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Endlessly Mine

Endlessly Mine

Miss Baker


Alex struggles with finding love but falls into wrong hands, she meets Samuel and their love story kicks off as they both find each other annoyingly in love with each other.

Chapter 1 Alex

"You are such an idiot" I screamed slapping him across the face and emptying the bottle of wine on him, he had guts breaking up with me and making faces at me, and he even called me rude and arrogant who the hell does he think he is to insult me that way knowing I would destroy him in a second if I wanted to.

Welcome to my world. My name is Alexandra Williams, daughter of the late CEO of Wills plastics and I was born as the middle child in the family. Many say I behave just like my mother but who cares what they think or choose to think it wasn't their concern what character I choose to exhibit does it? I was born into wealth and I also have my money from having my own cosmetics brand. My life sucked basically I see myself as being cursed but what can I say, I was unlucky when it came to the matters of the heart I was never caught in a relationship for more than three months because I was basically in and out and the men I dated were ass-wipes.

I drove into the majestic compound of my family and stepped out of my car walking into the house I was angry at Fabian for dumping me the way he did tonight like I was a rotten vegetable he found decayed in his fridge.

"Evening Mummy" I said and walked pass the dinning table where my family sat to have dinner

"Alexandra Williams get back here!" My mother being the Margaret Thatcher of the house barked and I stopped walking turned around and looked straight at my family as they all looked at the anger in me.

"What now mummy?" I asked her weakly

"Really Alex, when would you stop being this rude?" She asked me and I rolled my eyes she didn't even care I wasn't feeling well or didn't she notice my bulging eyes?

"Alex what happened" My older sister Felicia walked up to me she had a way of caring and that was one thing that reminded me of my father all the time. She was exactly like him engaged to be married and a practicing nurse Felicia was my best friend with whom I always confided in all the time. I hugged her as I wept on her shoulder looking at Sophia who stood up and joined in the hug.

Felicia was older than me with three years while I was older than Sophia with just two years but you wouldn't know because we were almost of same height and stature except that Sophia had mum's kind of body and looked like a model with thiny curves. I was ready to start up my life at age 22 but today it was funny because my life was a mess. Mum looked up at us and smiled ushering me to come sit beside her.

"What happened baby" Mum asked and I cried looking at her, it wasn't fair how Felicia got engaged not up to six months of getting to know Collins and Sophia could get any man she wanted at any given time and I was here trying to find the love that didn't want me.

"Fabian broke up with me mum" I replied and Sophia laughed making mum shoot her a look

"why would he do that?" Felicia spoke

"Because she is boring, can't you see our sister isn't only arrogant but also boring, you can't keep a man with that" Sophia said and started to walk up to her room, I cried because I knew for a fact she might be right or wrong also but I didn't care, he was going to be the last man to play with my emotions. Felicia held unto me as she led me upstairs with me still crying bitterly.

I cried myself to sleep and woke up to noises coming from birds in the compound opening my eyes I saw Sophia standing in front of my curtains holding each and drawing them to open widely.

"OK princess its a brand new day and you need to get up and move down to the dinning for breakfast" She said coming close to me and pushing back my duvet wrapped around me

"Are you bipolar?" I asked her

"maybe I am, Fabian is gone sis you need to move on" she said to me

"It's not easy Sophy"

"I know it isn't but its not like you even loved the guy, he was just a pass time" She said and she was right, I wasn't in love with him that was why I couldn't sleep with him.

"Mum wants all three of us downstairs, freshen up and come down" She said to me kissing my cheek as I grumbled and went into the bathroom to shower. After showering I went down to know what the urgent meeting was for and I would say I wasn't surprised because we always had meetings upon meetings to discuss on matters arising in the family.

"Morning mum, morning sis" I said sitting as they all looked at me "What!!! I'm fine now" I said and I knew I was lying so did they

"Anyways I called you all here because I wanted to let you all know about your father's wish of having to build a new building on the land at the back of the house. You father wanted it and I think its time we started up, this present building would either be rented or done as it pleases you girls" My mum said and I stared at her thinking about the fact she was about to waste resources.

"Mummy why don't we build a plaza instead at the land close to the mall, this is a total waste of resources I'm sure daddy would understand" I said to her and Felicia nodded in agreement , we were always like this, the three power girls like mom calls us, we were ready to kill a man and bury him even without anyone knowing about it

"Fine then but the plaza would also go on, It was your dad's wish to have this building so we will do both , Alex you oversee the project of the house while I do that of the plaza" I stared at her, she was something else.

"Mummy I have a business I run you know" I said to her and she rolled her eyes

"Only you can run that here, Felicia won't do it because she is busy saving lives, and Sophia is busy modeling and we know your job isn't really occupying time, you stay indoor most of the time sweetie, please" She said and I smiled.

"OK mummy I will" I said to her as we sat to make arrangements on workers and the wages they were to earn.

At 27 I felt my life was going so well and I lived it to the fullest having hopes that Fabian would propose and it was wicked of him to have left me now. Looking out of the window in my room I saw Sophia take pictures with her cell phone I knew those pictures weren't for a modelling company and knew surely it was for a guy on Tinder. Sophia was a flirt, we all knew that even mom did. I watched her for a while wondering how she did all this at just 25 and I immediately told myself she was far better than me. Fun didn't know me and fun wasn't what i wanted. I preferred my dim coloured jeans to wearing crazy jeans and preferred parking my hair into bun than allowing it down in wavy curls I moved away from the window settling in front of my laptop to work.

Screaming my name Sophia came into my room jumping on my well arranged bed, she knew I was one for orderliness but would always do things to annoy me

"Sophy I just made the bed" I said to her and she eyed me, "what do you want now?" I asked her typing on my laptop

"Would you go out with me tonight, today is Friday night and I met this really cute guy on tinder and he invited me on a date at the Ladies club" I looked at her, who the hell named a club Ladies club, she smiled

"Why do you want me to go with you Sophy, can't you go alone?" I asked not looking at her

"Alex please, we are sisters right? and you love me sis" She we blackmailing me now

"Sophia Williams no, I'm busy just go with Felicia" I said to her

"Felicia is on the night shift besides mum wouldn't let me go if you don't go with me sis please" she said and I looked at her. I stood up took off my reading glasses and walked up to my bed pushing her off the bed I arranged it properly.

"What time?" I asked her

"8 pm" she replied

"Fine I'll go with you, on the condition you wouldn't drink" She smirked, hugged me and ran out of the room.

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