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The Mafia’s Possession

Chapter 2 1

Word Count: 1156    |    Released on: 03/10/2022

xecute my task perfectly. Which is why I'm always swamped with proposals everyday. At time work is hectic. Having to engage in one thing for almost twenty hours of the day. Nevertheless, I love what I

's name flashed across the screen. Only if he knew how eager I was to get to the restaurant. Yet, I know I have to pick up the call. "Hello Father" I commenced as I placed the phone to my ear. "Meet me at the company" And the line went dead silence. I stared at the phone in confusion. What is it about? I know he doesn't call me during working hours and when he do, there's something. Judging by the tone of his voice, it must be important. I decided to grab something on my way. I formed my hand into a fist and knock on the door getting an immediate response. As I stepped in, I was greeted with a cold aura. Not because of the air conditioner that was splitting through the room, but the way the room was dead silent as if someone passed away. As I marched forward and grab my seat on the visitor's chair, my eyes shifted to my brother. The expression on his face was blank likewise that of my father. "Is everything okay?" I couldn't help asking my eyes darting to the two in question. "We have a big problem Camila" Father said. His hands were intertwined together as he focus his gaze on me. "What problem father?" "Our company is in turmoil. We are losing our shares. I don't know how it happened but we lost a huge amount already" I didn't miss how my heart escalate at the news. I know how hard my father worked to get the company to where it is currently. The most important thing he put focus on is the shares making sure nothing goes wrong. It has never happened before. How did that happen? "How did it happen? What's the current situation?" "Like I said we have no idea. Our team are working on it. But the shares keeps dropping. I'm afraid things might go wrong" Nervousness was plastered all over his face. I know he's holding himself back. "We have to find a solution. We can't wait for the team to give u

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