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They say hell has no fury for a woman whose love is scorned. A GAMER GIRL'S ULTIMATE REVENGE talks about Angela's path of vengeance against the leader of one of the most powerful squad clans in a game she once loved. In the past, they had been best of friends. However, because Angela refuses his advances towards her, Jefferson sets out to make her life a living hell causing her to go off the radar. Soon, Angela returns back once again with one goal in mind. To bring down Jefferson's entire clan and pull him down. However in her request for revenge, Angela also finds love with the help of the one of the one who stayed by her side..


"Angela! Angela!" Angela heard her mom shout her name loudly.

Nevertheless, she made no move to get up or answer her mom at all. She was seated on her long black gaming chair with her headsets on. Even with her headsets on, there was no way she could block out her mother's loud voice. Suddenly, the door opened and Angela turned losing focus for a moment.

"Game? You refused to answer me only because you were playing a game? What is wrong with you?" Angela heard her mother ask. What she didn't expect was that her mother had come with her infamous black belt.

Getting up from the chair, Angela ran up climbing her bed. Even though her bed was high, Angela knew it wasn't going to save her from the fury of her mother.

"Just imagine what you are doing. You are supposed to be studying and yet here you are, playing games. I'm just going to!" Angela heard her mother say as her mother lifted her keyboard up. Even without her mother saying what she was going to do next, Angela knew her mother was going to smash it.

"Mother!" Angela said falling to her knees on her bed begging.

It had cost her a lot to buy the entire full gaming set needed to help her play almost any game she wanted. For the sake of her games, she was even willing to entire debts.

"What? Are you going to hang yourself if I break any of them? Angela, aren't you being too much?" Angela heard her mother say and closed her eyes not saying anything except a prayer in her heart.

She wasn't a full hardcore Christian. However at this moment, God was the only person she could think about when her mother was involved.

"Don't you want to leave this house? How long do you want to stay here leaving your life in front of screen? Your mates are already in college!" Angela heard her mom say and it suddenly sparked something in her.

Standing up, Angela came down from her bed dragging the keyboard from her mother's hand.

"Are you done?" Angela asked changing into a completely different person.

"What?" Angela's mom asked suprised by the change of attitude in Angela.

"You have said what you wanted to say. I've heard it too. If you'll excuse me." Angela said pointing to her blue painted door.

"You are so rude." Angela heard her mom say before she walked away.

Falling back to her gaming chair, Angela sighed as she looked at her monitor. She had just downloaded the lastest trending game and was excited about playing it. That was before her mother decided to badge in and ruin her mood. It was something she also thought about. Being able to go to college just like the rest of her friends. It wasn't that she hadn't studied hard enough. It was just that the system had not favoured her. After being the best student in her class, she couldn't make it to college.

"Why did she have to remind me about my problems?" Angela said murmuring under her breath as she sighed.

Later in the evening, the entire family gathered for dinner. Walking to the dining room, Angela went straight to the cupboard where the plates were kept. Her mother was a stay at home wife. Not that her mother had planned it that way. Things just didn't work out the way they wanted.

"All of you should come and eat." Angela's mom said loudly with her voice echoing loud in the room.

Even if her other siblings didn't want to eat, they had no choice. Because of their mother, everyone was always seated to eat at the dining table. Few minutes later, Angela laughed as she looked around knowing that her point had been proven.

"Let's pray." Angela heard her mother say making all of them bow their heads.

When they were done with prayer, Angela looked back looking at her room. She had left because she was downloading the resources for the new game that she had gotten. Her mother would never allow her to go back to the room with food. Standing up, Angela turned around to leave when she suddenly heard the loud sound of the table.

"Where are you going? Have you finished eating?" Angela heard her mom ask and turned around looking at her sisters for help.

She had three sisters in total. Three of them had graduated from college earlier leaving her remaining. Her two elder sisters had continued their education wanting to gain further experience while her remaining elder sister did nothing but to annoy her daily. This time, all three of them had gathered because they came back to visit. She had looked at them for help but none of them answered.

"I'm done eating. You guys can continue." Angela said smiling as she turned around to leave.

"Stop misbehaving and come and eat. You know that she would get angry. Why wouldn't you respect yourself?" Angela heard her sister, Stephanie say.

Looking back, Angela stared at her sister angrily. She had expected them to help her out but who was she kidding? They were more loyal to their mother than their own lives. What did she mean by this? If someone asked them to choose between their lives and their mother who they'll save? They would definitely choose their mother.

Stephanie was the eldest in the family. She was also the most calm person in the family too. Stephanie and Stella had very conflicting personalities yet they were twin sisters who loved each other very much. No one could get a secret out of those two if they chose not to tell anyone. While Stephanie was very calm, Stella was easily irritated. It was very easy to deal with Stephanie and get out of her trouble but definitely not Stella.

Glancing at Stella, Angela watched as Stella signaled her not to dare disobey Stephanie. You can say Stella was the hidden force behind Stephanie. Seeing Stella's angry gaze, Angela sighed returning back to the table. Picking up her fork, Angela started eating.

Hours later, she was already full. Returning back to her room, Angela locked the door before lying down. What exactly was her greatest nightmare? Having all her sisters at once in the house. Why? Because they were all extremely annoying. Even then, it wasn't like she could lock them out of the house. For now, the best way to escape her problems was to sleep. Tomorrow, she would come up with a perfect plan to deal with them.

The next day, Angela woke up to the sound of the loud knock on her door. Heading to the door, Angela opened the door watching as her mother came to her view.

"You are still sleeping? At this time?" Angela heard her mom ask as her mother's gaze went straight to her gaming table.

"I was. What do you think I was doing?" Angela asked rubbing her eyes.

Watching her mother glare at her, Angela watched her mother leave the room returning back to the parlor. This time, she was actually grateful that her time. Since she couldn't go to school as she wanted, Angela had picked interest in order things. Heading to the shower, Angela pulled off her clothes leaving them outside her bedroom as she turned on the shower to take a bath. Few minutes later, Angela walked back into the room drying her hair with a towel. Passing by the mirror once, Angela stopped returning back to the mirror to look at herself.

Her body. It was something that she had always been ashamed of all her life. When she was little, she thought they had called her "mama" because she was the last child in the family. Growing up, she realized it was because she was plus sized. Being plus sized was something that ran in the family being that her two elder sisters were also like that. Nevertheless, she hated it. Due to the too fat on her body, her sides started to have folds. She once told herself that she would lose weight when she entered college. When it didn't happen, it became her reason for gaining more fat. Stress eating.

"What are you doing? You aren't that bad." Angel told herself as she looked at her body in the mirror.

Leaving the mirror before she became even more sadder, Angela out on her clothes and headed downstairs leaving the house. Unlike most people that complained about the cost of transportation, Angela didn't. Doing the one job she loved more than gaming was worth it.

"Hello." Angela said waving her hand as she entered the room.

What was that dream job? Of course it was related to gaming. Her work was to check all the equipments of the gamers that came to play at the company were she worked. There company, Shadow Gamers dealt with providing the venues and arrangements for gaming competition.

"What game is being played today?" Angela heard her supervisor, Allen ask.

Actually, she had downloaded the game as soon as she heard it had been released.

"Realm of Heroes and Villains. It is a MOBA game that has just been released. They are coming here to test the game before it is released." Angela said filling her supervisor in.

In her workplace, many people depended on her. For the first time, she felt like she had been cherished for what she loved. She wasn't a high executive but yet she was more valuable that those that sat down in a high chair looking at a great view. That's was what she felt.

"I see. Has everything been tested out? There must not be any mistake on our side. Make sure that all the softwares are up to date." Angela heard her supervisor say to the computer engineers that followed him behind.

Few hours later, Angela heard the alarm sound making them aware of the fact that people were arriving. Four black cars arrived in front of their company building parking. Watching as the doors opened, Angela smiled as she saw all of them step out in black suits carrying suitcases. Even the women that followed were dressed in corporate black suits. There was just something proud about seeing women dressed in black suits the way men did whenever they wanted to show power.

"Good morning!" Angela heard her superiors say as they bowed their head waiting for their visitors to enter.

Angela watched in excited as she watched the people in black enter. The company they had come from was Heroes Intel Corp. Angela had heard a lot of about them as they had taken the game industry by suprise. All their games had good graphics and they had been loved by any and eveyone. Watching them head upstairs, Angela gripped the folder she had been holding tightly as she watched them head upstairs where the game was supposed to be tested. Looking at her team, Angela signaled towards the people that had just gone up.

"Get some snacks and serve them. They will need it. Don't forget some drinks too. Use all the information that we have gathered on them to serve them well." Angela siad watching as they nodded their heads leaving.

Didn't she look like one of the most important staffs? She wasn't. Her team was in charge of cleaning and attending to visitors. It was such a low position yet she didn't care as long as she got her income and was able to get free games. Heading to where all the major staffs had gathered, Angela watched as their computer engineers set up the computers in which Heroes Intel Corp was supposed to use.

It was finally time. She had managed to download the game because she had hacked into her supervisor's computer and gained access to the site ahead of time. The game was still yet to be released yet it was trending worldwide which made things even more exciting.

"Is everything okay? Let's start." Angela heard a man whom she assumed was the team leader of the people that came from Heroes Intel Corp.

All their members nodded their heads putting on their computer and Angela heard the game sound smiling happily. They had even used TXT's Good Boy Gone Bad as the intro song.

"Angela! Angela Edwards! Please come to room 201 on the second floor." Angela heard her name being called through the speakers making her sigh in defeat as she turned around leaving the room.

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