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Mafia'a Obsessive Desire

Mafia'a Obsessive Desire



"This is wrong…." She whimpered,pleasure consuming her. "You want me as much as I want you,give in to your desires princess and I'll make feel so fucking good that you won't ever want another man to touch you." He whispered huskily making her core throb. That was what she was afraid of,that when he was done with her,she would be left alone and broken. —--------- Vanessa Copper was a happy-go-lucky,naive 18 years old delicate girl.Who was raised with high morals and ethics.She was raised by a single mother and she had really high self respect.She didn't know she was a desire of a heartless Mafia for whom nothing mattered but her body. Alexandra Isonav was a ruthless arrogant and cold hearted Mafia who could care less about less.All he cared about was P.M.S:Power,Money,Sex. Will Vanessa's innocence be able to bring warmness in his cold heart. Or would he destroy her completely in the process.

Chapter 1 Prologue


"Boss,We got a problem.You need to come to the basement." A harsh voice came through the phone that I was holding next to my ear.

"I am coming." I replied to my second in command.I didn't like his tone.It told me something was really bad.His nervousness made me to wonder because Victor was a tough son of a bitch and if something got him riled up then it was something big.Something that I wouldn't like.

I got up from my chair,and walked out of the room.I saw a few of my men in the hallway and bowed their heads in respect as I walked by.Even though they were my men,I commanded respect from all of them.

As I walked into the dark hallway that led to the basement.I felt my body tensed up.The air around me was rigid and my steps were hard against the silence,as I prepared himself for the worst.

When I opened the door,the first person that I noticed was Victor.He was leaning against the wall,his head cast down in defeat.He looked lost and so deep in his thoughts,that didn't think he even heard me to enter.I cleared my throat to bring Victor in reality.Victor immediately looked up and bowed.

Victor's face was filled with horror and disgust.

"Boss,it's bad." Victor said as he pointed towards the room.I started walking towards the room,leading the way while Victor fell into steps behind me.

I stomped inside to find a bruised and bloodied man strapped to a chair that was placed in the middle of the empty room.There were five of my men standing around that man.All were my right men.

I didn't recognize the captive but when that man looked up at me,his eyes were filled with terror.As I got closer,that man's already paled face twisted in pain.That man squirmed in the chair when his nightmare came to stop in front of him.

"What the fuck is going on?" My voice boomed around the room.I didn't take my eyes off from that man but when I saw him flinched.Satisfaction coursed through my body.The fucker better be petrified.

Victor walked around him.He grabbed the captive's hair and pulled hard until his neck snapped back painfully.The man screamed and started to trash around.

I lifted my eyes from the battered captive to meet Viktor's disgusted eyes.

"The fucker betrayed us.I heard him spelling information over the phone to the enemy.The fucking Italians.He is working for them."Victor growled.

I looked down at the man and his eyes were closed,refusing to look at me.The anger that took over my body was undecriptable.How dare that fucking man to betray ME.The.The Mafia.Boss.

Nobody betrayed me and got away with it easily.I trusted all my men.They were my family but when one of my own betrayed me ,they would pay the only way that was acceptable.

Death.Painful death.

Taking a deep breath and schooling my features,I took a step away from the strapped man.

"Bring me a chair." I yelled.I saw one of his men scrambling back,doing as I commanded.

"Here you go,Sir." Liam said a minute later.He placed the chair behind his boss and bowed his head and stepped away.

The Mafia sat down and faced the mother fucker.The betrayer opened his eyes and stared directly at me.My temper flared.I leaned forward and snarled into his face "Why?"

He started shaking but refused him to answer.I looked up and signaled to Victor.He let the man go and walked towards the table at the back of the room.He came back with a cutter in his hand.

I smiled maliciously and leaned back against the chair,crossing my arms at my chest.

"Now let the fun begin." I said as I nodded at Viktor.

As Victor get to work,the man's screams filled the room.Blood dripped all over the floor but i kept my gaze fixed on him the whole time.When I saw the man started to lose consciousness,i raised my head.Victor instantly stopped his torturous ministrations.

Leaning forward again, I asked "Why and Who?"

I laughed and he glared at me.Victor leaned forward and punched the man "Show respect."

"I will ask one last time.Why and who?" I said menacingly as I took his face in my hand.I pressed my fingers hard into his cheek until blood oozed badly from his wound.

When the man still didn't answer,i let his face go and stood up as I pushed my chair away.I wasn't going to get my hands dirty that time But that man strapped against the chair in front of me,forced my hand,the rest of my men needed to see me get my hands dirty.They needed to see me how brutal I could be.How brutal I actually was!

Maybe they had forgotten who the fuck actually I was.I was the fucking Russian Mafia Boss.

I was feared by all and nobody fucking betrayed me.

Walking towards the table,I took the pliers in my hand.As I walked back,all the man took a step back.Victor smiled and shook his head because that was his boss.Victor was proud seeing me like that.

Victor grabbed the man's head and held it still against the chair's headrest.I stood in front of him and roughly grabbed his chin not caring if I hurt him.I forced his mouth open and held the pliers to his teeth.

The man tried to scream but I didn't give him a chance.It took me hours to be satisfied and when i was done,he was no longer breathing.



The weather was very bad and weather forecasting was telling us that there were full chances of heavy rain and snowfall in an hour.I was sitting in my college cafeteria along with my friend Laura as we got done with our school for that day.Many other students were also waiting there as the weather had turned terribly bad all of a sudden.Heavy rain was falling and there was a high alert of heavy snowfall in my city.

"Gosh!I was supposed to meet my boyfriend."Laura whined in annoyance.I rolled my eyes at her.A cloud bursted out loudly,making everyone gasp.I looked at the glass window of the cafeteria and saw the rain turning more abrupt.

My azure eyes gazed at the sky which had turned grey and was about to turn more dark,even at the time of noon.

A sense of sadness emerged into my heart because I saw everyone getting a call from their family members but I had no one who would worry about me.It made me feel so much worse that eyes automatically started drenching.

After more than 15 minutes,I was standing at the window of the cafeteria.I exhaled a heavy breath and leaned my head against the glass until my eyes fell on something.

A tiny brown puppy was slowly walking on the ground of her college.It was shivering badly and my chest tightened in fear by watching the shine lights scattering all over the sky vigorously.

Without thinking twice,I took out my umbrella from my bag and decided to rescue that little puppy.

"Hey,Vanessa, where are you going?Teacher had strictly warned us to stay inside the College premises until the rain stopped."

I stopped in my tracks hearing my friend's warning.

"Laura,don't worry, I am not going out of the college and I will be back in a minute."I told her and before my friend could query further,i dashed out from there.

The force of the wind was so abrupt that I felt like my umbrella would blow away from my hold.I gripped that tightly.

I wasn't able to open my eyes properly because the wind and rain were very vigorous.

Slowly and slowly,I reached that puppy which was shivering in its place but as soon as I bent down to pick it up,It started running away from me in fear.

My eyes widened,watching it running towards the college gate.I started following it because I couldn't let anything harm to that innocent life.I ran behind that.Laura became worried seeing me running after a puppy.She shouted

"Come back right now Vanessa,I am telling you." She was really tensed and I didn't care about anything but that poor innocent life.Laura was cursing me continuously for running after that puppy in that weather.

My umbrella had fallen from my hand.My entire body had drenched with rain but I continued to follow that puppy until a cloud bursted out loudly which made me scream and halted in my place.I saw the puppy was stopped at the middle of the road and was eating something.I smiled but that smile didn't last long because after few seconds I saw a car was coming very speedily towards the Puppy.I jumped and held the puppy tightly in my arms but it made me hit with the car very badly.I fall on the floor.My eyes started getting blurry.The last thing I saw the puppy was barking and was caressing my head with his paw.I smiled widely because at the end I saved an innocent life which worth to be lived in this cruel world…

A/Q:One wouldn't hesitate to take someone's life and where the other one wouldn't mind to give her life to save anyone.Let's see how they were going to cross their path and what destiny had stored for them by the way who saved Vanessa?

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Mafia'a Obsessive Desire