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Bloody Assassin (No One Can Melt My Icy)

Bloody Assassin (No One Can Melt My Icy)



"Please don't kill me, I will give you whatever you demand" The dude I am about to assassinate pleaded "OH! You sound nice gentleman, hmmm but I have been paid, and the thing is that I don't collect money twice" I grimaced and continued. " And according to what you said, I NEED YOUR LIFE, nothing else than your LIFE" I uttered repeatedly and chuckled. And the word LIFE start echoing in my brain. I peeked at his pitiful face, and a grin played at the corner of my mouth. Alice Heron's nickname is TERROR. A very beautiful and smart lady. She's very cool or should I say dangerous. Did I just say cool? maybe she's cool and fun to be with, but you can never predict, she's the most dangerous and wanted assassin. She makes everyone smile, but when she was sent to a household she makes them cry bitterly. I think she's cool and at the same time dangerous"" Meet Tyler Harry's nickname SMART. a very smart and rich military guy. He was chosen to figure out the assassin that has been disturbing people's lives. "What happened when a job was given to TERROR to kill SMART? The two smart people are on a mission for each other. Do you think she will succeed in killing him? Do you think he will succeed in bringing her out to the world, as the most wanted assassin? .

Chapter 1 No,not possible

Terror POV

“This way, she passed through this way” Some guys said to the cops.

“Yes, I saw her running, she’s is in black dress with hefty gun.

I ran for my life, when I spotted her” I said to the cops.

I'm a very smart lady, if anyone doesn’t tell me that, I knew I'm smart.

I don’t fucking care what anyone think or say about me, am a free lady living in a free world.

I look at the way the police where running helter skelter like a dog that’s about to die towards the direction I told them.

Fools! there are looking for who? Me!!


They will try but can’t never find me. You guys will be wondering how I managed to change and come to back to confused the police.

Well that’s a long and not that long story.

I will have tell you but I don’t say my secret out, find out yourself.

I bounced eagerly to where I packed my motorcycle. I climbed it and put on my helmet before placing my right leg on the gear.

My brake light comes up immediately I started the motorcycle, I scoffed and rode off

Maybe you guys are wondering I won’t go back to take my mission cloth.

I don’t fucking wear it twice. And the tricks Is I never used any gun without wearing a handglove.

Aish! did I just told you guy’s some of my secret, I think my mouth is licking and I need to patch it up to avoid telling you guys another secret.

Can I introduce myself or you are enjoying the ride.

Well let me Introduce myself for future sake.

Meet me, oh wait! does my introduction good or stucks? Anyhow.

Am TERROR people referred me as Alice.

Yeah Alice Heron is my real name.

I mean, my birth name, the real name I was given seven days after I was born to the earth.

Well,the reason I am telling you this is because I don't want you guys to start having doubt if that's my real name or just a name I choosed for my self. Hope I am clear.

Let’s forget about the name stuff, no time to check time.

I'm 25years , I'm Single if you wanna know, well I am ready to mingle so if I may advice you, if you wanna belong "be prepared either for Alice or should I say TERROR"

Well, I will advise you to go for Alice for you own good.

Alice is a nice but crazy girl why TERROR is a desperate one.

She’s a girl in two body, you are to decide who you are coming for.

I know some people will have one or two comment in their mind.

Why did she became an assasin? Hmmmm! That must be the question.

Well if Yes, sorry to disappoint you I don’t have an answer to your questions, find out yourself.

You might think I am arogant when you meet me but that's not me, just that I have principles and it governed everyone.

I increase my speed to the highest kilometer roding like my popsy owns the highway.

I heard a siren from behind, I reduces my speed to look back.

Dawn! The police are after me. How did they find out about me.

No that's not possible. Noooo! Never. I increased my speed, I knew almost all the route here so I change my route but still yet they won't stop following me.

"This is bullshit!" it can't be not possible. How come they know it's me. Not quite long I got into another street and run across people running helter skelter. What the hell is wrong here.

"Don't go that way pretty, arm robber's are robbing a bank" The nigga shouted without waiting.

Oh my God! It must be the arm robber's they are coming for.

Let's see. I find a corner to pack my motorcycle to see if they will stop. I heard the siren which ignified that they are close.

I quickly join the people running. How smart of me. But to my greatest surprised they are not after me. That's a relief on it own. I thought as much how could they have recognized me. I am not easy to be figure out.


The city mall

Here we are at the mall, I have choosed to get myself something before going to where I stay over here. I put on my earbuds and went into the mall to get, something, my eyes meet with a short skinny gown.

This will be good for me. I think I should get it, I smirks as I walked to where the gown was hang. I was about to pick the cloth when a guy quickly take it. "Hey it's mine, I have my eyes on it first"I yelled blocking his way.

"This is for my girlfriend, you can search for another one"He said hidding the cloth behind him Is he daft? Can't he see I want that.

"Give it to me, it's mine I sighted first. And you won't take it from here. There are many dress here that you can get for your girlfriend. Let me have this"I growled trying to take the cloth from him.

"Lete see what you can do, get lose"He pushed me away trying to go out. I gripped his neck and hang him on the wall.

"Guard's"He managed to call. I looked back and saw some guy's In suit running towards our direction. They must be his guards. Goddamn chit! I smirks and look back at him before punching him hard in his stomach. He's the type of guys that don't respect women so I should deal with him before is chicks. I released him as h fell on the floor coughing.

"Hey"One of his guards shouted with his hand folded ready to fight. I look at him and laughed sarcastically. He rushed towards me but go down with just a hit. One blow hundred die.

"Come closer"I transported backward waiting for their reaction.

"Ahhh"One of them also ran towards me, I make a somasault and to be sincere he was kneeing right Infront of me. I smack his head and go for the other ones.

It was a good game as I was able to bring them down. I shook my head sideway and adjust my wrist. Can't imagine their so calm boss already flee.

"Stop there" What the hell no! Police

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