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The Mafia’s Possession

The Mafia’s Possession



Camila Castellano has what it takes to run a business. Youngest daughter of the most influential business analyst in the country. One mistake is enough to lead the company to it's downfall. A hard earned business that was there for years. Camila was left with no choice but to seek help from her biggest enemy Antonio Di Salvatore. The leader of the biggest casino in the country. Antonio was known as the Dagger Don due to the dangerous aura lurking around him. He knew no rules for he set the rules. He know who to cut loose when they no longer serve a purpose to him. The moment Camila, daughter of his biggest rival walked into his office seeking for his help, he knew he has gotten an opportune of killing two birds with one stone even if that entails getting his hands dirty than they already are.

Chapter 1 Prologue

Camila The room was at its peak as heavy silence hugged the surrounding putting everyone in the room into a state of anticipation. My palms were consciously resting on my thigh as I tried as much as I can to stay calm. I knew nothing pleasant will come out of the unlikely meeting the very first step I took inside the office. From the start he knew his plans. He knew what he'd gain when the agreement come to action. I didn't realize I was clutching my dress until I felt my father's warm hand on mine. I managed to force out a smile which didn't reach my eyes.

I wouldn't be in the situation if he didn't get involved with the wrong people. I wouldn't have come face to face with my biggest enemy. I wouldn't have let my guard down and have someone whom I hate with so much guts in me decide my life. And most of all, I wouldn't have reach to the stage of selling my pride and dignity in the hands of another. "Miss Camila Castellano, I'm going to ask you again. Do you accept Antonio Di Salvatore as your husband?" The voice of the lawyer revamped to my eardrums. For a moment, I felt like everything was a dream. Finding myself at a fence less wall with no escape. Every woman's dream it to marry someone who will love, respects and protects her dignity. However, I have no right to have that dream. I know the moment I scribble down my signature on the white paper, I'd sell away my freedom. As funny as it may sound, there's no way to back out. We've already gone far and not when multiple eyes were on me. I was the only hope. The only option my father has to save his company. My father squeezed my hand under the table as a means of assurance. My eyes averted from the lawyer to Antonio whose lips was curved up into a smile. He's clearly enjoying whatever is going on. He knew I have no way out. By the side was his father. Caesar Di Salvatore who is no difference from his son. They have one Ideal thing in common. Dangerous. Yet, I'm getting into that danger to save my family. "Camila" My father hushed beside me bringing me out of the reverie I ventured into. I inhaled in a sharp breath my eyes were fixated on his dark hazel ones. "Yes. I, Camila Castellano Valerio accepts Antonio Di Salvatore as my husband" I chanted like a poem. The broad smile on his face widened. He got what he wanted. "Do you Antonio Di Salvatore accepts Camila Castellano as your wife?" The question was then directed at him. He leaned over intertwining his hands together. To see how his dark eyes were piercing through my skull. "Yes I do. Till death do us apart" As the words slipped out of his lips, it gave me a danger chills. Somehow his words held other meaning. "Both of you should sign this and you'd be legally husband and wife" The pen was passed over by my brother who was consciously quite all the while. He hated the idea. Yet, he has no other way out. We are all powerless. I weakly scribble out my signature. There's no more delaying. It had already happened. The document was passed on to him and his scribble his signature too. "Congratulation. You're now husband and wife" The lawyer pronounce. I could hear the sigh of relief that erupt out of my father's lips. However, I couldn't bring myself to even exhale a sharp breath. I was already hopeless. I watched as the two family exchanged handshake. "Rest assure Mr. Castellano your company is safe now" Antonio's father uttered with a small smile. And at that moment, I became invisible. My service was no longer needed. I have played my part but then I was stucked with a dangerous man. We were handed a copy of the signed document and the marriage certificate. My eyes lingers on my signature. How just by a slip of my hand, my life has changed. The dream I once had of getting that glamorous wedding with the love of my life has been shattered. None of that has happened. It was a marriage of convenience. To save my family. "Congratulations Mrs. Salvatore" Antonio profound beside me. That was when I noticed we were the only ones in the room. "Least you have forgotten me signing a marriage contract with you doesn't mean I signed myself away or my family" I seethe. I was about to turn on my heels to walk out when he yanked me back. In a split second, I found my back colliding with the nearest wall and a pair of dark eyes burning through my skull. "Don't you dare walk out on me when I'm talking to you. I will be the one to decide what I want to do with your life. To control it or destroy it" My body shudder at his threatening words. The pain from how tightly he held my hands was beginning to get unbearable. His face was mere inch away from mine. The look in his eyes was dangerous. I could imagine how my life will be leaving in the same roof with him. "Do you get what I'm saying!" He exclaimed grabbing my cheeks with his fingers. This time around a wince escaped me as I felt a sharp pain on my cheekbone. I nodded in answer not having the strength to talk. He release his hold from my wrist giving some distance between us. "You and I are legally married. That means you will respect me and do everything I say. I've already promise to save your father's company and I will fulfil that. You are the exchange for the deal. So behave yourself" I watched as he walk out of the office. The sound of his footsteps echoing all over. I slumped down on the floor as everything began replaying in my head. Most especially his words which were nothing but dangerous threats. Will there be happiness in my life again? Will I be able to live a normal life like before? When I'm chained with a dangerous mafia leader Antonio Di Salvatore.

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