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Chapter 1 The ad quo

Mabel was the only child of late Mr. Luke, they grew up in the extreme part of Lagos. Her mother Mrs. Luke works hard to make sure that she and her daughter don't starve. So to help matters, she opened a small canteen opposite her house and sold food There.

She was at work when her daughter Mabel rushed in happily with a brown envelope in her hands. She was belated and her mother became curious to know what made her daughter who was angry some hours ago happy. She, first of all, calmed her down and gave her water to cool off.

"So my daughter, can you tell me why you are this happy? Did someone give you money?" she asked out of curiosity.

She looked at her mother who was now anxiously waiting for her to speak, but instead of a reply, she gave her mother the envelope. The mother was scared and thought that maybe her daughter had gotten pregnant out of wedlock.

She opened the parcel and read it for some time and stared at her daughter. She was happy for her daughter. " Wow" was all that escaped her mouth as she hugged her daughter. Finally, she wasn't going to work herself out again before her daughter goes to school.

She has got a scholarship to Orbit high school! She sat in for their exams and God was so helpful she made it as a top 1 candidate. Her mother's joy knew no bounds, she was beyond happy.


The whole students lined up at the assembly ground, while one of the senior students was leading them. The Ss3 had gone on an excursion to the post of responsibility given to the SS2 for the meantime as they awaited their return.

Smith Alexis was one of the richest guys in Orbit high school, one of the top schools in Nigeria at then. He was known far and wide and loved by both the principal and the teachers. He had helped in winning a lot of quizzes and adding reputation to the school in terms of sports.

Mabel was rushing in quickly and she didn't notice the hives of seniors standing by the gate, to her she had no business with them. She has not been admitted so they had nothing to do with each other. She was in such a hurry that she accidentally bumped into someone making the two of them fall to the ground.

She tried to apologize but what greeted her was a resounding slap. She became furious and slapped him back with all her strength making his cheeks turn to soar red, Smith was angry and he began hitting her and that act alone ensured them into a hot fight.

The whole students at the assembly ground couldn't concrete again as their gaze was on them. They were all furious at Mabel and still didn't go to help, what happened later was the intervention of Mr. Godwin. A junior student went to call him before the duo got crazy.

"You two, to the principal's office" he instructed them immediately as they left.

Smith tried to explain but Mr. Godwin was interested in hearing at all. If they needed time to explain that, they should be in the principal's office. One thing Mabel did not know was that whenever you're requested in the principal's office it means trouble, that's why Smith was trying to explain.


" That girl just bought herself something she won't finish in a hurry" Mitchell yanked

"She must be the new scholarship student I guess" Xena guessed

"Whether new or not, her coming here would be her worst nightmare," Annie said grinning evilly.

The three were in the same class as Smith and Annie, well-known as his girlfriend although they never seemed together. Annie was the Queen of her gang and was also beautiful, she was feared by the juniors and some of the ss3 saw her as a threat. They avoided her like a thorn in their skins, plus the fact the principal was also her mother.

She could easily set you up and frame you for what you didn't do. She wasn't in a good mood after she saw how Mabel embarrassed herself alongside Smith, literal anger was all over her face and it affected her whole mood.


Mrs. Jamieson was on her seat reading her newspaper before the students and teacher stormed inside. She was a little bit pissed off for them bargaining without knocking.

She raised her head and then coughed gently which meant what happened?

"Mr. Godwin what's this all about" she inquired pointing at the two people

" Ma'am am sorry to disturb you, it was brought to my notice that this girl was harassing Smith which resulted in a fight between them " he explained

She faced Smith and Mabel and said looking at Smith ``smith is this how you are supposed to treat strangers, If you knew more" she spoke, and then she faced Mabel.

"Miss Mabel Luke Spencer, is this how you plan to behave here at orbit high, this school is known for its good moral standards we don't tolerate any kind of wayward behavior here, hope you understand me" she warned her strictly.

Mr. Godwin was shocked!

Mabel was the only candidate that passed all their exams without a B in her score. He thought maybe she was from a rich family, it never occurred to him that one dirty-looking young girl was the one behind the score. Anyways he still greeted and reprimanded both of them after the Principal had finished cautioning them.

As they were about to leave the office, Mabel remembered what they brought, and then she asked the principal how she could get all the necessary details and other stuff.

The principal who had also forgotten about that too smiled and she asked smith to take Mabel to the bursar's office. Smith was annoyed that principal Jamieson ordered him to take her to that place

But who was he not to obey her?

"Follow me," he told Mabel sluggishly as he opened the door for her to pass. Anyways, that's how a gentleman should behave.


Smith and Mabel walked down to the bursar's office and none said a word to each. Mabel was the only one who stole glances at Smith who was visibly angry even though he was trying to fake a smile as they went. As they moved she looked at his baby face and discovered that she had injured him. What? She asked herself.

But little did she know that she was in for the worst at orbit high. One was that she had touched the man of the school and his multiple crushes wouldn't allow her to drink water before dropping her cup. She thought maybe Smith was a junior student and maybe she could just find a school mother before Smith harassed her.

She was still in her thoughts before someone greeted them and then she discovered that she was in trouble itself.

"Good morning senior smith" a girl who she knew was a junior greeted him.

"What's good about the morning, will you get out of my sight you jerk" Smith flared at the young girls who were almost dying at the harshness of his voice. She was pissed off and wanted to intervene but had to keep shut because she was soon going to be in that same state.

And then he turned to her

"As for you, don't think you are free, this is just the beginning dear. You are welcome to orbit high, the office is by your left" he told her as he smiled with an evil grim.

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