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Unholy Contract

One of the most powerful men in the world; so evil he could put the devil to shame. When Sofia lands herself a job as his personal assistant, the last thing she expects is to become his financée. When she begins to uncover secrets that plague her childhood, she finds herself in a web of lies and learns that her past is much darker than she ever thought possible. But all the lies and secrets that shadow her chilling past all lead back to one man; Amory Reid, and Sofia finds herself betraying her husband to uncover the truth as she battles her innermost feelings for the man she wants to hate so bad.

Chapter 1 Prologue

My hazel eyes followed his every move as he stood on the stage, gazing into the crowd as he gave his acceptance speech.

Everyone in the audience watched him. They watched in awe as he grasped the attention of every man and woman in the room. Each syllable that fell from his luscious lips was drenched in passion that drew eyes from every direction.

He held an air of authority around him, something that some people searched their whole lives for, but that’s just who he was. A powerful man. More powerful than I thought, more powerful than what anyone thought.

He held the award in his large hands, his fingers grasping the edge of the glass award. Fingers that had been inside me only twenty minutes ago.

He had everyone fooled. No one caught the vicious glint in his eyes as he spoke. No one saw the black tattoos that marred his skin under his perfectly-tailored suit, each one telling a story of a dark past.

No one was aware of how dangerous Amory Reid really was. But I knew. I knew the truth. That behind every smirk, behind every laugh, there lurked a sinister darkness that licked fear up my spine.

Amory Reid was undoubtedly the most lethal man on the planet.

I wish I knew sooner, just what I was getting myself into when I agreed to marry Amory Reid, but it was too late; I knew everything now. I knew the truth behind my past, and I wish I didn’t.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when everyone in the hall stood up, applauding the man that stood on the stage as he watched me with hooded eyes.

My knees trembled underneath me as he began to walk in my direction. Each step he took twisted my gut in anticipation. He stopped, standing in front of me as he gazed down at me with a teasing glint in his icy blue orbs.

I felt liquid heat pool in my southern regions when his large hand caressed my hip, pulling me closer until he could plant a kiss on my jaw, one to shut the press up. When his eyes latched onto mine, my breath hitched in my throat, and his intoxicating lips covered mine in a searing kiss.

I kissed him back. I kissed him back with so much passion I felt like I was floating on air.

I felt like bursting into tears right there, because that’s when I knew.

I was completely and utterly in love with Amory Reid.

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