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The Billionaire's Love Feud

The Billionaire's Love Feud

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A love feud between two men who hate each other but can't keep their hands away from each other. Billionaire CEO Xavier kings is everything you would ever need in a man, he's rich, sexy, commands attention and have literally everyone falling at his feet. Xavier has three goals in life, making a lot of money, pleasing his father and annoying the hell out of Kamden who has refused to yield to him. Dr. Kamden Sinclair, the most handsome doctor in Sinclair memorial has only one goal and that is to never bow before anyone, especially the one who calls himself Xavier King, who also happens to be his childhood archenemies. A situation forces them together revealing their inner most secrets that they would rather keep away from each other. After a kiss, Xavier is hell bent on making Kamden his own, only if the man would just yield to him. will Kamden let go of his feud just to love and yield to the sexy Billionaire, or will Xavier be denied of his hearts desires?.

Chapter 1 In the beginning

Kamden's POV

“ Xavier pushed me from behind father!” Kamden Sinclair shouted with teary eyes, pointing to the subject of his accusation, Xavier King, the second son of Xanthus king, owner of kings Empire. The aloof, cold, manipulative Xavier stood at the corner with his hands folded across his chest, glaring at him.

His family had been invited to attend the end of the year party at the King's mansion, 'fortress’ as many chose to call it. He could understand why Xavier picked on and bullied others. it was because they were beneath him.

His father’s company, Kings Empire contributed about fifty percent of the country’s economy, doing business in every sphere of the world and venturing into industries that other companies saw as risks, they were that wealthy. There was nobody who didn’t know the kings.

Every one of their friends and classmates might fear and try to butter Xavier, but he didn’t. He bit his lips, trying to see if his innocent looks would help him out this time around.

His father, Dr. Rhett Sinclair stared at him with a hard glare disbelievingly. What he would give for his father to believe him right now, but the reverse seemed to be the case as nobody dared to accuse the son of the host, a King, that he was behind the mess that Kamden was currently standing in, if anything, the evidence was all pointing to him.

Rhett stared at his son, shaking his head, “ I can’t see how Kamden… “ he said with an exasperated tone, adjusting his tie.

Kamden looked around for anyone who would believe him right now, but none believed him, rather they thought he did it, while the idiot who had pushed him was standing in the corner looking all goody two shoes.

He blinked back the tears threatening to fall down his eyes, because far it be from him that he would cry in front of Xavier, “ I’m telling the truth father, Xavier pushed me from behind… “ he tried again this time, hoping that his father would believe him.

“Hush Kamden!” his father scolded, regarding him with a disappointing look before turning around to face his friend, Xanthus king.

“ I’m really sorry about this mess Xanthus, I don’t know what came over him… “ his father apologized.

Xanthus chuckled, clamping his father on his shoulder, “ it’s not a problem… we can take care of this mess,” the man said waving the cleaners forward.

Kamden looked at the mess he had created, the whole eight tier of cake was on the floor, destroyed and ruined and he was the cause. He sighed, he had ruined a perfectly good desert, one that he had been longing to have a bite of the moment he had seen the cake.

It had started off as a simple curious look, and then he had gone closer to have a taste by scooping the icing with his finger, it was just a bit and no one would notice, he had thought when he brought his finger with the sugary icing to his mouth.

Well, someone had caught him and he had reacted when the person had touched him. He didn’t know how he suddenly lost his balance, but the next thing he saw was that he was falling and dragging the cake down with him. When he saw who it was that was behind him, he had been certain that Xavier had pushed him.

Kamden gave himself a cursory gaze, before He turned to glare at Xavier King who was standing there looking all innocent as if he didn’t know what he had just done. Xavier met his eyes and gave him a sly grin, a smirk to only people that knew who the real Xavier King was, and he fell under that category.

Kamden did not know what overtook him, maybe it was the anger at seeing Xavier giving him a sly grin, all he had wanted to do was wipe that smirk off Xavier’s face. He closed the short distance between them and threw a punch at Xavier. The boy had been surprised at first since he had not seen it coming, but Xavier recovered quickly and grabbed him by his collar.

They had both not anticipated the slippery floor when they decided to throw punches and grab each other, because a moment later, he and Xavier was on the cake covered floor having a fist fight between each other.

Xavier punched him hard on the face, close to his eyes, it sure was going to hurt after this, though he was glad that his other eye was okay to see the blow he rendered on Xavier’s jaw.

“ ouch!” Xavier cried out.

This was certainly not the first time they were fighting with each other, but this was certainly the first time they were doing it in front of their fathers and thousands of people.

“ Shit!” he heard someone curse, but he was too busy trying to save his face from Xavier’s hits to find out who had the guts to curse in an audience of corporate men and women.

Kamden felt a sharp blow to his side, Xavier had kicked him with his leg, pushing him off.

Kamden was about to retaliate with a kick of his own when his father - he knew it was the man because no one had that strong grip over him, plus he knew his father’s scent, any day, anytime, pulled him away from Xavier.

“ Stop this Kamden! “ His father shouted at him, dragging him a good distance away from his target. He briefly saw Xavier’s brother, Xander, pulling Xavier to his feet and dragging him away too.

“ he started it dad!, After pushing me into the cake, he went ahead to… “ he started to say when his father cut off his speech.

“ oh shut up and spare me your words!,” Rhett said abruptly to his son.

He wisely kept his mouth shut as he watched his father turn around as if looking for someone, “ take him out of here and wait for me outside! “ his father said, pointing at his elder brother, Kendrix, who had suddenly appeared from wherever he had been.

Kamden silently allowed his brother to pull him out of the room, it was going to be embarrassing if he was to walk out alone, but instead of going outside the king’s mansion as their father instructed, Kendrix took the left hallway.

He didn’t even have the strength to argue or ask his brother where he was dragging him off to, he just followed, hoping that his brother wasn’t going to give him one of his 'act like a Sinclair' lectures. His whole body was in pain and it was only his pride that was keeping him from screaming out loud.

Kendrix pushed a large door open and not so graciously threw him inside the room. He rolled his eyes, looking around the room. The white tiled wall was indicative of the fact that his brother had brought him to one of the restrooms in the king’s mansion.

“ Clean yourself up!, Mom is going to throw a fit if she sees you like that and trust me, I don’t want to hear her talk about your unruly behavior this night, hearing dad berate you is going to be more than enough.!” Kendrix told him.

Kamden sighed, looking away and at the mirror. He sucked in a breath, was this how he looked like. This was a national embarrassment for him.

‘holy cow', he thought, staring at his reflection on the wide mirror, he looked like a mess. His hair was sticking out in different directions, different from the perfectly styled hair he had walked into the mansion with that night. His black tuxedo was an apology, it had layers of colored icing sticking to it.

His face?, Oh don’t even go there, he was sure that come morning, it was going to bruise and he would have to live with the consequences of tonight’s actions for days before his face returned to normal.

He sighed, taking off his jacket and turning on the tap. He winced as he scooped water washing his face, wrong move, because his face hurts like hell.

“ I would leave the face if I were you… “ his brother muttered from the corner.

He caught the glare his brother had given him on the mirror before choosing to just wash himself off and leave his face for now.

Kamden heard a knock on the door and looked up at the mirror when his brother answered the door.

“ how is he?” he heard Xander ask, why couldn’t Xavier be as kind as his brother, he thought. If he was, and not so full of himself, maybe they would have been friends.

Kendrix sighed, “ Bad, and Xavier?” his brother asked.

“ In pains…” Xander relayed.

Kamden smirked, if Xavier was in pain, then this had been worth it. Gone were the days when he would let the boy get away with his actions.

Even though he knew he was going to regret his actions today, especially after his parents descended on him, he was happy that at least he wouldn’t be the only one suffering that night.

Xavier was going to sure feel the pains of trying to bully him. still, he couldn’t help but wonder how the boy was going to fare that night.

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