marking him as his mate which is highly forbidden.



"Have you seen the news today Alpha?" My Beta Leon said slipping a newspaper on my table, l went on with what l was doing, watering the plant in my office space with my other hand in my pocket, doing this gives me a moment to escape reality, the news is probably about what is happening in the human world.

"Are you not going to take a look at it?" Leon pointed at the newspaper, " What is it about l said with no interest to move from where l was standing.

"I wouldn't bring you an unprofitable news Alpha, Jaylene is launching a product today," he said taking a seat comfortably, l dropped the mini water can in my hand, if it's my mate then I'm concerned, although he is not aware that he is my mate because it is prohibited for me to go close to him or approach him. Since the day l was born into this world I have always thought that my life will go more smoothly, but a lot changed after my coming of age when a prophecy came and it's said.

" l invenies meam mate et homo est"

"l will find my mate and he is a human"

"l cant appropinquant ei quia fata nostra implicantur"

"l can't go close to him because our Destinies are intertwined, Yet we can't be bound together "

" l erit exitio"

"I will be his doom"

"Finis meus erit proximus ut flamma ignis si l hoc regit"

"My end will be close as flames of fire if l disobey these rules"

After reading all this, l felt like my fate and destiny had always been decided by the moon goddess. She knows what is best for me and she bestowed on me my life scroll accordingly.

When the moon goddess messenger left, mother and father became extremely worried about me.

Many years had passed by, and my mother is worried about how I'm going to become the head Alpha without a luna, but I'm not worried, I'm not in a hurry to become one, moreover, l don't want to be a bad omen, not to the very person that is most important to me, my mate, l can't be the one to bring him sadness and pains, l can't be the one to destroy him, l don't want to see him cry, I'd die if something ever happens to him.

The reason why watching him from afar is like a serotonin boot for me, he amends me yet he makes my heart ache, everyday l want to be with him yet I can't go close to him, every night l want him in my cuddly arms yet l can't even tell him.

Hiding in the shadow to have a peek at his hazel green eyes, his deep frost black hair colour always gracing on his shoulder level, his nose ominously crafted in a perfect shape, his oval upper lips, they fade pink and red every time like he had a bite on them, they are fluffy and velvety, and every time l set my eyes on his beautiful being l control myself and my wolf not to attempt to claim what rightfully belong to us.

He is the most beautiful man l have ever met in my entire life, he is my mate and I'm not taking a second chance mate because I can't have him, l can't cheat on my mate when he is still alive and well, even though I'm built to believe in fate and the prophecy of our creator, l believe Jaylene and l can be friends in the nearest future.

Every full moon that comes and goes l wish and prays for a reversal, l wish to rewrite my fate but it has already been sealed, Jaylene is in safe hands, and he will soon become the CEO of the father's corporation soon enough, the only danger have ever perceived around him is his elder brother, he is the type to always have something awful up his sleeves, he is just a cheap gambler looking for validation.

I know Jaylene schedules like l know the day l was born, l lurk around their east gate at night, the side of the woods is very close to his father's mansion, l don't dare to go close, l love my somewhat unrequited love, l know all his favourite things, starting from his coffee, the blue colour of suits he likes to wear every day, l know he loves Germany local cheese, fried potatoes and chicken breast for breakfast.

"Rowan??" Leon snapped me back to reality, pondering on my thought is what l do whilst waiting for redemption.

"So are you going or what?"

I placed back the newspaper on the table taking a seat uneasily, l let out a long sigh tugging my hair backwards l don't have a reason to go, Leon, you know every time I go to see him it's a risk I'm taking, we can't see eye to eye, what if l look at him and our eyes locked together, do think l will be able to go control myself, l should stop going to see him for now, l said vaguely pushing the newspaper back to him.

" What difference does it make if you stop now, you are always on his trail like a happy cat, what happened now?"

"Watch your tone Leon, l scolded even though l know he is genuinely worried for me.

" It's okay if you don't want to go, l will cancel your seat reservations."

"You booked a seat for me already? I mumbled vaguely.

" You know how powerful your mate's family are, it's a grand opening, not just anyone can attend, l thought you'd like to go see him, you haven't been out of the pack lately."

"It's best l stay away from him for now, '' l replied, picking up the pack's daily activities files to dump them in the drawer.

" Rowan I'm your best friend, don't lie to me, you don't want to go see him because the last time you saw him he was in a private restaurant cuddling and dwelling in another man's arms having the best time of his life."

"That is exactly how it is supposed to be Leon, how can someone like me be jealous? I can only watch him from afar, as long as he is happy without me it is worth it, l will be safe, he will be safe, and everybody is happy.

" l don't believe you Alpha." Leon confessed.

"You can go ahead without me, I won't be joining you, I'm having dinner with my father and mother back in the family house.

"When did you start visiting home often?" My beta stood up and folded the newspaper into shapes while making his way out of my office, "l will go and l will tell you every detail of his looks, '' he said, throwing the newspaper back at me, and l caught it reluctantly.

I can't live without the thought of Jaylene in my head space, his fainted scent is like ecstasy, and l want to dig my face in his body, all these thoughts make me feel like a nuisance, a total delusional thought, l don't know what l did in my past life to deserve this punishment, every born of Moon Valley Pack has a scroll of life to be read to him or her on their coming of age, it is the favourite day for every wolf, but I wished it never came, l wish l was lucky to be in the good side of life, most of my being that aren't lucky enough are send to fifteen years seclusion, which is a life and death mission.

But l still don't deserve to be banned from going close to my mate, if you ask me this is the worst punishment, l feel like I'm always burning up every time I set my eyes on him, he is heavenly, he is gorgeous yet l can only tell myself this.

I bite my lips confusedly, it would be nice to cheer for him and clap for him, but just being in the crowd knowing that he is mine is more thrilling than having dinner with my parent, they are just going to talk me into finding a second chance mate, how l have to accept my fate and move on, those discussions are not very healthy for me, but it's better than going to the occasion without being able to even say Hi to him.

What will it be like if he sees me? Will he fall in love at first sight, will he want to be by my side always? I doubt l shook my head vehemently, l let out a long sigh aggressively, l picked up my car keys, one hour before sunset l better use the car than the woods, it's still luminous, it's more enduring to have dinner with my family, but right before l held the door knobs the telephone rang to my attention, l scurried to my desk, It's rare to have a call from this except it from my parent, it rare to have a call outside the pack, as we use our mind link to communicate each other.

"Yes? " Alpha, We need your attention suddenly! A familiar voice came from the other end, Beta Kylian, the assistant head of security on the West border that separates the Red Heart Pack," l will be there immediately, "l said, placing the phone back on its hold.

l mind link Beta Elias to set up quickly, l took out my clothes tossing them to ground, stepped out confidently shifting into my wolf and scampered in the woods fervently, Elias and the others will catch up with me soon.

I got to the scene promptly, some wolves are already tied up in silver chains," What happened here? I growled waiting impatiently for answers from my Beta,

"Alpha, they suddenly flashed it and started killing our group instantly, I suspect they all went rogue. He retorted nervously.

" You suspect? I growled bitterly, l walked past him to inspect for myself, they kind of looked like they were tortured, but they have no right to hurt any member of my pack.

"What should we do, Alpha?" Beta Kylian said looking at the ground,

"What do you mean what should we do? Take them to the Dark Den Cage and lock them up, Elias finds out where they came from and why! The darkness is heavy, be careful," Yes Alpha. "

I should sleep here tonight, we are a few months away from the full moon and rogues are already doing their bidding,

"Alpha!" my eyes widened at the screams that came heavily in the air.

"What now?"

"Jaylene is in trouble!"


N/B: Hi, I'm Lame Ruler. Nice to meet you. This book is purely based on my imagination, l hope you enjoy it anyways, don't forget to add it to your library, kisses.

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