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Rolling in the arms of bigots

Rolling in the arms of bigots



Meng Qingning announced in public that non-Fu Jingze would not marry at Wei Jun's engagement banquet. For years the guard became a wealthy upstart, and she was framed for a tragic death by her fiancé and cousin. One Asahi Rebirth Meng Qingning is still a high-ranking Miss Meng Da But Wei Jun is a self-made, ridiculed partner in a small company. She knew he would be a big man in the industry in the future. But this generation of Meng Qingning just wants to step on the slag of men and women, take care of parents, love, never believe in men again Gradually, however, she seemed to be favored by the Guardian. "Didn't it mean to say good, not to talk about love but to cooperate?" "Well?" The big man sounded low: "Say the opposite? Only talk about love, not cooperate. "

Chapter 1 One Facade Rebirth

Big Night, Dark Starless Moon

A remote cliff in Shili district, a red pagani just stuck on the cliff, crumbling.

Beneath the cliffs are countless messy, high, pointed stones.

Tick-tick -

The warm blood rustled along the girl's fair and beautiful face, the originally closed eyelashes trembled lightly, the girl slowly opened her eyes.

Consciousness just recovered a little bit, the great pain swept Meng Qingning's whole body.

Her fingertips flicked, but her fingers could not lift any strength, and she cried subconsciously, "Help, help..."

"Oh sister, you woke up, and God didn't want you to die so happily."

The sound came from a cell phone in the rear seat.

The familiar tone and sweet voice is the voice of her sister Meng Qingyao.

"Does my sister want to live? As long as you climb to the back seat to get your phone, you can call for help. But what to do? "Meng Qingyao laughed Jiao:" As long as you move, you will join people with the car and fall to pieces. "

Mengqingyao is clearly such a vicious discourse, but Mengqingyao is very excited.

Aware that all this is controlled by Meng Qingyao, Meng Qingning the whole person like falling into the ice cave.

She looked around with her remaining sanity.

It is sooner or later that the car gets stuck on the cliff.

No rescue, she will soon lose too much blood and die.

How to choose is a dead end.

Meng Ching-ning bit his lower lip, and his voice trembled, not knowing whether he was hurt or stuck on a cliff.

"I don't treat you thinly."

"Yes, my sister treats me really well, and I like my sister too. After all, there is no second fool in the world like my sister, but what? If you do not die, I will not succeed Fu Jingze in inheriting the company and property of the Meng family. "

"Fu Jingze? How could he... "

"Don't you believe it? Then I'll let him talk to you. Aze, say hello to my sister. "

There was a long silence and a familiar voice.

"Ching Ning, I'm sorry, I lied to you."

The car suddenly shook violently, Meng Qing, who had no safety device on his body, pounced forward, his forehead violently against the body glass.


The body was again stuck on a cliff.

Meng Qingyao at the end of the cell phone laughed presumptuously.

'Aze, you've been abusive for so many years, and you'll never have to look at her face since tonight! The property of the Meng family will be ours in the future. "

Meng Qingning's eyes were red, her eyes were blurred, her lips were soaked in blood, she smiled mournfully, her white teeth were blood-strewn in the night, terrifying and strange.

"OK. Anyway I don't want to live, but... Fu Jingze, for so many years you really just bear the humiliation? "

Fu Jingze on the phone breathed, before she could speak, Meng Qingyao said, "Otherwise? Meng Qingning, you rely on being Mengjia Miss, like a squeamish bag to drink to Ah Zehu, either let him do this or that, Ah Ze and you have no self-esteem! Otherwise, why did you think Aze was with me? Is it Aze? "

"Yes! Meng Qingning! I'm really fed up with you. You haven't been seen for so many years. Don't blame me for being cruel. "

"It's ridiculous, I don't see you in Meng Qingning, why don't you break up? I have restricted your personal freedom? "

The other party choked for a while.

"At the end of the day, your heart is too dirty, you want to be a man but you covet my family's property, and Meng Qingyao and Meng Qingyao, but now push the pot to my head. Fu Jingze, do you deserve to be a man? "

Despite the embarrassment at this time, Meng Qingning, the eldest sister of the Meng family, is still high, speech is not half.


"Aze, don't be angry."

Meng Qingyao's tone is light, smiling and groaning.

"Sister, for the sake of your near death, I tell you about a fun thing?"

"Remember your last brake failure?"

Meng Qingning red lips sipped into a straight line, for a long while sneer out loud.

"You really put humble shamelessness to the extreme."

"Okay, sister, you're a dead man anyway, I don't mind asking you to scold me a few more, and I'm telling you the brakes are just an introduction. Next is the point. Do you know how Fang Mengjia died? "

Room Mengjia...

Meng Qingning lip-horned mockery smiled stiff for a moment.

"Don't you remember your mother's name? Yes, she was burned alive in front of you. You must have been engraved in your heart.

"Qing Yao..." Fu Jingze seems to have an intolerance, want to stop Meng Qingyao.

"Azze, don't stop me, she's dead anyway, let her know the truth why?"

The truth? Is there another secret about her mother's death?

"What do you mean by that?"

"It means that your mother's death was not an accident. She accidentally discovered the secret of the brakes, rushed to complain to you and was killed by me. Fire, it's just my fake scene ~ "

Meng Qingning pupil emits a great earthquake, to the Nissin Ling's eyes stained red by blood, hostility is rampant.

"Who left her with your own daughter in her eyes? It's a pity that I just wanted to get rid of you. "

"Meng Qingyao! Meng Qingyao! "

"You will have retribution! You must have retribution! "

A sweet throat, huge irritation made Meng Qingning spout a bite of blood.

Can you just die like this?

Good hate, good hate, Meng Qingning nails into flesh and blood, so think... revenge!!!

The body shook violently, in a trance, as if she had vaguely seen a vague yet familiar figure on the cliff.

The man stumbled to the edge of the cliff, caught by the man behind him!

Seems like a guardian?

No, no!

Then she comically denied it again.

The paranoid man, whom she refused to marry on the spot, stood on top of the city many years later and became an upstart in the upper class.

Moreover, the man had always been calm and steady, and could never have done such a distraught thing.

If... if everything can come back...

Boom - -

The last brace collapsed and the car fell in the dark of night.

"Goodbye, my dear... cousin."


"Big Miss."

"Miss woke up soon, and the banquet was about to begin."

Who is talking?

Isn't she... dead?

Meng Qingning eyelashes tremble slightly, slowly open the eyes.

A familiar face came into view.

"Miss, you sleep so hard that if you don't wake up again, maybe I'll be fired by your gentleman. All right, get up. It's time to change your clothes. "

Meng Qingning looked at the people in front, the beautiful eyes of the clear spirit gradually contained water vapor.



Meng Ching Ning sat up and hugged the man in front of him.

The person in front of him had a meal, and the whole person was stiff.

"Great, you're okay."

Abin was the bodyguard who had been with her since she was a child and grew up with her to protect her as a relative. In his previous life, he rushed into the fire to save his mother, because too much smoke was inhaled.

When Abin was dying, she took her hand and said, "I'm sorry, no... I can't save my wife..."

Meng Qingning lost two relatives overnight, emotional breakdown.


Meng Ching-ning loosened him and stretched out his hand to wipe the tears around the corner of his eye. "I'm okay, you go out, I change clothes."

Although she didn't know what was going on, she seemed to be born again.

Rebirth to the most critical day of previous life.

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