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my little hedgehog

my little hedgehog



Your first love is engaged to someone else What will you do?? Four options: 1: kill him 2: Chasing him again 3: commit suicide 4: forget his existence and start a new life You can choose whatever you want because it's just your ex But what if he was the father of your child??

Chapter 1 1: My new boss

I don't know what to call my life

Is it a blessing or a curse?

I have a little boy who is 4 years old

And I am already 22 years old

Despite the hardships in my life that made me hate myself to the point that I wanted to commit suicide more than many times

But when I see my child's eyes sparkle with love and longing for me, I will forge all the troubles and return to my mission to complete this life

My name is Kylie, I am 22 years old as I said before

I work for a famous company called: The Stark Fashion

In the design department

Well if we talk about one thing I can do without bad damage it would be designed.

Since I was young, I have loved drawing and design

But even so, I almost let them go

faint smile:

Because the person I fell in love with praised my designs

So I was encouraged to go back to them again

I am now proud of my ability to design in the most famous clothing design companies

And also my fame is wide

But no one has really seen me in ads

Because I added a condition to them in the work contract that I will design clothes for them but under my pseudonym

Yes, I come to the company in the morning like any normal employee

And I sit as now in my library to paint

But everyone thinks I work as a regular secretary

And they don't know that I originally worked as a chief designer for this huge company

Hmmm, I think I see something moving in front of me!!

wait, who is handing this in front of me??

I looked at the owner of the hand

Well, what did I expect??

Of course who would bother me except for my only friend Oliver

It can be said that Oliver is the senior vice president of this company

Yes, he is the only son of the old company president

Our relationship is supposed to be more combative than friendly

I really don't know since when we became friends

To be honest, I want to say:

Although my appearance shows that I am a weak girl, easy to deceive, and gentle

But I originally must be a scary demon!!

I still remember the first time I met Oliver

I spilled my coffee in his face because he made my baby cry

But in the end, it turned out that my child was hurt and he was helping him

That was bad, especially since I messed up his new uniform which is valued at least hundreds of thousands of dollars

Well after that he's quarreled with me for a long time and I mean long it's really long for like a whole year and he's bothering me all over the place

Before we somehow turn into friends

When I sit with him I feel like a psychopath like him!!

Because he makes his ridiculous jokes that are never funny in a session between us

And for some stupid reason, I don't know, I find it really funny

Even though it's ridiculous to hell

Aren't you crazy??

Well it's okay anyway he's like my bodyguard

Because he does not allow others to approach me more than 13 steps!!

Also, his behavior is childish but I find it really weird when he gets so angry because I went out with someone

That's really silly

And what's more, when he sits with my son Ethan

He will turn into a child as well

I remember once that he came to me crying because Ethan took his ramen and I had to make him another bowl of ramen to make him stop crying.

but despite all that, he's an angel, like a child sometimes

And sometimes he turns to the devil as well

but why this fool is waving his hand in front of my face??!!

Oliver annoyed:

"Where is your stupid mind?!

I've been calling you for over half an hour!!"

Hah, I think I knew why he was waving his hand in front of me haha:

"Oh sorry I was thinking of something!"

Oliver sighed angrily.

"Is it because of the new president??

Did it bother you again??

Don't worry, I'll ask my dad to kick him out!!"

Well that's ridiculous too

Oliver's father has made a contract with a company: A.H. One of the terms of the contract is that half of the shares in The stark Fashion Company will be his

And of course, he wouldn't give half of the company to A.H unless the state of the economy now is very difficult

Because of the president of A.H . company

You will know later why the corporate economy is bad because of it

Anyway, the biggest shocker for me is that the president of A.H is the person I've secretly loved for 6 whole years

We've been together from middle school to college

But in the last two years at the university, he suddenly disappeared and no one knew where he went that long

And half a year after his disappearance, a new president of A.H . appeared

It is said that he is a very fierce and very cruel boss. For his own good, he will do anything

But no one has ever seen what he looks like

In every meeting, he will send his assistants instead

Until this year, suddenly, he showed the truth of his shape, which shocked everyone, as he was only 26 years old, and he reached this success.

In fact, I should be glad to be working under him

But I couldn't!!

He never recognized me

Even though I'm sitting in the library right next to him

How can I not be angry with you?

It's not like I haven't followed him in 6 stupid years!!

Originally, what did you expect from him??

Several years ago, he was just a poor guy who didn't even have enough money to pay his tuition fees

And I was secretly doing several jobs and lent my parents money to pay him the fees secretly

He was a kind person with an aura that was loved by everyone

And he even had a nice clean smile

But after all these years, he became a cold person with a smile that carries a lot of malice and bad

Like the poison in honey

Beautiful smile but maybe you will die because of it and you didn't feel it

I think it's like they say:

Kills others with a smile

His sweet and lovable aura had completely disappeared and was replaced by a chilling, cold, chilling aura

A moment when there is another hand waving in front of me???!!

Oliver angrily:

"You foolish girl I'm talking with you, okay??!"


"Sorry Oliver I have a lot of work and I haven't rested well these days so I can't focus on you"

Oliver smiled angrily:

"Can't you focus on me??

Didn't you rest well??

Come on, I have been with you for two years and I will keep you as if you were my name!

Your eyes have already exposed you, you are almost penetrating that bastard in the library next to you!!"

Point Oliver to my ex-husband's libraryو now he is my boss

Where our library is made of glass so we can see the other side easily

Oh well that's not good at all

Because my boss raised his eyes and looked at us

I quickly yelled at him:

"Oliver, you idiot, put your hand down, he's looking at us"

Oliver shouted angrily:

"Fuck him, no!! I won't put my hand down"

He turned to my boss and shouted angrily:

"You bastard, I don't know what happened between you and A. Lee before, but now she's no longer yours, so don't try to mess with her again."

My boss: ......??!!

There is no response from my boss who simply went back to work ignoring what the angry kid said in front of me

Well, it's not like he's heard anything from Oliver

Don't forget our insulating glass library

So my boss certainly didn't hear any of what Oliver said

Well that's good at least Oliver won't die by his hand

Oliver cried out in anger, almost flying with anger because he was already jumping like an angry monkey:

"The bastard pretends he doesn't care??

Just a poser, don't think you're cool because you took half our stock

blah blah blah blah"

Well, I'm not in the mood to tell you what this kid is saying!!

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