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The Devil’s Angel

The Devil’s Angel



"A room for two please" she said. Her voice was high pitched and Tiana wondered if she was a singer. From how loaded she looked, she could be. Tiana turned her face to her computer and registered the booking. When she lifted her face again, recognition dawned on her and she wished immediately that the floor would open up and swallow her whole. This was something she had been refusing to address for the past days and now, it had come back to bite her in the ass. She had thought that she was over it, that she was okay but seeing this girl standing in front of her and booking a hotel room brought back all the hurt that she had buried at the bottom of her stomach right back to the surface. The image of Mike with his trousers below his knees, the sound of the music from his apartment serving as background music to drama that accompanied her breakup, the unapologetic look in Mike's eyes when he had looked into her eyes. All these came back to haunt her and she felt her legs almost give way.

Chapter 1 Bear

'Something was off, people just don't pick their calls or leave their girlfriend waiting at a restaurant for more than 2 hours! Without calling to tell them why they won't come, it just doesn't happen' Tiana had just downed her sixth glass of red wine at a fancy and overpriced restaurant. This was the third time that Mike was ghosting her, apologising fruitlessly and asking her on a date to mess up even further? How low could she get? Apparently not low enough. She was tipsy and about to board a cabbie to his house at eleven in the evening and she was going to give Mike a piece of her mind.

'This red silk dress was a gift from him' she thought to herself, looking at the dress sympathetically, ' even the shoes were a gift...' And yet the gifter had left her out there in a restaurant feeling stupid little by little until the she started to notice the waiters and most of the guests giving her side sneers like they were looking down at her after her tenth ' no, I don't want to order I'm waiting for someone'. Hell, if she really thought about it, she was about to be thrown out if she hadn't ordered anything by the fourth ' no, I didn't want to order...' Embarrassing. She must have looked more stupid than she was letting on. She bunched her dress at mid thigh, even though she was still a bit tipsy, the fresh air from the car ride here had her some good. Walking was almost trouble, so she did the most sane thing, she pulled her eight inched red bottoms and walked barefoot.she shivered from the first contact with the bare floor, it was almost as if the ground was wet but she knew it was just her feeling, she didn't let it deter her as she walked with the same Elegance that had entraunced Mike from the beginning, letting the harsh cold interlocking tiles remind her of how he treated her this evening. She got to his apartment, shoes in hand and eyes drawn to half. His apartment was the worst, dogs and cats ran in and out of the tiny gate entrance and while they didn't run, they held meetings every night in his street and it smelled like farts everytime she had come here. The apartment was decent looking, he had neighbours in the same building, all lined side by side and another set of neighbours across but to get in, you either had to have a key or go buzz and to be honest, she wasn't ready to hear his voice yet, luckily for her, she always had a spare key. He had given it to her as a show of trust back when they started dating. She had never had a reason to use it until now anyway. She opened the tiny gate that was an entrance and swayed side by side, walking towards the staircase. "Eish!" She hissed as her legs touched an even colder surface but that didn't stop her from doing what she came here to do, she walked till she got to the second floor. "520... 5..2..5..0" she mumbled to herself as she began to hear faint music from the room she was now standing in front of. Mike's room. At least she had established that he was home, which was the first slap across the cheeks, she raised a hand to knock but she thought against it. Her tipsy episode was over, replaced with hurt and a forming anger. 'so he was home?! While she looked like a fool? A very hungry fool for that matter.' she brought her hand down and searched for a key in her mini bag, she was sure Mike had given her a spare key to his room as well. She rummaged through her things to get the slippery bastard, when her fingertips touched a metallic surface, she smiled to herself and brought out the dagger-like key out of her mini bag and without checking if it was unlocked, she inserted the key into the hole and turned,The door gave way with a little push. With the door open, she could see the living room, inviting as always. She could see the $72 flat screen he had yapped about for more than two month, the living room was spotless. At this point, she didn't even know what to do, go in, not go in... She was at his entrance right now and even though she could hear the blaring music that sounded as though it came from his bedroom,there was almost no sign of him here, she stepped a bit into the apartment and relief washed through her face as her legs grabbed the plush rug for it's warmth. Something caught her eye while her legs hugged the rug, she squinted her eyes to get a better look at it. Her eyes grabbed the image that lay far away from her but she was sure it wasn't a tipsy spell, closing the door to get a better exposure, she could see something green from afar. she made towards it, walking so slowly, her eyes never leaving their prize. She got to the couch where the item lay shamelessly stuck in between the Crevice, as she looked closely at it, realization began to form on her face. 'is that what I think it is?' she was almost scared to touch it but she mustered courage to and as her finger grabbed hold of the fabric, it came undone. The horror of what she was holding stunned her to silence. *** Tiana hoped what she was holding in between her fingers were a result of alcohol and not what it was. She stood up gracefully, thanking herself earlier for getting rid of those shoes. Something was fishy and that music was still so loud. She couldn't stay out here in the living room, she wasn't going to do that, she was going to man up and face him straight up. She climbed the material out of her tips, landing it in the same place that she found it. The living room was joined to the kitchen through a door and so did the bedroom, just one more door and she was going to see the face of the man who stood her up . She opened the door that led to the kitchen and gasped. "What the hell?" She whispered to herself. She couldn't have made this shit up with alcohol in her system, she couldn't have. Her steps paused,her breathing uneven, her fists clenched, she marched with an anger that she had never seen before and without thinking threw the doors open before her. Her face dropped completely. *** "Babe! Babeee! Please!" Tiana wasn't having any of it, she was out of there before Mike could slip his hand me down trousers back up. That didn't stop Mike, he chased her down through his bedroom to the kitchen and just before he got to the door of the living, Tiana slammed the door in his face. "Babe! We can talk about this,please!" Rachel was already downstairs,punching her phone for an Uber " Hello! Yes, can service I'm at fork street, 6th dove house please hurry" came Tiana's reply from below, Mike was shirtless and shoeless, it was cold but he ran either way downstairs trying to catch up with her. "Please Ti! Please let me explain! For God's sakes" he screamed into the night, alerting nearly everyone in the apartment who atret he's their necks through their railings for those on the same floor and a floor below him. Tiana wasn't even looking at him, she was panting and trying to catch bee breath at the same time and it was a fierce battle. The car came to a halt in front of her as she made it past the entrance gate, a cat ran into the apartment the same thing she was leaving. She held the handle of the car door, somehow Mike caught up to her in time to whip her shoulders to turn to him. For the first time she saw him, she saw what he was. "Please, let's just talk about it. Please" she saw what he was. She saw what she was to him all these while and a single tear stained her cheek. "No" the shock of her answer got to him, he left her shoulders in shock, backed up a bit, it was then that she saw his resignation. She never really mattered to him from the onset. "Ok. Goodbye" he turned and walked back the way he came without looking back. The tears threatened to fall so bad, she wanted to just hold him and say it's ok, we can fix this... There was no fixing it, it was done. It was finished. She opened the car, got in and just before the car drive away, drove her away from this heartbreaking chapter of her life, she looked back at the apartment building and realized there was nothing here left for her. Mike got to his apartment, two muscular arms reaches out from her view and embraced him. Tiana couldn't bear to watch anymore, she turned away..

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