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She Found Solace

She Found Solace



Synopsis: she was born in a family where there was no peace, her mother and father fighting all the time, she was the third of five children, the most neglected among all of them. Because of this, her drunk of a father started molesting her at a young age. The molestation goes on for years without stopping. By this time, Tope could no longer take it so she decided to leave the house, off to a fresh start at sixteen. However, the outside world her mother tried to protect her and her siblings from was far worse than she imagined. She finally finds love after refusing to do odd jobs, she met Fola on a cold night. Just when she thought she would die, Fola came into her life like the savior she needed at her dying time. They fall in love almost immediately, Tope finally finding the love she always craved for

Chapter 1 A loveless Marriage

Me and Mrs Falola's marriage wasn't exactly steady in the first place. An arranged marriage between the parents of both parties was the determinant of both individul's faith.

It was a loveless marriage, a promise between two fathers while the children were still young and innocent. Tamilore didn't even want to go through with the marriage but she did because her father forced her into it.

To think that she was with a man she didn't love just because her father's name couldn't be put to shame. She wondered why some parents were like that, using their female children as pawns for their will.

She had repulsed Babalola when they first got married, not even allowing him to touch her on their first night. It was safe to say that Babalola was a spoiled brat, he was born into wealth and had no idea how to manage it.

Their marriage was like every other Yoruba marriage, first was to formally ask for her hand, the introduction then the marriage. Her nightmare began the morning of the wedding, while others were rejoicing that the wedding was to take place, Tamilore was busy crying to her mother that she didn't want the marriage.

"Mummy, I don't want to go through with the wedding!", Tamilore said in between muffled sobs on her mother's lap. " Tammy, hush, don't let someone eavesdrop on what you're saying!", her mother said chastising her for crying when it was the wedding day.

"But mummy, isn't my happiness important to you?", Tammy asked cleaning the tears on her face, " it is my daughter, but you know your father, he won't take no for an answer !", .

Tammy's mother continued, "you know how much they've spent on the wedding!", She exclaimed holding Tammy by her shoulders. " You have to endure this wedding, and maybe after a few years you can come to love him!", her helpless mother suggested as she embraced her daughter, feeling the pain her helpless daughter was feeling.

"I can't love him mom, I just can't!", Tammy exclaimed, " I'm sorry my daughter, I'm sorry that I can't help you to get out of this situation. Forgive me my daughter!", Tammy's mother said amidst sobs.

Tammy discovered something after the brief conversation she had with her mother, she couldn't escape the marriage as long as her father was alive. She steeled her heart, giving out fake smiles throughout the day.

She was forced to recite her vows on the alter, never for once was she willing. She gave out fake smiles all through out the reception.

The wedding night and the nights they shared after was a constant reminder to Tamilore that she was unraveled by his disgusting fingers. A complete contrast to the wedding night she always imagined.

On the wedding night, Babalola had come into the room reaking in alcohol. He was excorted to their room at the hotel by a female she didn't know, Tamilore wondered what they could have done before she escorted him to their room.

She felt even disgusted that she had to sleep in the same bed with him. "Thank you!", Tammy said to the female that held him over her shoulders before she closed the door, " my wife, my beautiful wife!!", Babalola said, his breath disgusting Tammy even more.

"Get some sleep!", Tammy said trying to get him to their bed, anxious to get his disgusting fingers away from her body. " it's finally time to ravage your body!", Babalola said, Tammy trying so hard to ignore his words.

"Come here!", Babalola suddenly said before dragging her unto the bed. She had thought he was already sleeping while she tucked him under the comforter, he suddenly dragged her underneath his body in a matter of minutes.

"What, what are you doing, get off me, let me go!", Tammy yelled when she knew what he was about to do, he was about to do what they did on the wedding nights and she wasnt going to have him touching her like that.

However, she was overpowered by him, " no, Babalola please don't!, I beg you! , Babalola please stop!", Tammy begged in tears as Babalola tore her bathrobe.

After much begging, and several attempts of pushing him, Tammy finally surrendered to her fate, lying mute In the bed as Babalola ravaged her body.

He kissed her aggressively, biting and nipping till she finally opened her mouth, he plunged his tongue deeper into her mouth, wrestling with her tongue which was unwilling to succumb to his kiss.

When he had his feel of her mouth, he kissed further down till he got to her twin peaks, "so big!!", he moaned as he saw the mounds on her chest. Tammy hadnt given him the reaction he wanted but he continued regardless.

He kissed her nipples before wrapping his tongue around the already erect mounds, his other hand squeezed her other breasts as he continued to flick his tongue in an up and down motion on her left breast.

He gave equal attention to the other mound, kissing and nipping, making disgusting noises as he thought he pleasured her. Tammy cried silently, looking at the ceiling, comvincing herself that it was only for a short time.

Babalola kissed further down to her belly button before he stood up again. His member already erect as he took off the briefs, his member sprang up, Tammy watched as the idiot of a man took his member in his had and stroking himself before he looked at her.

" Your going to love this Tee, it's unlike any you've had before!", he said proud of himself that his member was that big. He towered above her again, rubbing his member on her virgin clit, he pushed himself in, not even acknowledging the fact that she was a virgin.

He trusted in and out, all the while breathing heavily, Tammy cried the more, repulsive of his disgusting fingers on her body. He went on and on, thrusting in and out of her, dumping his load in her and repeating the same thing over and over again till he finally collapsed on her body.

Tammy cleaned her tears before pushing him away, she stood up albeit naked to take a very long dip in the tub. She needed to soak for hours in the tub to relieve the soreness she felt down there and to wash his disgusting fingers off her body.

She made a vow to herself that night, she was going to leave the marriage when she got the slightest opportunity.

Even after their wedding night, their sex lives was never uneventful, it was the same old thing, Tammy lying on the bed motionless as he went on about his business on her body.

They didn't ever come to love each other, they never did, the loveless marriage remained as loveless as it could be .

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